Wen Jiu said anxiously, "Zhao Fan said long ago that he would not give up with me. I will be with you. There are disadvantages but no advantages..."

Mrs. Xie on her side also came forward to help, "good wine, how can you blame you for this? Clean up quickly and go with the old lady. I'll stay."

Xie Yucheng was shocked and hurriedly said, "Madam..."

"Shout what! Am I still here? You'll go with them later and I'll stay alone!" Xie Sanfu said humanely: "don't linger. Pack up your things and leave quickly!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was knocked unconscious by a hand knife of the green guards who came from the dark.

Warm wine reached out to help Mrs. Xie, let her lean against Xie Yucheng's arms and whispered, "I've offended my aunt."

With that, she leaned over and told Xie Yucheng where the hidden bamboo garden secret road was. "Now there's no time to say more. Third uncle, take her first."

The crowd was stunned for a moment.

The young lady has been with Xie Xiaoyan for a long time, and her behavior style is more and more similar.

"Grandma..." Wen Jiu looked at Mrs. Xie, bent down to salute, and asked in a dumb voice, "please leave quickly."

Seeing this, old lady Xie couldn't help crying. She wanted to hold warm wine. Several maids on her side were hugged and half helped and half pulled to Yinzhu garden. "Go, old lady! If Huang Yuwei rushed in, no one can go!"

The two little shouted hurriedly, "sister-in-law! Come with us!"

Wen Jiu smelled the speech, reached out and touched Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi's head. Wen Sheng said, "you should follow your grandmother obediently. I, I will come to you in a few days."

"Sister-in-law......" Xie Xiaoliu looked at her tearfully and asked her softly: "sister-in-law should keep her word. You won't lie to me, will you?"

Warm wine didn't speak.

Xie Xiaoqi couldn't help pulling her sleeve, "sister-in-law!"

"Of course." Wen Jiu smiled with red eyes. "When did I cheat you? Let's go."

Two small steps and three turns left.

She glanced at Zhao Xi on the side of Xiao Liu's body, bent down, took off the brocade bag from her waist without trace, stuffed it into the little boy's sleeve, and whispered to him, "after leaving Xie's house, you can leave by yourself."

The little prince was really unlucky. He was finally remembered by the old emperor and met the Xie family again.

Originally, I wanted to avoid disaster. I didn't think about it, and it became more and more troublesome.

Zhao Xi took the brocade bag she gave, her eyes were slightly dark, nodded to her slightly, didn't say anything, turned around and looked back from time to time, and quickly left to Xie Xiaoliu, who was warm wine.

Wenjiu was stunned.

The little prince has always been thorough, and he doesn't know what he thinks at this time.

She didn't have time to think about it and called out, "Qing Er, you take someone to protect them. You must be fast. You can't delay for a moment!"

Qing Er hesitated and began to advise: "young lady, you can go too. If something happens to you, young master, you must..."

"Don't talk again!" Wenjiu interrupted. "I'll find another way to get away. You go first."

"Young lady..." Qing Er wanted to persuade him.

"Go!" Wenjiu brushed his sleeve to urge him to leave, turned and glanced at the people in front of the court, "as soon as the door opens later, all you want to go. This time is different from the past. Life and death are ahead. The eldest childe and the third childe will never investigate you when they come back in the future."

She never thought that one day she could face life and death so calmly.

However, it is not calm.

But life should have bones. Wen Jiu has long known Zhao fan's revenge against her. He will never die. Instead of fleeing in a hurry and harming the Xie family, he might as well stay in the house and see if there are any

"Young lady!" all the young ladies knelt down and cried, "young lady, don't go! We won't go!"

"If the young lady hadn't taken us in, we would have starved to death in the street. How could we live?"

"We're not afraid of anything!"

Most of the people in the house were taken in by Wenjiu. There were more than a hundred people, old and young. Unexpectedly, none of them wanted to leave by themselves.

Wen Jiu looked at these people with wet eyes, turned his head and looked at the golden and jade maids, "you are a good age..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, they all knelt down, pulled her sleeve and skirt, and cried miserably.

Wen Jiuxin couldn't bear it. He helped this one and couldn't afford that one. He said helplessly, "I just let you go out to avoid, not to drive you away. Why are you crying?"

"Young lady, do you think we're so easy to deceive?" jin'er said, "if it wasn't especially dangerous this time, how could you let us all go!"

Warm wine: "

This girl is really spoiled by her.

Now she was speechless in front of so many people.

When she didn't speak, the little maids could cry vigorously. The wind in front of the court blew plum blossoms, and the bamboo shadow behind the partition shook.

Night fell quietly.

She lifted her eyes and wiped away the tears on jin'er's cheeks. She had experienced many parting in the past. The most she heard was that the trees of the noble family fell and the monkeys scattered, and the loving husband and wife flew away in great distress.

But after arriving at Xie's house, I suddenly found that the words of the ancients were not accurate.

Living in this imperial capital, people sit at home. Disaster comes from heaven. There have been many times, large and small. Which time is not between life and death.

In the past, Wen Jiuhui thought it foolish that these little boys and waitresses would not go if they could.

Now, with tears in her eyes, she bent down and saluted the crowd.

Then he said, "if you don't want to go, stay. Get up and don't cry."

People saluted one after another, and the north wind blew down a red plum rain.

The footsteps outside the house were heavy, and the fire reflected the lights all around.

The knock at the door was heavier than before.

As if he were going to knock the gate open directly.

Warm wine brushed the folds on his sleeve, raised his eyes and said, "go to open the door."

The boy hurried to answer.

Wenjiu turned around and said to the crowd, "don't cry. Wipe your tears and do what you should do."

They quickly wiped away their tears and got up to do their own business.

Jinyumantang several maids followed Wenjiu, red eyes wanted to talk, but they didn't know what to say.

Wenjiu was helpless. "Go make tea and prepare some cakes. Also, I'm a little cold. Bring me a coat."

She arranged things for the ladies, and they hurried away.

The boys lit the lamps under the eaves, and the light and shadow were heavy, brushing between the branches and leaves of plum blossoms.

Wenjiu stood alone under the tree and raised his hand to catch a flying flower.

The scar on the palm reflects the crimson plum blossom.

She looked up into the distance.

Miss her gorgeous youth who should have been pampered in the beautiful Pavilion, and miss the recovery of all things in the warm spring, the reunion of the whole family.

Not long.

A crowd of footsteps approached quickly, and the visitor came behind Wen Jiu, "shopkeeper Wen is really interested. At this time, he still has the idea to appreciate plum."

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