"Zhao fan!" Wen Jiu clasped Zhao fan's wrist and shook her voice. "If you dare to do this to me, you will be broken into pieces in the future. You can't die!"

Zhao fan pressed his warm wine hand and pressed it on the cold handrail.

He sneered, "it depends on whether you live to that day!"

When the sound fell, it rained heavily outside the window, and the vast night sky flashed and thundered.

At the moment when Zhao fan leaned over and kissed him, Wen Jiu opened his mouth and bit his neck hard.

This time, use all her strength.

With the momentum of breaking jade and stone.

In an instant, the warm liquid with rust spread between the lips and teeth of warm wine.

"Warm wine! You want to die!"

Zhao fan was so angry that he slapped Wenjiu in the face that she turned over and fell to the ground, overturned the case, smashed the vase furnishings, and instantly the ground was in a mess.

Warm wine lay on the ground and took a hard breath.

She looked up and wiped the blood off her lips. When she looked up, her left face swelled up, and her bright five finger prints were blue.

Rao is so embarrassed. Wen Jiu looks into Zhao fan's eyes, but he is rarely aloof and arrogant in his life, "Your Highness Wen has always had only two possibilities, Either, be two strangers who don't disturb each other. Or... You humiliate me, I want your life! "

"Want my life? It's up to you?!" Zhao fan smiled angrily, and the blood flowing out of his neck dyed his white collar red.

He leaned close to the warm wine, and his grin was particularly terrible under the dark fire.

Warm the wine and step back two steps until your back is against the corner of the wall.

She just curled up and forcibly suppressed the panic and disgust. However, Rao could not help trembling, "Zhao fan... My hands have been stained with blood and killed people! Don't force me!"

"Haha, haha, the prince is right in front of you. You can kill him if you can!" Zhao fan laughed and leaned down, kissing the cheek of warm wine like a poisonous snake spitting snake Xinzi. "If you can't kill the prince, you can only..."

He grabbed her waist and his voice sank suddenly. "I can only accept my life as the prince."

Wenjiu's face turned white in an instant. He raised his hand and shook his head.

Just then.

The Chamberlain outside the hall hurriedly reported: "Your Highness! No, your highness! Empress Zhaoyi... She fell from the eaves. She's dying now!"

Zhao fan's body stiffened, pushed away the warm wine, helped the wall up, turned back, and asked in a dumb voice, "what did you say?"

The internal attendant came into the hall and didn't have time to speak back.

The next moment.

Zhao fan suddenly turned and strode towards the waiter, picked up the man and asked fiercely, "what did you just... Say?"

"Your Highness, I just handed a message to Lenggong saying that empress Zhaoyi missed the emperor every day and often climbed up the eaves of the highest place to look into the distance. It rained today, and the eaves tiles were very slippery, so she fell..."

Before he finished his words, he was brushed away by Zhao fan and hit the table. He couldn't make a sound in pain.

Zhao fan stood where he was, his veins burst and he was very angry. He took a deep breath for a while and said, "look at the warm wine here!"

Then he hurried away.

The flying rain was blown into the hall by the wind, and the cold invaded Wenjiu's whole body. She pulled the gauze curtain on one side to cover herself, closed her eyes and bit her teeth to keep her from crying.

Hold back and turn back the tears.

"Shopkeeper Wen..." the waiter hesitated for a moment, took the small blanket from Luohan's bed, gently covered her, and whispered, "empress Zhaoyi is dying. The fourth Prince has no time to embarrass you. You... Take care."

Wen Jiuchang's eyelashes trembled and said in a dumb voice, "thank you."

"Shopkeeper Wen, you're welcome. When I was in Lingyun mountain, if it weren't for you and Lord Xie, I wouldn't be alive now."

The waiter said and stepped aside.

A slave can do nothing but add a blanket to his benefactor.

I dare not do it.

Warm wine curled up in the corner, and the mood did not calm down for a long time.

After a while, she said, "Wu Zhaoyi..."

The waiter hurriedly answered, "this Zhaoyi lady is also poor. She broke her hands and feet. She can't see it. Even if those imperial doctors in the imperial hospital are handed down by Hua, I'm afraid they can't be saved."

Warm wine didn't speak.

She has tasted the pain of falling from a height. It's too painful.

The pain made her dare not recall, so she couldn't help grasping the thin blanket on her body.

The waiter didn't dare to talk to her.

Warm wine was silent.

The hall was dark and quiet.

The sound of rain beating branches and leaves outside the door became unusually clear.

After about half a cup of tea.

Suddenly there were mixed footsteps outside the hall, and someone advised in the heavy rain: "Your Highness! Empress Zhaoyi is from the cold palace. It's unreasonable for you to bring her out like this! The emperor will blame you!"

Zhao fan ignored it, rushed into the door with a bloody man in his arms, and sternly ordered the casual Chamberlain, "turn on the lamp! The whole Sihua hall will turn on the lamp for the prince! Burn incense immediately! Go and get new clothes!"

A crowd of people rushed in and lit the lights of the whole Sihua hall in an instant.

When Wen Jiu saw a flower in front of him, he saw Zhao fan carefully put the bleeding man with more breath than air in the arhat bed, and wrapped the royal clothes handed over by the palace people around the man.

"Mother's concubine..." Zhao fan almost sat in front of Luohan's bed, holding Wu Zhaoyi's hand tightly, and his voice trembled. "My son took you back to the Huadian! Open your eyes and have a look! It's all my son's bad... My son should have picked you up earlier..."

Warm dimples curled up behind the table, trying to make themselves seem to be nonexistent.

She lived two lives and met Zhao fan many times. She felt that this man was extremely selfish and did everything by any means to fight for power and power.

But Zhao fan seemed a little human at this moment.

Wu Zhaoyi's face was full of blood. She opened her eyes hard, looked at Zhao fan in a daze, and shouted, "Emperor..."

"Emperor! I miss you so much!"

"I know I'm wrong..."

She seemed to be out of her mind. She talked back and forth. She was the old emperor with three thousand beauties and new people every day.

More than a dozen palace attendants burned incense and swept around. They were busy. The lights in the hall were bright, making Wu Zhaoyi's face more and more bloody.

But Zhao fan didn't dislike it at all. He held Wu Zhaoyi in his arms. "Mother imperial concubine, wait a minute! My son's minister will find him right away!"

"Don't, don't go..."

Wu Zhaoyi didn't know where the strength came from. She held Zhao fan's hand and cried, "I'm wrong! I'm wrong... I'm wrong... Emperor, don't leave me... Don't..."

The last word broke in vain.

Wu Zhaoyi held Zhao fan's hand and suddenly dropped heavily.

Zhao fan froze in an instant. His eyes were red and blood filled the air. He lost his voice and shouted, "mother concubine!"

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