When the sound fell, a group of deputy generals burst the pot.

"Is the old emperor ill and confused? We finally won the war. It's a good time to fight in the north desert with high morale. It's crazy to call the general to the capital at this time!"

"It's more than crazy. Calling the general back at this time makes it clear that he wants to send the border cities to the north desert!"

"Let the brothers risk their lives to fight. They didn't give a few silver and didn't eat enough. It's not easy to win the war. They have to call the master away at this critical time. Does the old emperor think the throne of the Zhao family has been sitting too long?"

"Speak carefully!" he Yu's face changed and said in a deep voice: "don't think the emperor is far away. You can say it casually!"

"I think someone in the imperial capital is playing tricks." Deputy General Zhang thought for a moment and then said, "the northern desert can't beat us. Just do something else behind our backs. The old emperor won't call the general back to Beijing for no reason. I'm afraid there's some conspiracy here."

For a moment, everyone looked at Xie Heng with a nervous face. There was no relaxed appearance of laughing just now.

"Why are you looking at this general like this?" Xie Heng threw the letter fold in his hand into the brazier.

The fire instantly devoured the paper and burned it into fly ash.

Xie Heng held his hand, raised his eyes to the soldier who sent the letter, slightly hooked his lips and asked, "do you like to tie it or cut it?"

"General Xie, spare your life!" the man's face turned white when he heard the speech, and he was about to kneel down with a plop. He begged for mercy again and again: "I'm just here to deliver the letter... I don't know anything else!"

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corners of his eyes and didn't care much. "Then tie it up."

"Order!" the soldiers quickly tied the messenger with hemp rope and dragged it down.

Several deputy generals were confused when they saw general Xie.

Liang Meng couldn't help asking, "general, what do you mean?"

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, With a smile, he asked, "did general Ben ever receive any summons today? Who of you saw it?"

Everyone was stunned.

Zhang Yi responded the fastest, smiled and said, "the general has been telling us how to fight the north desert. No one has ever been here."

He Yu and several deputy generals were left. You look at me and I look at you. Then they laughed and said, "yes, I haven't seen anyone just now."

Deputy General Liang whispered, "the ancients said: you will not be affected by your life outside. It's good for our general to say you didn't hear..."

When Xie Heng heard this, he couldn't help glancing at him.

The rest cast sympathetic eyes on Vice General Liang.

Deputy General Liang's face stiffened and directly turned the conversation, "well done! General Xie is a model of our generation!"

Xie Heng raised his hand and slapped Deputy General Liang on the shoulder. "Stop talking nonsense and continue talking about the terrain!"

"Tell me! I'll tell you right away!" Deputy General Liang reached out and rubbed his shoulder. With a bitter face, he talked to the people about the terrain and the place to be subdued.

Xie Heng lowered his head and looked at the flying ash in the brazier. He couldn't help thinking of his wine.

I don't know what's going on in the imperial capital.

Did ah Jiu receive the letter sent back earlier.

We have to finish the war and go back.

Go home.


Imperial capital.

After living in Wanhua temple for three days, the old emperor took Zhao fan back to the palace to recuperate.

Now he has only such a son around him. All the eldest ministers are very insightful. They have to ask the master's meaning for major and minor matters, as if Zhao fan had been regarded as a prince.

Wenjiu stayed in the house for a few days, but seeing that Zhao fan couldn't spare time to embarrass her for the time being, he disguised himself and went out, swam among the rich families in the surrounding cities, and raised a lot of rice with his business and profits.

As soon as the fourth childe went, there was no trace. She couldn't sit still.

The soldiers at the border and the victims in beizhou couldn't wait.

It was dusk again when I returned to the city that day. I got out of the carriage with warm wine and walked into the door. I was tired and rubbed my eyebrows.

Jin'er quickly stretched out his hand to hold her, and said painfully, "young lady, you've been running for more than half a month. You're going to be tired. Let's have a rest in the house tomorrow."

Wen Jiu smiled and said, "we have settled a deal with the Wang family today. I don't have to worry about rice for the time being. I'm naturally happy to rest in the house."

Jin'er whispered, "you always say that, but once you didn't get up in the dark and sneak out of the house."

Yu Lu echoed: "it's not. It's only been a long time. Madam Shao has lost so much weight. The clothes made some time ago are leaking now."

Warm wine is speechless for a moment.

In her last life, she was so rich that she often forgot to eat when she didn't want to earn money. She didn't care whether she was thin or fat.

A group of maids crowded to the court. As soon as Wen Jiu passed through the corridor, he saw old man Xie sitting under the plum blossom tree with a worried look.

"Ah Jiu is back!" as soon as Mrs. Xie saw the warm wine, she quickly welcomed her and handed her the letter paper in her hand. "You can come back! Someone just sent a letter saying that the emperor sent twelve gold orders to summon Dongfeng back to Beijing. Dongfeng refused to return. The Emperor was angry and wanted to detain the Xie family. Huang Yuwei will arrive immediately. What should I do?"

The three ladies, who had always had great ideas, panicked.

Wen Jiuwen took the letter and looked at it at a glance. His eyes changed slightly.

After Zhao fan gained power, he didn't start at the Xie family immediately. As expected, she thought things too simple.

After staying in the seven Jue tower for so long, did he think about her? She didn't know that she was much better than before. She was so calm and did something big behind her back.

I don't know what method this man used to make the old emperor send a gold medal order to urge Xie Heng to return to Beijing at such a critical time. It's really refreshing for him to leave for three days!

She forced herself to calm down and went to old lady Xie. Wen Sheng asked, "grandma, you take little six, little seven and three uncles and aunts. First go through the secret passage and live in the shelter in the Chuang Tzu I arranged earlier. With me in the house, Huangyu Wei won't break into Xie's house immediately..."

Old lady Xie frowned, "no! You take them and grandma will stay!"

"Grandma!" little six and seven one burst into tears when they heard this, holding old lady Xie's hand from left to right. "Shall we go together? The bad guys haven't come yet, there's time!"

Old lady Xie's eyes are full of reluctance. "Grandma is old. She has seen everything she should see and everything she wants. The only regret is that she didn't see ah Jiu's marriage with Dongfeng with her own eyes..."

Wen Jiu took a deep breath, "today's affairs are all caused by me. I have a deep resentment with Zhao fan, which provoked him to retaliate against the Xie family. If I leave today, he will dig three feet and find me. Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi are still young and can't be implicated by me. Please bother grandma..."

She immediately saluted Mrs. Xie. When she looked up, her eyes were red. "Please take them away first."

I quickly reached out to help her, "ah Jiu, you..."

What else does she want to say.

The young man in front of the court reported, "no! Old lady! Old lady! Suddenly a large number of Huangyu guards came this way and surrounded our Xie house!"

When they heard the speech, their faces changed.

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