Wenjiu didn't look back, but blew off the petals in the palm of his hand. He said faintly, "what should I do now?"

Zhang Yueze stopped two steps away from warming the wine and disdained to say, "you can see it."

Wen Jiu smiled, took a slow sip of the tea on the table, and slowly said, "general, please sit down and drink tea."

"No." Zhang Yueze said coldly, "Xie Heng's failure to resist the order is tantamount to conspiracy! The emperor was so angry that he ordered the general to guard the Xie family. Shopkeeper Wen is a prisoner from now on. I'm afraid he won't be able to drink such good tea in the future. Finish this one well."

Jin'er and some maids changed their faces and were about to choke.

Warm wine raised her hand slightly, indicating that they didn't have to say much.

With a three-point smile on her face, she slowly said: "General Zhang's words are bad. He will not be affected by the king's life outside. There have been good reports at the border since ancient times. The emperor is wise and powerful. How can he regard loyal and good generals as rebellious ministers?"

I can't answer that.

Zhang Yueze is used to talking with a knife over the years. No one has ever dared to talk to him.

The meeting was blocked by warm wine. Even if he was black, he turned his big knife around and slapped it heavily on the stone table, "hum! Warm wine, it's no use even spitting lotus today. Come on, take down Xie family for me!"

A group of zhangjiajun bowed their heads and said "yes", even if they moved their hands on the little servant girl in front of the court.

"Wait a minute!" Wen Jiu put the tea lamp heavily on the stone table, frowned and said, "Zhang Yueze, you even have the imperial edict, so you rush to my Xie family to get someone. Where's the king's law?"

Zhang Yueze said coldly, "the emperor's order! Where's the imperial edict?"

"Since there is no imperial edict, what can be used to prove that this is the emperor's meaning?" Wenjiu reacted very quickly and asked in a very cold tone: "an knows that general Zhang didn't deliberately take my anger out of the Xie family for the sake of the big princess? At present, the dragon is ill. It's only a sober hour a day. General Zhang is bold and it's not uncommon to do such a thing!"

Zhang Yueze's face became extremely ugly. "Warm wine! Don't be clever and slander me!"

Wen Jiu was not afraid of him, so he opened his mouth and said, "General Zhang has been digging three feet in the imperial capital these days to find out the whereabouts of the eldest princess. Who in the city doesn't know? Now he suspects that I have hidden the eldest princess, so he deliberately came to my Xie family to do this?"

Old lady, they haven't been away long. If Zhang Yueze asks people to search the hospitals at the moment, they will inevitably be tracked down by Xu Zhe.

The longer she stays here, the safer they will be.

When Zhang Yueze heard the word "the eldest princess", his green veins jumped on his forehead. Even if he couldn't suppress his anger, he raised his knife across his warm wine neck, "don't talk nonsense!"

Warm wine sat in the distance, motionless as a clock, with a sarcastic arc on the corner of your lips, "if I didn't tell you what you think, why are you so angry?"

The night was getting deeper and deeper. The plum blossom was blown down by the wind and brushed her shoulders and sleeves. It looked like a proud Ling frost.

"Shut up!" Zhang Yueze turned to the soldiers. "Go and search every yard carefully. No one alive is allowed to let go. Catch them all and take them back!"

His words did not fall.

Wen Jiu suddenly got up and dropped the tea on the table.

The sound of "pa" rang again, and the broken porcelain chips splashed.

The edge of her neck was cut by Zhang Yueze's blade, and the blood stained her white jade like skin.

Zhang Yueze's eyes changed slightly and hurriedly received the broadsword.

It's not the first time this man doesn't die.

But the wine was warm, and he said coldly, "I, the eldest son of the Xie family, was the king of Dingbei, who commanded the soldiers of Dayan to fight hard at the border to protect the country. The third son, Xie Yu, was the servant of the Ministry of punishment, who did not hesitate to save the people from disaster. Unexpectedly, you said that the emperor wanted to humiliate his family members so while they were away? What's the reason?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Jiajun, who punched and kicked the maid of the Xie family, dared not move without permission, and looked at Zhang Yueze one after another.

Zhang Yueze has not met such a difficult woman for many years. He just frowned and wanted to speak.

Wen Jiu stretched out his hand and pushed Zhang Yueze one step ahead and said, "I don't believe in Wen Jiu! I want to enter the palace and ask the emperor face to face! If the emperor wants to treat loyal officials so badly, I will admit it. ”

When they heard the speech, they were more and more afraid to move.

"Before that, please..." Wen Jiu pointed to the gate and said word by word: "get out of here!"

Zhang Yueze's eyes looked at her ruthlessly, "I won't go. How are you doing?"

Wen Jiu smiled, took off the white jade hairpin from his head and threw it to the ground. The jade hairpin broke into several pieces in an instant.

The lights were bright in the courtyard, and her eyes and eyebrows were cold, The tone was very light and said, "it's better to be broken than complete."

She's gambling.

Zhang Yueze dared to belittle the woman after seeing the decisive move of the eldest princess with his own eyes.

The truth is, he dare not.

Therefore, Zhang Yueze took people out after watching the warm wine for a moment.

Wenjiu stood where he was, and said, "please wait a minute, general Zhang. I'll change my clothes and go into the palace with you."

Zhang Yueze paused and looked back at her. He seemed to see another person through warm wine.

People who clearly cherish their lives are sometimes more afraid of death than anyone else.

Perhaps, this is that birds of a feather flock together.

"General?" the attendant next to him shouted. Zhang Yueze calmed down and turned to the gate.

Not long.

These uninvited guests retreated to the door, but they still held up torches and surrounded the Xie family three floors inside and three floors outside.

Warm wine closed his eyes, and the wound on his neck was cold and painful by the cold wind.

She reached out and stroked it gently with her fingertips.

Suddenly, bright red dyed his hands.

"Little madam." Yulu came up to help her and said anxiously, "don't come hard with these murderous men. If something happened just now, what can we do?"

Several maids gathered around and Wenjiu raised his hand. "It's OK to do a little injury. You clean up this, jin'er. You help me change my clothes."

Everyone answered "yes", and jin'er quickly helped her back to the yard.

Speechless all the way.

Wenjiu returned to the room, called for clothes, turned over the bed board and shouted, "jin'er, come here."

"Young lady, what are you doing?"

Jin'er was surprised when he saw this.

Under the bed board, there were seven or eight boxes. Warm wine opened one of them, which was full of thick account books.

She said to jin'er, "these account books are the business accounts I have set up with merchants in various cities. There is a shortage of rice and grain this year. No matter how I try to raise money now, the soldiers fighting at the border and the victims in beizhou can only eat five cents. These can ensure that the soldiers and soldiers in Dayan have no worries about money and food for ten years."

"Young lady..."

Jin'er suddenly had an ominous feeling when he heard the speech.

The next moment.

Wen Jiu opened the other two boxes, turned around and said to her, "these are my wife Ben for my eldest brother and third brother..."

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