Imperial capital, imperial palace.

At night, the bodyguard who followed the Crown Princess out of the palace returned to the palace and reported under the eaves: "after the crown princess came out of the palace, she walked around Zhuque street twice and went to the Shangshu house of the Ministry of officials."

"Looking for her father." Zhao fan took his hand and turned to the side hall.

He stood in the shadow, his eyes getting darker and darker.

The Chamberlain on his side hurriedly said, "this afternoon, the crown princess went to the side hall and stayed for a while. I don't know what Wenjiu said to her. How did she go to the Shangshu house as soon as she left the palace?"

Zhao fan sneered, "it must be Wenjiu who said something to her that shouldn't be said."

The waiter said, "the crown princess always doesn't listen to others. This warm wine..."

Before saying this, Zhao fan walked to the side hall.

"Your Highness... Your highness!" the Chamberlain called him softly, but he didn't shout. He hurriedly caught up with him and stopped him. "The crown princess has just been to the side hall before. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for your highness to go again now."

Although the old emperor was seriously ill in bed, he had to do something better.

Zhao fan stood still, thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "then let Wen Jiu come to see the prince."


The waiter hesitated slightly.

When the bodyguard standing two steps away heard the speech, he immediately came forward and said, "Your Highness, please wait a moment. My subordinates will do it now."

Zhao fan looked up at him and said in a deep voice, "take her to Sihua hall."


The bodyguard saluted and turned to the side hall.

At the moment, in the side hall, two palace people are exchanging warm wine for hot tea and making a brazier.

Although it was still like not saying much, it was obviously a long time more respectful than the previous two days.

Whether they warm wine, play the lute or knock the dishes, they treat it as if they haven't heard anything.

Wen Jiu looked at them and was very boring. He took a cup of tea, gently blew a breath of heat, and said in a warm voice, "I have nothing here. You all go out."

The palace man retreated.

Warm the wine and put down the tea. He thought that the princess's mother's home was the Shangshu house of the Ministry of officials. My father had a lot of peaches and plums all over the world. Many important officials in the court were his disciples. At the beginning, the prince chose thousands of people to marry the princess.

At present, this careless, earth shaking season, the crown princess's mother's house is of great use.

Zhao fan has Zhang Yueze in his hand, who can only force the dignitaries to submit to him. Those disciples of the official department are the most good at fighting with words and killing with pens.

Wen Jiu was thinking like this when a burst of smoke floated in from the window.

Just as she was about to put down the tea lamp and get up, she felt dizzy and fell into the case.

The tea lamp fell to the ground but was silent. Someone turned over the window and caught the tea lamp and put it on the table. Only the tea was sprinkled on the ground.

Wen Jiu wanted to open his eyes and see his predecessors clearly, but he couldn't resist fatigue after all. In an instant, he fell asleep.

In a daze, I just feel shaky and I don't know where I am.

Sihua hall.

When Wenjiu woke up, it was half an hour later.

She opened her eyes to the dim lights. The surrounding furnishings were gorgeous, but the dust was very thick. It should still be in the palace, but it was a place that no one lived for a long time.

The uninvited guest didn't trap her hands and feet, but her limbs were weak and her head was faint. She reluctantly stood up on the edge of the table and suddenly saw someone sitting on the arhat bed a few steps away.

Wen Jiuhai almost fell back to his chair, and his eyes were a little frightened.

A moment later, I saw that the person sitting there was Zhao fan.

"Warm wine, you should know why the king invited you here." Zhao fan sat in the shadow. There was only a dim light in the huge palace, and there was no human trace for a long time, which was really shocking.

But he was like staying at home without any discomfort.

Wen Jiu looked at the furnishings in the hall. They were full of flashy things.

She thought that this should be the original bedroom of Wu Zhaoyi and Zhao fan's mother, who had been put in the cold palace before.

Wu Zhaoyi was born in a humble family. Her mother gave birth to Zhao fancai. Her son was expensive. After she was thrown into the cold palace, the place should have been given to the new concubines, but the old emperor couldn't spoil the new ones, so it was always empty.

I didn't think about it. It's convenient for Zhao fan.

This big evening, Zhao fan took her to this deserted place and said that Wenjiu should know why he invited her.

She knows a ghost!

Zhao fan, because his mother's family is weak, has been doing wall grass at the fingertips of King Rui and the crown prince for so many years. He has made friends with both sides and has a high ability to coax people. He is a double faced person and has not been killed.

But his mind was by no means to help any brother ascend the throne so that he could hold a thigh and be a rich prince.

His mind is treacherous and deep, which can't be understood by warm wine.

Unfortunately, she was so unlucky that she often ran into this man. In order to protect herself, she fought several times and barely saved her life. However, the beam became bigger and bigger.

In addition, in her previous life, Zhao fan had a little unclear mind about her, which made it more and more complicated.

Wenjiu never spoke.

Zhao fan sneered and said, "you must do something to you before you are willing to say it?"

Wenjiu stood firmly against the table and said, "Wenjiu is not clear, and I don't know where to start?"

Zhao fan's eyes became more and more complex. "Do you think the prince is a fool? Li yingyue went to the side hall for a cup of tea today and went to Li's house as soon as she left the palace. If you hadn't told her what she shouldn't say, she would act in such a hurry?"

Wen Jiuxin said that the man had already secretly sent someone to monitor her.

But you can't admit it even if you kill it.

Wen Jiu said, "Wen was in trouble and was despised and humiliated by the palace people. The crown prince and imperial concubine happened to pass by and scold the palace people. As for her going to Li's house..."

She pretended to be puzzled and asked, "where is Li's house?"

"Li's residence of Li Jiangning, the Minister of the Ministry of officials." Zhao fan looked at her calmly, "don't pretend. While the prince is still patient, you'd better say what you know, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, will you take my life?" Wenjiu interrupted him with a look of indifference.

"There are many people who are not afraid of death, but for women, there is something more important than life." Zhao fan was very angry at her appearance. He got up and strode to Wenjiu. He grabbed her and threw her into Luohan bed. Then he bullied himself down and trapped Wenjiu in that square inch and couldn't move at all.

He condescended and said, "the prince shouldn't have talked so much with you for a long time. As long as you become the prince, are you afraid you won't face me?"

Wen Jiu's face froze and his eyes widened suddenly.

The humiliation of her previous life was vivid. She gave up her life to keep her poor and ridiculous innocence.

She was desperate and flustered.

The man who brought her was too dark. He didn't know what broken medicine was used. It made her dizzy, even if her feet were light, and she couldn't use any strength in her hands.

I really have no strength to struggle. I can't even push Zhao fan away.

The latter saw her white face and couldn't help but raise her lips. "Shopkeeper Wen, who was not afraid of heaven and earth... Is also afraid of this? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Zhao fan laughed and tore up the warm wine Ru with a "tear pull", the dim lights were disordered by the night wind, and the ragged clothes fell on the ground

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