A group of soldiers put knives around the necks of several old ministers. Zhao fan personally pulled out the long sword in Su Sicong's hand and walked towards the old emperor step by step.

The faces of the people turned white in an instant.

"Zhao fan, you..." Zhao Yi tried to stand up with his desk, but he fell back to his chair because of his weakness.

In a flash, Zhao fan's long sword was sent to the old emperor's heart, "the mother imperial concubine of father and son's ministers has just gone. You can go down and accompany her. You can still be a companion on the huangquan road."

His words were unusually calm, as if this was not an unreasonable request, but Zhao Yi should have been so general.

The old emperor's face was blue and purple, and his lips trembled without any blood color. For a moment, he couldn't say anything to scold Zhao fan.

This is his good son who has changed his bad character after more than a year in qijuetah!

Li Jianghua and others have just said that at the moment, every sentence has come true, and Zhao fan is even more ambitious than they said.

Before he died, Zhao fan dared to bring people to the Longyin hall. It was a great treason. His heart can be punished!

The old emperor was so angry that he lifted the table with all his strength and smashed it at Zhao fan, "you villain! Great courage! I dare not accept my life..."

What I said was very powerful, but it was a pity that my bones were not good. I coughed earth shaking halfway and could hardly breathe.

Zhao fan took back his sword and turned sideways to avoid the table. One turned to the old emperor's side, pushed the man back to the chair and sneered: "it seems that God wants the father and the emperor to go down to accompany my mother and imperial concubine immediately."

His eyes were sinister and had no disregard for his father and son.

The atmosphere in the hall was frozen for a moment.

Li Jianghua was put around his neck with a knife. He was worried and angry. He immediately scolded: "Zhao fan! Your biological mother is just a deserted imperial concubine in the cold palace. She doesn't even deserve to be buried in the imperial mausoleum. You still want the emperor to bury her. Aren't you afraid of five thunders and kill you, a traitor?"

Several old ministers often thought about bumping into the column and making speeches. They became ministers with a long history. Now someone took the lead and scolded Zhao fan one after another. One by one, their necks were tied and their voices trembled, but the spittle still flew everywhere.

Zhao fan closed his eyes and said with a sneer, "it's really a group of loyal dogs. Zhao Yi has been in office for 20 years. He has made no achievements and made a lot of mistakes. You useless mediocre ministers still want to exchange your death for a good reputation? What spring and autumn dream!"

The eldest ministers were said to be in their minds and immediately became silent.

Zhao Fan said, "if you want to die, the prince can do it."

He shouted "Zhang Yueze" and said slowly, "kill them all."

Zhang Yueze said, "yes."

When the old ministers heard the speech, they were scared to death.

Zhao Yi finally took a breath and immediately said angrily, "rebel, stop!"

"Do you want the whole body?" Zhao fan looked back at him and suddenly asked such a question. After seeing the old emperor's face frozen, he said with a cold smile: "exchange it with the abdication edict. If you honestly write, I'll keep your whole body so that I can send it to the imperial mausoleum to be buried with my mother and concubine."

Zhao Yiqi trembled, "if I don't write, how will you stay?"

"Let's start with Li Shangshu and try the most painful death methods in the world one by one." Zhao fan threw his long sword on the ground with a bang, and all the old ministers couldn't stop shaking.

Zhao Fan said: "the father emperor can look slowly and choose a preferred method of death. This little requirement can still meet you."

Zhao Yi was calm and silent.

Zhao fan raised his hand and motioned Zhang Yueze to start.

The latter raised his knife and cut Li Jianghua off at the waist.

In an instant, blood splashed everywhere.

The people fell to the ground in horror and dared not look again.

Zhao fan looked back at the old emperor, "father, look at Li Shangshu. He's looking at you and has something else to say to you. Unfortunately, it's too late. This method of death is not very good-looking. Why don't you look at something else?"

"Rebellious son! Rebellious..." the old emperor scolded angrily, stood up with the handrail, but suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

"Emperor!" Wang Liang exclaimed, climbing over to help him, "emperor, wake up! Emperor..."

Zhao fan crouched down and stretched out his hand to explore the old emperor's breath. He didn't care much and said, "there's still gas. You can't die. Grandpa Wang goes to xuantai doctor."

Wang Liang held the old emperor and didn't dare to go away for a moment. Seeing that no one in the bedroom dared to disobey Zhao fan's meaning, the little waiter on the side had to answer and tremble to stand up to find the imperial doctor.

Zhao fan got up and looked at a group of trembling old ministers, smiled and asked, "are they all the people of the crown prince? The father and Emperor are like this. It's no use keeping you. Drag them out and kill them."

They didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy, so they were dragged out of the bedroom by the guards and killed with a knife.

The wind and rain sneaked into the hall, mixed with the smell of blood.

Zhao fan was very bored and frowned: "clean up all those on the ground and don't leave any traces. ”

The waiters were submissive and cleaned up the mess.

Zhang Yueze came forward and said, "the old emperor just fainted. What about the abdication edict?"

"The imperial edict will wait until he wakes up. The top priority is to clean up all the crown prince party." Zhao fan thought and said in a deep voice: "get Xie Xuan back and kill him together."

Zhang Yueze said: "the disaster in beizhou has been alleviated. It's not impossible to let Xie Xuan return to Beijing and resume his life in the name of the old emperor."

Zhao Fan said, "go and do it."

Zhang Yueze hugged his fist and said "yes", then thought of something, and said: "Your Highness did something suddenly today. If all princes heard the wind, they must lead troops to the imperial capital. At that time, the situation will be difficult to clean up. Your highness needs to make plans early."

Zhao fan naturally knew that what he did tonight was too reckless, but he was very happy. He pondered for a long time before he said, "the old man detained the children and family members of all princes in the imperial capital, such as Zhou Minghao and others. Now it is just used to suppress those princes."

He looked at Wang Liang, "Grandpa Wang, it's time for you. Go out of the palace and call all those people to the palace so that they can be resettled."


Wang Lianghu's name was called and his heart trembled.

These four princes are nothing compared with the old emperor.

He just hesitated a little, and Zhao fan sank his face, "don't want to go?"

"No, I'm going now!" Wang Liang got up in a hurry and couldn't help looking at the old emperor before he left.

It was unexpected that things were so bad. Zhao Yi passed out this time and didn't know he had no chance to wake up.

Wang Liang hurried out of the hall and walked down the corridor. After a few steps, he saw the warm wine sitting behind the corridor column.

They looked at each other and couldn't say anything.

Wen Jiu listened to it outside. He was shocked and wanted to ask the old emperor how he was. The bodyguard waiting for the knife behind him has followed up

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