Wang Liang gave Wen Jiu a look of "avoid it quickly", and then walked into the rain curtain tremblingly.

A group of bodyguards followed and hurried outside the palace.

It was night, the rain was pouring, and the blood was filled in the rain. The waiters kept cleaning up the blood in the hall. I don't know whose body was quickly carried out and thrown out by the curtain.

The lights in the bedroom hall went out, and Zhao fan's shadow was reflected on the hall door, which was particularly terrible.

Warm wine holding the corridor column just stood firm, and even the breath into the lungs was deeply cold.

No one expected that Zhao fan would go crazy because of Wu Zhaoyi's death.

Just now she had to make a few noises outside the hall. She couldn't hear what had happened. She only knew that these eldest ministers had died because the old emperor had lost power.

At present, Zhao fan's foundation is unstable. One thing to do is to eradicate dissidents.

What's good is that Xie Henggang is the dissident Zhao fan is most afraid of.

Count down, Xie is the second.

Warm wine was a little shaky by the strong wind. At this time, the waiters opened the door, and Zhao fan, who was as heavy as water, stepped out and turned to warm wine.

Warm wine behind a cool, suddenly a flash of inspiration, closed his eyes and fell in the rain.

Forget it.

It can be delayed for a while.

She pretended to be unknown. The waiters hurried over and walked up to her with Zhao fan.

Like a poisonous snake crawling in the dark night, he suddenly found the target he wanted to bite.

A moment's silence will kill people.


North State.

After ye Zhiqiu came, he calmed the riot. Xie took the opportunity to take off all the corrupt officials in beizhou on the charge of rebellion.

Now the people below are all new. They do things neatly, and they have not been involved in officialdom for many years. The utilitarian heart of those old slickers is to put the people first and do everything practical.

The wine warming people brought rice grain to protect their lives. Xie Yu did a lot of disaster relief.

After the heavy snow stopped, the weather was beautiful. Most of them were warm and sunny days. The God of wealth Wen and a group of rich businessmen went to beizhou to throw money and help. Seeing that many houses were rebuilt after the disaster, the victims had places to settle.

Xie Wanjin got a large amount of rice from Nanhua, asked the people under him to send it to the border, and took his people to beizhou.

The fourth childe was dusty all the way. He didn't dare to delay for a moment. He even thought it was a great sin to stop for a drink.

It was not until I got to beizhou that I was relieved to see the straw shed for porridge. I ordered the people to hand over the grain truck to the beizhou guard and said with a smile, "I'm Xie Wanjin, your cousin of Lord Xie, to deliver food to the victims in beizhou. Please inform me."

Lord Xie is as cold as ice on weekdays, but childe Xie smiles whenever he meets people.

It doesn't look like a relative at all.

On the contrary, these rice grains look more friendly. The guard hesitated and said, "young master, wait a minute. I'll report to Lord Xie now!"

Xie Wanjin brushed the dust on his sleeve, "it seems that the third brother is OK here, much better than Dijing."

The entourage behind him didn't understand: "how can you see it, childe?"

Xie Wanjin has the final say, the monsters and freaks of all descriptions are different in the imperial city. In this North State, they are different. Although things are difficult and disaster relief is very bitter, now the North State prefect is gone. What matters is that we have three sons to say the final calculation. We can see that the people are very popular and the power is not small. This return to Beijing, from the three goods of the servant, does not know what kind of official to become.

He sighed, "we Lao Xie's family are all cruel people."

The entourage tugged at the corners of his mouth.

I've never seen anyone say that about my family.

Xie Wanjin waited with a crowd for a long time, but he didn't see Xie Yu coming. The hungry stomach at the bottom growled.

The fourth childe also felt very hungry and said, "my third brother has always been very busy. Don't wait. First go to the front shed and get a bowl of porridge."

They were also full of wind and sand along the way, hungry and cold. Now they thought it would be good to have a hot meal, so they all went to line up behind the victims.

Xie Wanjin took his time and looked around the porridge sheds. He didn't know whether the people in this place were hungry and afraid or what.

There was so much sand in the porridge bucket that each one looked up and drank.

The fourth childe touched his chin and pondered for a long time. He didn't understand it. He muttered: "no, how can the third brother dare to do things that flatter the public and contradict the public? Are you tired of living?"

Fengyi happened to be porridge in the grass shed on the edge. When he saw Xie Wanjin, his eyes lit up and shouted, "fourth childe, why are you here!"

"Fengyi." Xie Wanjin looked up and slowly walked to the edge of the porridge bucket.

Well, there are so many killings.

The fourth childe looked up and down at Fengyi and said, "I'm hungry. Give me a bowl of porridge."

"All right."

Fengyi quickly presented a bowl to the fourth childe, smiled and said, "the fourth childe drinks while it's hot. By the way, can someone inform the adult? Don't say it again."

Xie Wanjin looked down at the atherosclerotic soup mixed with sand in the bowl and looked at the natural Fengyi. He couldn't help frowning and said, "will you give me this?"

Isn't this man tired of living?

Fengyi was stunned. "Everyone eats this. If the fourth childe is not used to it, he will see the adult..."

Before he finished, the smile on Xie Wanjin's face faded.

As soon as he smiled, he became more fierce, "just in time, I want to ask you, sir, what's going on? Why is this good rice mixed with sand! "

Just as he was talking, the guard over there shouted, "Lord Xie is coming!"

Thousands of disaster victims lined up to give porridge heard the speech, and one after another turned and knelt down to salute Xie. Every word of thanks and tears of gratitude.

Xie Wanjin is a little confused.

What the hell is going on?

Is it difficult that the third brother can also do magic tricks and let these eat sand and thank him so much.

It's strange.

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