Longyin hall.

Li Jianghua, the Minister of the Ministry of officials, took a group of old ministers into the palace in the rain. He knelt in front of the door for more than half an hour, pleading and pleading. The old emperor was not disturbed and couldn't even sleep. He had no choice but to let Wang Liangxuan enter the hall.

They are all old ministers over half a hundred years old. As soon as they enter the door, they kneel down again.

"The disappearance of the crown prince has a great connection with the fourth prince. Please order a thorough investigation!"

"What a coincidence! Just after the prince was assassinated, the fourth Prince ran out of the seven Jue tower and saved the emperor!"

"Where is the seven Jue pagoda? Can ordinary people break it out at will!"

"Since the fourth prince came back, he has been in close contact with Zhang Yueze. It's clear that this man surnamed Zhang was pretending to surrender!"

On a cold day, one by one, dressed in court clothes, drenched like a community soup chicken, with a cold wind all over the body, which immediately diluted the warmth in the hall.

As soon as they opened their mouths, their voices were louder than each other.

Zhao Yiqi almost vomited and bled. He had to support the edge of the bed, put on a Dragon Robe, get up and sit in front of the imperial case to listen to these individuals.

Li Jianghua said, "emperor, these four princes..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhao Yi interrupted, "I know what you're up to. I don't need to say more. Go back."


A dozen old ministers knelt on the ground and shouted one after another.

The old emperor raised his forehead with a headache and said angrily, "you keep talking about the crown prince. What about the crown prince? Why don't you go and find him instead of talking to me so much here?"

The timing of Zhao fan's appearance is too opportune. Zhao Yi naturally knows that he has used some thoughts here.

But now that Dayan is in such a mess, Xie Heng is likely to be the man's son. At the thought of this, he feels like he is on his back and can't sleep and eat.

It happened that these individuals were useless and refused to stop.

The more Zhao Yi thought, the more angry he was. He said in a deep voice, "don't mention it at this time. Let's find the prince first."

Li Jianghua looked at the old ministers and nodded yes.

Then, the whole bedroom hall became quiet, only the wind and rain outside the hall.

After a while.

Li Jianghua tried to say: "Xie Heng, king of Dingbei, has been fighting hard with the northern desert at the border for a long time. Now he has just gained the upper hand. It's time for me to revive the national prestige, Emperor... Do you want to recall Xie Heng to the imperial capital later and let him come back now, lest the border war break out again..."

Zhao Yi interrupted him in a deep voice, "does Li Shangshu think my will can be changed day and night?"

"I dare not!"

Li Jianghua was so frightened that he fell to the ground immediately and dared not speak again.

The old emperor did a very puzzling job in calling Xie Heng back to Beijing. Ten golden orders were issued. He had never supported the underground ministers, and his suspicion became more and more serious. He didn't mean to change his mind at all.

I don't know. I thought Xie Heng had raised troops to rebel.

But the young general threw himself on the battlefield, risking his life and death to protect his country. He had no different intention, and he didn't know what medicine the old emperor had taken wrong.

The old ministers thought so, but they didn't dare to say a word.

It happened that there was Qin Mo in his twenties. Everyone bowed their heads and didn't dare to offend Long Yan. Only he looked up and asked the old emperor, "my minister is stupid. I want to ask the emperor. He sent ten golden orders to call Xie Heng back to the capital. What's the matter?"

"Qin Mo! Shut up!" Li Jianghua scolded him in a low voice.

Qin Mo knelt upright and looked up at the old emperor, "the emperor is the king. What he did is remembered in the history of history. His words and deeds should be an example for all the people and a model for all officials. Wei minister wants to know that when his family and country are about to tilt, what does the emperor want to call Xie Heng back?"

Zhao Yi sneered, "someone in the army secretly reported that Xie Heng intended to plot against!"

Everyone looked shocked at the speech.

Most of Dayan's military power is in Xie Heng's hands. If he wants to rebel, it's really not far from changing the dynasty.

Only Qin Mo did not change his face, "dare you ask the emperor where the secret report is? Can there be criminal evidence?"

Zhao Yi was angry and patted the case, "Qin Mo!"

Before the latter words were spoken, Qin Mo bowed his head and said, "I'm ignorant. I've never heard of it. A secret report can pull the general of the unified army down from the front line and put all the people in deep water. Why don't you mention your participation in the affairs of the four princes for the time being? ”

"Qin Mo!" Li Jianghua grabbed the man and wanted to cover him to death on the spot.

But Zhao Yi had heard this, and his face turned black. He angrily said, "bold Qin Mo!"

He only scolded and began to cough violently. Wang Liang patted him on the back for a long time before he managed to breathe.

No matter how much Zhao fan thought, it was also his son, the prince of Dayan.

But Xie Heng is very likely to endanger his throne.

When he handed over the military power to Xie Heng, Zhao Yi felt that he had put the knife around his neck. He didn't know when it would fall, which took his life and everything from him.

But this must not be said in the open.

The old ministers knew that Zhao Yi had a heavy mind, but Qin Mo did not scruple and continued: "the emperor concluded that Xie Heng had a different heart because of one person's words, and Wei Chen was not satisfied!"

"Somebody!" the old emperor said intermittently while coughing violently, "put Qin mo... Put him... Into the prison!"

Li Jianghua and a group of Ministers quickly followed suit.

Zhao Yi said, "who dares to beg! Go to the prison with him!"

The crowd stopped in an instant.

Huang Yuwei came into the hall and dragged Qin Mo out. He was dragged out in the heavy rain. He was still sonorous, "the emperor wronged a meritorious minister, and Qin Mo refused!"

Zhao Yi suddenly took a mouthful of fishy sweetness in his throat and coughed.

A group of old ministers hurriedly advised: "the emperor, take care of the dragon body!"

At this time, a little Chamberlain ran to the hall door and shouted, "no! Wu Zhaoyi climbed onto the eaves and fell away. The fourth Prince broke into the cold palace and took the people away!"

Zhao Yi's face was slightly stiff.

Li Jianghua's eyes moved and hurriedly said, "the fourth Prince has long been a man who obeys the sun and disobeys the shadow. The emperor personally ordered Wu Zhaoyi to go into the cold palace. Even if she went, it's time to report to the emperor, but the fourth Prince..."

The old emperor raised his hand and motioned that he didn't have to do it. Then he opened his mouth and told Wang Liang, "go and call the fourth prince."

Wang Liang bowed his head and hurriedly went.

As soon as he got to the door, he saw Zhang Yueze coming with a large number of zhangjias. Without saying a word, he drew a knife and cut down the Huangyu guard outside the hall.

The heavy rain poured down, and the bright red blood splashed on the door of the temple.

In the blink of an eye, someone surrounded the whole bedroom hall. Zhao fan came in the rain and pushed the warm wine under the eaves. He took Zhang Yueze and a group of bodyguards into the house, "wait a long time, father and Emperor."

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