Right now.

Zhao fan looked back at Wen Jiu. His eyes were filled with blood. He was crazy and determined.

He slowly brushed his wide sleeve and said in a deep voice, "little plum, you take someone to spread the gunpowder primer at the bottom."

The waiter who was named quickly bowed his head and said "yes", turned and went down the stairs, shouted to dozens of guards and immediately arranged work.

"Gunpowder primer?"

Wen Jiuwen was shocked at the speech.

Suddenly, the king of Nanning had close contact with the imperial capital about the nitrate mine in Yunzhou. Although Xie Xuan later found out that it was Zhao Zhi, the king of Rui, who colluded with him, he closed the case early because the old emperor asked the third childe to go to beizhou for disaster relief. Where the nitrate mine previously transported to Dijing went and what purpose it was used have not been completely clarified.

Now, Wenjiu knows.

She looked at Zhao fan and couldn't describe her mood at this moment. She couldn't help but tremble in her voice and said, "you're the one who really colluded with the king of Nanning and dug nitrate mines in Yunzhou and transported them to the imperial capital! No wonder Xie Yu searched the whole imperial capital and couldn't find these nitrate stones. It turned out that your people were made into gunpowder and hidden in the imperial palace..."

"Nature is the prince." Zhao fan had no intention of concealing at all at this time.

He even had some pride and sneered: "Zhao Zhi, that fool, has no talent and virtue. He doesn't have a brain to fight and kill all day. If the prince didn't deal with it, how could the king of Nanning put him on his family to do such a big thing?"

"When the Yunzhou saltpeter case was investigated, you thought about it in the Qijue tower, that is to say, you had already arranged these things secretly, and colluded with the king of Nanning a few years ago... With the intention of usurping the throne!"

The more you think about wine, the more you feel that the person in front of you is terrible.

The most ambitious fourth prince, who seemed docile and docile in front of the old emperor and swam among princes and princesses, had no hope of succeeding to the throne. He began to camp step by step as early as everyone did not regard him as an opponent.

Zhao fan has come to this step, which can be said to be a close calculation.

Zhao fan brushed his sleeve to catch the wind and said in a deep voice, "the prince's surname is Zhao! Born in heaven, he is fighting for power and position, each according to his ability!"

Wen Jiu suddenly remembered that he had been kidnapped by him in Changping County. He couldn't help but close his hands under his sleeves and calm his voice as much as possible. He looked up and asked, "you went to Changping County with a jade seal for no reason. Soon, Da Jin's 100000 iron cavalry attacked several cities and slaughtered the people... This is also your son of heaven fighting for power and position..."

She was gnashing her teeth when she said this. She had to pause for a moment before she continued: "can't you show your ability?"

"Since you have to ask, the prince will let you die today!" Zhao fan held his hand and said clearly: "discuss with the king of Nanning to attract golden soldiers into the country, Zhao Zhi rebelled and the prince was assassinated. What you know and don't know is done by the prince. What can you do for me?"

Wen Jiu only felt that his whole blood was frozen at this moment.

It's hard to speak for a while.

Zhao fan thought she was afraid and sneered: "When the new emperor ascended the throne after the change of dynasties, he didn't shed tens of thousands of people's blood? At that time, the prince only sacrificed so many people for the future of Dayan. The prince thought that after getting rid of the crown prince and King Rui at one stroke, when the situation was stable, whether it was Dajin or Zhou Dynasty, the prince would get back what owed me Dayan!"

Wen Jiu raised his hand and slapped Zhao fan heavily.

The latter was heavily hit on the table by the fan, and suddenly the cup fell on the table.

She tried too hard, and the whole person staggered. She couldn't stand stably. She gritted her teeth and angrily scolded: "a little people? That's 130000 people's lives! How dare you... How dare you be so crazy!"

Her missing fifth childe raised her father a Niang for more than ten years, her younger brother, who had been warm and hated

All buried in that massacre.

After Zhao fan committed such a great disaster, he didn't have the slightest repentance. He had the face to live and say he would get it back in the future!

"Insane?" Zhao fan steadied his figure, raised his hand and touched the five fingerprints on his face. He angrily said: "born in this imperial family, is it useful for me not to fight or rob? The crown prince is a legitimate son, born more noble than others, and King Rui has been favored since childhood... Even Zhao Jingyi's daughter is better than me! If I don't fight, I will die! You don't understand anything, why do you think of me like this!"

Wen Jiuhen said, "you are miserable. You pity you. You have nothing. Can you wreak havoc on your family and country and let innocent people die and hurt everywhere and blood flow into a river?"

Zhao fan laughed angrily, "The prince is really not a good man, but warm wine, you have to think about it. If it weren't for the prince, how could Xie Heng ascend to the sky and become the top three general Xie? If it weren't for the prince, you would still be living in that shabby place in Changping County. By the way, if it weren't for the massacre, you should be Xie Wu's wife and Xie Heng's sister-in-law. How could you have the chance to cross the thunder pool and join Xie Heng An elder brother talks about love? In this way, you and Xie Heng should thank the prince. "

"Thank you?"

Warm wine, hate, eyes cold.

I can't wait to chop Zhao fan into meat mud. The bastard has the face to beg for thanks.

She reached out and touched the wooden chair on the side. She lifted it and smashed it on Zhao fan's head, but it was brushed away by the latter.

The Chamberlain of the left and right palace hurriedly moved the chair and put it aside.

The concubines trembled more and more, and no one dared to make a sound.

Zhao fan fiercely approached Wen Jiu and pressed her on the railing, forcing her to look not far away.

The palace gate was ablaze with fire, and the sound of swords crossing came with the wind, killing machines everywhere.

Wen Jiu saw the dark area of the Moyu army and killed the Huangyu guard in yellow armor, and the Xie flag waved in the wind.

The sound of horses' hoofs galloped through the long palace road.

Zhao fan clenched his teeth in her ear and said, "it's better for a person like you to die. You don't have to worry. When Xie Heng approaches the moon platform with his cronies, the prince will send you to the West together! Let your bones and blood blend, fry them into ashes and return to the dust!"

Wenjiu desperately tried to push him away, but he was pressed and couldn't move.

Zhao fan didn't want to have a face-to-face confrontation with Xie Heng from the beginning. 30000 people of Zhang Yueze couldn't stop him. The comatose old emperor and ministers were useless before the sword. Only the moon platform where Wen wine was located was covered with explosives

That's Zhao fan's real killing move.

"Your Highness, everything has been arranged." little plum ran upstairs and said respectfully on Zhao fan's side: "Xie Heng and others will arrive here before half a column of incense. Please move to another place temporarily."

"Good! Great!" Zhao fan let go of the warm wine and said with a laugh: "no matter how powerful Xie Heng is, he can't protect you! Wen Caishen, the young lady of the Xie family, is not going to die in my hands? Who says I can't fight Xie Heng?"

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