"Young lady, what are you doing?" jin'er's face was white with fear.

I don't know why, when she heard Wen Jiu say this, she suddenly had the feeling that she was explaining her future affairs.

Jin'er immediately stepped back several steps. "I don't understand these... Don't tell me, young lady. You have to do these yourself!"

Wenjiu reluctantly pulled her back, raised his hand and touched the little maid's face, "I entered the palace today, maybe I can't come back for a while. You have to be a good student in the house to look at these for me."

Jin'er sniffed and looked at her without talking.

Wen Jiu took a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes. "You are the smartest around me. I can rest assured to tell you these things."

"But when Mrs. Shao said such things to me, it seemed... It seemed that she didn't intend to come back." jin'er said, and tears fell, "I, I don't want you to go..."

"Silly girl." Wen Jiu sighed gently and patted jin'er on the back to comfort her.

She smiled and said, "how can I be willing to die like this?"

Jin'er looked up at her and cried, "young lady is not afraid of death. If you are really afraid of death, you won't let the old lady and three ladies go first!"

Wen Jiuwei was stunned, then smiled and said, "that's because I know I'll be fine."

Jin'er said, "I don't believe it. Every time Mrs. Shao deceives people, she always says the same as true."

"I never joke about my life." Wen Jiu looked into the little maid's eyes and said seriously, "I'm a businessman. What I like most is to use the least cost and transfer the most silver. This time, too."

Exchange her for the peace of the people in Xie mansion.

Earned it.

Jin'er looked at her with puzzled eyes.

Wen Jiu said, "you don't have to know these. You just need to remember what I told you."

Jin'er knew a little and wanted to ask her, but he didn't know where to start.

Wenjiu turned and put down the bed board, stretched out his hand and gathered his skirt. Wensheng said to her, "it's almost time. I'm going into the palace. You stay in the house. There's still trouble behind. You have to work hard to take care of these people."

Jin'er answered with tears and followed her to the door. Behind her, a group of maid boys sent her away.

Wen Jiu stood at the foot of the steps and turned to look at the door of Xie's house. His ink like eyes were gradually moist.

The gold painted plaque is hung high, and the gate is much thicker than others' homes. The threshold has been raised several times. She bought everything inside and outside Xie's house, which is very different from the appearance given by the emperor when they first arrived in the capital.

This is her home.

Wenjiu once gave flowers to the boy here and carefully planned to get the protection of the little Yama in the future.

But somehow, the peach and Li Chunfeng dream was difficult to rest, and put him in his heart.

It's hard to give up this feeling across thousands of mountains and rivers.

She used to be here. She broke up several times with the awkward third childe.

The resentment of the previous life is solved in this life.

The person she fears most has become her third brother, whom she really respects and regards as her relatives.

Had a complaint, Full of grace.

Don't go here today. I don't know when to return.

Wen Jiu took a deep look at the lamp in front of the door, hid the warmth and affection of the past in his heart, turned around and said to Zhang Yueze, "General Zhang, please go first."

There was no flaw in her face, as if entering the palace today was just an ordinary thing.

A group of young ladies stood in front of the door to see each other off and never left for a long time.

Wen Jiu boarded the carriage and sat in the carriage. Through the curtain blown by the night wind, he watched the lights of Xie Fu getting farther and farther away from her.

She looked down at her hand and gently hooked her lips.

Muttered to himself, "businessmen, what's terrible about seeking wealth and wealth insurance?"


In front of the palace gate, it was late at night.

At night, the Palace door is closed.

Warm wine took Zhang Yueze to stand in front of the door and wait. The man ordered the soldiers under him to surround Xie's house and won't move rashly for the time being.

As long as we hold him, the old lady, they will not be in danger for the time being.

At night, the north wind blew the branches and leaves of the trees like crazy.

Warm wine in a goose yellow robe and a bright red cloak are not thin, but it is difficult to resist the overwhelming cold.

It happened that she stood motionless and looked at the vermilion Palace door like a sculpture.

Zhang Yueze couldn't help looking at her more, but he didn't speak.

In this way, the cold wind blew for several hours.

It was getting brighter and the Palace door opened.

Wen Jiu went into the palace with Zhang Yueze and knelt outside the emperor's bedroom to ask for holy peace.

Wang Liang hurried out and said to the two people, "the emperor has just taken medicine and rested. I'm afraid he won't wake up without half a day."

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and said, "if the emperor doesn't wake up, I'll wait here."

Zhang Yueze got up straight, scolded "madman" and turned and left.

For a time, only Wang Liang and Wen Jiu remained in place.

The palace attendants came and went not far away.

Warm wine was kneeling in front of the dormitories. The cold wind made the hair messy. Suddenly, a drop of water fell on her eyebrows.

It's cold.

"It's raining." Wang Liang bent down and said to her, "shopkeeper Wen, it's no use kneeling about this. You'd better go back quickly. The emperor is ill sometimes and sometimes. He doesn't know when he will wake up. If the fourth prince comes later... I'm afraid it's more troublesome."

Wenjiu smiled and said, "father-in-law doesn't have to care about me. Today I have the right to enjoy the rain in the palace."

"My shopkeeper Wen, why do you bother?" Wang Liang has been around the old emperor for so many years.

I don't know how many loyal ministers have been treated coldly and their hearts have been betrayed. How much political achievements and contributions this man has made, whether it is good or bad, loyalty or treachery, is nothing but a word of the emperor.

The golden order to call Xie Heng back to Beijing was issued by him. He knows the reason most.

But none of this can be said with warm wine.

The girl is only sixteen.

He once avenged his elder brother, hit dengwen drum, and protected the holy driving in Lingyun mountain. He nearly died.

Now, she knelt in front of the temple, knowing that she could not do it.

I don't know whether to say she's stupid or too affectionate.

In two words, the rain turned heavy and poured down.

Wang Liang turned and shouted to a waiter, "get your umbrella and hold it for shopkeeper Wen."

The waiter hurriedly said yes.

Warm wine but said, "don't bother."

Wang Liang couldn't beat her. Just about to speak, the palace people ran out, "father-in-law Wang, the emperor doesn't seem very good. Go and have a look."

When Wang Liang heard the speech, he quickly turned and went to the temple.

Wind and rain urge people, wet the warm wine's hair and clothes, and gradually become embarrassed.

She can't see clearly.

But suddenly remembered the previous snow, the young man was dressed like a picture in white. He was so surprised that he almost called her silently, picked her up from the snow and brushed away the snow.

Stand at each other, but can't speak.

He said to her, "no more kneeling.".

Now, Wenjiu also wants her youth to be rebellious and never have to bow down to others.

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