She wanted to protect him and never let him down.

The torrential rain splashed down, and the water accumulated on the white marble floor. In a moment, countless water blooms came out.

Wen Jiu knelt in the rain and watched the door open and close.

Behind him, the waiter held an umbrella for Zhao fan and walked over step by step.

Zhao fan, who changed back to his royal clothes, stood in front of Wen Jiu, looked down at her for a while, and suddenly smiled, "Wen Jiu, will you be caught?"

Warm wine raised his eyes to meet his eyes. He only felt the cold wind on his face and felt cool to the bone.

The rain fell on her forehead along the oil paper umbrella, and the water stains blurred her eyebrows and eyes.

Seeing Zhao fan here, the people who left should be safe. Instead, she put down her heart and said with a smile: "Your Highness, where is this? I entered the palace to seek justice for the Xie family. The emperor has always been fair and will not wronged loyal officials."

"At this time, can you laugh? The prince has underestimated you!" Zhao fan smiled coldly and leaned over and whispered, "however, my father has entrusted this matter to me. No matter how long you kneel, it will be useless. Xie Heng will die this time!"

Warm wine swayed and nearly fell forward.

She stretched out her hand to support the ground, barely stabilized her body, and angrily said, "it's really you! As the prince, how can you ignore the safety of the people in Dayan? Xie Heng fought hard to keep it, but you Zhao's territory! "

Zhao fan brushed his sleeves, stared angrily and said, "I have thousands of people in Dayan. Can't I do without a Xie Heng?"

Wen Jiu said in a hoarse voice, "who else will guard for you when you put all the people in dire straits for your own personal resentment?"

She couldn't understand.

Why do these Royal sons abandon all the people in the world for their own sake.

The old emperor's voice is that of ordinary people, but his sons are more selfish than others. They are of no use in a crisis. They only know to hide behind their backs and hurt others.

Drops of water kept dripping from her cheeks, and the cold hit her all over.

Zhao Fan said in a deep voice: "there must be brave men under the heavy reward. Without Xie Heng, some people are willing to rush up and guard!"

He turned and ordered his followers to say, "send a message to Zhang Yueze to take all the people in Xie's house into custody."

"Yes, servant, that's it." the Chamberlain bowed and flew away.

Wen Jiuqiang knelt on his knees without saying another word.

Zhao fan leaned over and wiped the rain off her face. Her actions seemed gentle, but her eyes were full of hate. "If you want to kneel, kneel here and watch how the Xie family suffer because of you."

Then he turned and walked towards the bedroom.

Wen Jiu closed his eyes and said:

After a night, they should have gone far.

The old Emperor didn't know whether the disease was true or false. Zhao fan's rash action may not be able to get well.

She lifted her sleeves, wiped the rain on her face, looked up and looked at the temple door in front of her.

The palace walls were deep and cold.

You have to go out to protect what you want to protect.

Not long.

A dozen doctors hurried to the hall, bypassing the warm wine kneeling in front of the steps.

One of them looked back at her with a faint look and a sense of deja vu.

I felt dizzy and swollen with warm wine and rain. I couldn't remember where I had seen this man.

Just a moment.

The man followed the Chamberlain into the temple.

Warm wine ears listen to the wind and rain, vaguely hear the argument of everyone in the temple.

One person said that the old emperor was very ill. I'm afraid he couldn't survive this winter.

Most of the imperial doctors said that the old emperor was just sleepy after taking medicine. Just keep more.

Seeing a doctor in the palace is not a good job. If you say something wrong, you may lose your life.

Before long, the imperial doctor who said that the old emperor might not survive this winter was dragged out by the internal servants.

When he was dragged by Wenjiu, he was still struggling and shouting: "the emperor's illness can't be delayed! You will delay the emperor's illness! You people are blind!!!"

Wen Jiu glanced at him. Zhao fan's low voice in the hall came out with the wind, "don't make a noise in the palace. Kill the quack who cursed the emperor with malice."

The waiters who dragged people out raised their hands and broke his neck.

In an instant, there was no sound.

Wenjiu's body was stiff and his hand under his sleeve could not stop shivering.

It's only been a few days. Zhao fan has been dominant in the palace. The imperial doctors in the palace just now are afraid to say that there is nothing wrong with the old emperor. They all look at the face of the fourth prince.

The only one who told the truth died in a moment.

According to the practice of Dayan, the king will die of serious illness, and all princes must rush back to the imperial capital.

Zhao fan's foundation is not stable at this time. He certainly doesn't want those people to return to Beijing to check and balance him.

Don't say that the old emperor is ill and still hanging half his life. Even if the old emperor dies, he will not lose his heart.

This man has always had a black heart and a cruel hand.

After all the people in the hall whispered for a while, the imperial doctors withdrew from the door, discussed prescription dispensing, and fled to the side hall.

Dark clouds pressed the roof, and the eaves rained, forming a broken bead curtain.

So, another hour passed.

Zhang Yueze hurried with his entourage, pressed his anger and kicked the warm wine, "good warm wine! How dare you deceive me!"

Warm wine was kicked by him and fell on his back in the rain. Blood seeped from the corners of his lips. The green silk scattered half of his body. The sleeves and skirts were all wet and dripping. He was extremely embarrassed.

But she smiled.

Zhang Yueze's appearance shows that the Xie family fled safely to a place he couldn't find.

That's why the man became so angry.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhang Yueze walked over, grabbed the warm wine skirt and dragged her up, "don't think your highness is interested in you, I won't move you!"

He had long held a grudge against Wenjiu. If she hadn't intervened that day, Zhao Jingyi couldn't have been taken away by Ying Wuqiu.

That's his wife, Zhang Yueze.

Even if it is dead, it can only be his ghost.

However, warm wine helped them escape.

Warm wine was carried by him. He was almost out of breath. He couldn't pull the corners of his lips in pain. He said in a dumb voice, "what dare General Zhang?"

Zhang Yueze raised his hand and clapped it.

About to fall on her head.

Zhao fan was about to go out of the hall door, hurried through the rain curtain, grabbed Zhang Yueze's hand and said in a deep voice: "Zhang Qing, what is this?"

Zhang Yueze paused, then pushed away the warm wine, frowned and said to Zhao fan, "Your Highness, the Xie family fled last night. This man surnamed Wen tricked me into blowing a cold wind in front of the Palace door all night! The purpose is to cover Xie's family from the capital! "

"Escaped? You can really surprise the prince every time!" Zhao fan's eyes darkened and leaned over to warm the wine

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