Wenjiu got up and solemnly saluted Li yingyue. "It's not Wenmou's intention to hide that his mother made atonement, but it's a matter of great importance. Wenmou doesn't dare to tell others easily. It's inevitable to test his mother."

Seeing this, Li yingyue couldn't help saying, "what are you hiding?"

Wen Jiu took out a bright yellow cloth from his sleeve and handed it to Li yingyue with a dignified look.

The latter opened it and saw the words written by two blood stains on Minghuang... Zhao Feng.

Li yingyue suddenly closed her face and said, "this, this is?"

"A few days ago, after the emperor was assassinated in Wanhua temple, he secretly summoned me. While the fourth Prince and others were away, he privately delivered it to me and asked me to hand it over to Wang Shoufu. But Wang Shoufu..." Wen Jiu looked like: "I haven't seen it yet. The Xie family was surrounded, and this matter was delayed."

After hearing this, Li yingyue said happily, "it seems that this is a blessing in disguise."

Wang Shoufu closed the mud in the court hall for many years. The major events in the court only depended on the look of the old emperor. In the past, the princes wooed him, but he didn't respond.

After all, Wang Shoufu is impartial and selfless. In fact, he is wise and self-protection. He is afraid that one of them will stand wrong and lose his power. His literary talent is good on weekdays. When he is in danger, he must stand on which side.

In the absence of the prince, those surnamed Wang will certainly not help.

Warm wine heart, fortunately, the words written in blood can't see the handwriting. Just a piece of bright yellow cloth and silk can write anyone's name.

After a while.

Li yingyue put the cloth and silk into her sleeve and said with warm wine, "it's difficult for shopkeeper Wen to be fearless in the face of danger and be so loyal until your highness comes back..." she suddenly paused and then said sadly: "now, I don't know where your highness is, can I be safe? It's my fault that I haven't added a son and a half to your Highness for so many years. Otherwise, it can be used in such a critical time. "

Warm your heart, you still have to blame yourself for this.

The crown princess looked very virtuous and virtuous outside, but she was really not generous in dealing with the concubine beauty of the crown prince's house.

The prince has no son so far. It is Li yingyue's own fault.

Naturally, Wen Jiu couldn't say this in front of Li yingyue, so he had to soothe him with a warm voice. Intentionally or unintentionally, he revealed that when the prince disappeared, Chen Yuanning, who accompanied him, was chased by the zhangjiajun army and fled to the Xie family for help.

He also mentioned a little, "the prince should have nothing to do now, just taking refuge outside."

"Is that true?" Li yingyue suddenly got up, grabbed Wenjiu's hand and asked in a hurry, "why did Chen Yuanning come to the Xie family for help that day? Do you have any evidence that your highness took refuge outside?"

If Li yingyue was a little dignified just now, she heard Wen Jiu say that Zhao Feng was still alive, and the strength of holding Wen Jiu's hand was out of control.

"Empress..." Wen Jiu held back and didn't pull his hand back. He only said: "at that time, Lord Chen, wearing a blue cloud pattern long shirt and covered with blood, touched the back door of my Xie house and asked me to send someone to save the crown prince. The pursuers followed. I sent my servants to send him out quickly and save the crown prince together. I don't know why he came to Xie house."

What she said was simple and sincere.

Li yingyue recalled that Chen Yuanning was indeed wearing a blue cloud pattern gown that day, which was just made by xiuniang in the house. He wore it for the first time. If he hadn't seen him at Wenjiu, he couldn't tell it.

Her voice trembled. "So... Is your highness really all right?"

"Your Royal Highness is the life of the real dragon. It will be all right." Wen Jiu opened his eyes and lied, and his face changed slightly.

"Shopkeeper Wen, it's really righteous!" Li yingyue let her go and folded her hands to worship. "As long as your highness returns safely, you will repay shopkeeper Wen when you come to Japan palace."

Wen Jiu hurriedly held her. "Your mother is polite. It's a time of many things at present. Only Wen is lucky to do a little for her mother and your highness. I just hope that in the future, when your mother and your highness visit the world together, you can release Xie Heng and Xie family!"

Li yingyue's eyes are full of water. "Don't worry about this, shopkeeper Wen! If you have this palace, you won't be treated badly!"

"Thank you!"

Warming wine and making a gesture was about to salute, which was held by Li yingyue.

The latter said, "shopkeeper Wen doesn't have to be like this. It's free."

Warm wine and thanks.

Li yingyue said, "it's inconvenient for the palace to stay here for a long time, so I'll go out of the palace. The blood Book palace will be handed over to my father. Shopkeeper Wen doesn't have to worry about the next thing."

Warm wine whispered and sent people out.

Li yingyue went away with her maid.

The internal attendant guarding in the dark immediately reported to the fourth prince, "the crown princess has talked with shopkeeper Wen in the side hall for a long time, and I don't know what she is talking about. I think it must be a plot. Do you want a slave..."

Zhao fan raised her hand. "Send someone to follow Li yingyue and see where she goes after she leaves the palace."

The Chamberlain quickly replied, "yes, your highness thought it all out."

Zhao fan laughed it off, bypassed the corridor and met Li yingyue, who hurried out of the palace. He was stunned as if he didn't know anything. He said, "go slowly, sister-in-law Huang."

Li yingyue lived on her face and said softly, "it's been a hard time for the fourth emperor's younger brother."

The two exchanged greetings between you and me before they parted.

Li yingyue turned her head He quickly walked out of the palace.

The maid on her side worried and said, "how did the fourth prince come so skillfully? Did he find anything?"

"Shut up." Li yingyue's face was as usual, but her voice was much sharper than usual. "Nothing happened just now. What can he doubt?"

The maid stopped immediately and dared not speak again.

Li yingyue is like flying under her feet. She just wants to find her father, who is the Minister of justice, to discuss big things.

And the side hall.

Wen Jiu stood at the door for a while without taking a step. He only looked up at the cloudy sky.

I don't know how the third brother is.

If he were here, he would not sweat behind his back because he lied to deceive people and changed the name on the cloth.

It's really hard to do such a thing.

She closed her eyes and thought that this toss could be of some use.

Let Zhao fan and Li yingyue fight first and wait for some time. Zhao Xi is too small to be put between the two forces. I'm afraid there will be no bones left in a few days.

Never thought that one day.

As a businessman, she also wants to roll in the muddy water of the royal family.

It's really fatal!

The two palace men who had been kneeling at the door secretly knocked on the warm wine and immediately lowered their heads.

There are more gods and ghosts in this house than people.

Wen Jiufu returned to the side hall and sat down with his pipa.

Pluck the strings and scatter into the wind and rain.

This time I played "Wang Jiang an".

Look forward to Jiang'an and the east wind.

Flowers and brocade dream every year, singing every year.

Young people don't know that people are easy to grow old. White heads always sigh. It's too hasty.

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