Warm wine lying on the railing, the whole person can't restrain the light tremor.

Half of the reason was that he was in a high place, and half of the reason was that Zhao fan was frightened and his limbs were cold.

Zhao fan looked at Xie Ziqi, who was getting closer and closer to the platform, and his smile became cold in vain. He said: "Xie Heng's antagonism with the prince is to seek his own death. The prince wants him to regret all his life, devote himself to all his efforts and make many achievements in war. If the prince wants him to die, he can only be stigmatized in history!"

Before the sound fell, Wenjiu suddenly turned around, took out the white jade bottle from his waist and threw it on Zhao fan's forehead. The jade bottle broke instantly. The broken jade was full of blood, and the potion slipped from Zhao fan's cheek with blood.

Many of them flowed into the hands of warm wine. The poison named hate bone was so cold that it instantly cooled the originally warm blood.

At this moment, she came suddenly and quickly.

Before the attendants of the left and right palace could react, they saw that the fourth prince was hit with blood all over his head and kicked the warm wine to the ground.

"This poison is called hate bone. It will die when touched. Even if I must die today, you don't want to live. You can't die happily." wine lay on the ground, looked at the blood on his hand, then raised his eyes to Zhao fan, and suddenly smiled, "I warm wine and never lose money in business!"

"Warm wine, the prince originally wanted you to live and see Xie Heng again. I didn't expect you to be so arrogant!" Zhao fan's face was stained with blood and looked more ferocious.

He drew his sword to kill warm wine.

The little plum on his side hurriedly stopped Zhao fan and hurriedly advised him: "Your Highness, if you kill Wenjiu at this time, I'm afraid you can't lead Xie Heng into the net. What's more, this man will be killed soon. Your highness, you'd better move quickly!"

Other internal attendants also advised one after another: "yes, your highness, no matter what poison it is, it can be solved. You are a man of destiny. Surely you can solve it by other ways. Let's go!"

Zhao fandang threw his sword at Wen Jiu and said, "you never lose money in business. Aren't you going to die?"

"Your Highness, let's go!"

Hearing the sound of the horse's hooves approaching, the inner attendant wanted to leave with Zhao fan.

Warm wine rolled on the ground twice, narrowly avoiding the long sword.

Zhao fan covered the wound on his head, staggered to the stairs and ordered his entourage to seal all the exits of the moon platform, "be sure to wait until Xie Heng gets close here and ignite gunpowder. This time, he must come and go!"

Zhao Fan said, looked back at the warm wine, sneered and threw down, "even if Xie Xiaoyan has the ability to split the sky and open the earth, he can't save his sweetheart! He can only die here with you!"

He turned and left.

"Fourth prince! Let us out!"

"I didn't even sleep. I don't want to die!"

"Zhao fan!"

A group of concubines were trapped on the platform. Half of them were panicked and half cried for survival. It was extremely miserable.

Wenjiu's bone hating poison broke out, and many illusions flashed across many people's faces, including previous lives and this life.

Before she was sold to Xie's house, her grandfather and grandmother treated her badly. Her father, a Niang, promised to sell her for a gentle future. When she escaped, she was trampled on by people and was given to Zhao fan by Meng Chengyun as a plaything. Xie's disgusting expression when she saw her in her previous life. Everyone pointed to her infidelity and impurity, and the abuse lingered in her ears

All kinds of previous lives are overlapping and surging in my mind.

But in the end, they all became the smiling face of the young man in the heart.

Ah Jiu.

My manager Wen.

My little lady.

Xie Heng used to laugh and call softly, which covered the abuse and slander and dispelled the haze.

She remembered that day, he said - family, country and the world are like the sun and moon, only you are my heart and blood.

Wenjiu regained some consciousness, put one hand on the ground and reluctantly stood up.

As soon as she lowered her head, she saw Zhao fan being held down by a group of confidants and going elsewhere. Only a few sporadic people were holding torches at the bottom and were ready to light gunpowder all over the ground.

Zhao fan had a good abacus and used her to lead Xie Heng to this point. He took people to evacuate, leaving several people to ignite the gunpowder. In an instant, he could remove the serious trouble. No one could block his way from now on.

The sky was getting brighter, and the light horse in ink armor came here quickly.

Warm wine looked up. On the long palace road, the night would not disperse. The young man in red came flying horse in the wind, with elegant clothes and excellent demeanor.

At the moment, Xie Heng is getting closer and closer to the platform, and Wen Jiuxin is more and more anxious and flustered.

She shouted with all her strength, "Xie Heng, don't come here!"

"Don't come... It will kill you!"

But his voice was blown away by the wind, drowned by the horse's hooves, and his voice was broken by warm wine, which was completely useless.

He still did his best to come.

One hundred, eighty, fifty

Warm wine can gradually see the young man's eyebrows and eyes, but at this moment, Gu Yong added himself.

"Want me to lose money? What spring and autumn dream!"

Wen Jiu bent down, picked up the long sword on the ground, got up slowly, waved hard and cut off the rope of dozens of lanterns hanging on the moon platform.

In the exclamation of the concubines, Zhao fan and others looked up and suddenly their faces changed greatly.

The rope on the high platform was scattered, and dozens of lanterns fell off the rope one after another, floating with the wind to the ground full of gunpowder introducers.

Zhao Fan said in a startled voice: "quickly put out those lanterns..."

However, this time, before the sound fell, several lanterns had touched the ground, and the candles were scattered, which immediately lit the gunpowder primer on the ground.

A little spark condensed and instantly connected into a line. The flame started, and the gunpowder under it exploded, and the fire instantly swallowed up the whole range platform.

The palace attendants screamed and fled. The left and right attendants wanted to fly away with Zhao fan. In the blink of an eye, they were blown up.

Zhao fan fell to the ground and saw the collapsed beams, walls and tiles pressed down. Filled with smoke, he saw warm wine standing in the fire. Everyone around him was crying and struggling to survive.

Only she stood there so quietly, as if life and death were no longer important.

People who are greedy for life and afraid of death, some people become no longer afraid of death for others.

Wen Jiu, who said he would never lose money, would one day feel that he would exchange his life for Xie Heng's life.

Zhao fan's eyes were full of disbelief and squeezed out a sentence from his throat, "extremely stupid!"

Immediately, it was deeply buried by broken wood and broken walls.

And the stupid warm wine, standing in the towering fire, looked at the young Xie Heng gently, and his eyes gradually turned red.

She thought it would be nice to look at him more.

Wen Jiu knew that even if his pampered youth had deep hatred in his heart, he still cherished the world and spared no effort to keep Dayan's myriad rivers and mountains.

Even if the people he protected with his blood returned only countless open and hidden arrows to him, he was still defiant and clear.

He is the best boy in the world.

I'm going to be an adult at the age of double ten, get a wife and start a family.

She had promised that when the cold winter passed and the spring flowers bloomed, she would dress him in red and stand with him.

But Wenjiu knows that she can't wait for that time.

The surging fire lit the sleeves and skirts of warm wine and burned her hair. She suddenly didn't feel it. She stretched out her hand to pull off the fiery red gauze flying in the wind and draped it on her body.

The fire light jumped, and the red yarn was blown by the wind, covering half of her face, like a bride's appearance when she was married.

Wen Jiuhong looked at him with tears in his eyes, but smiled and said, "thank you Dongfeng, my heart is happy with you."

But she rarely said she liked it, but she drowned in the explosion.

In the twinkling of an eye, the fleeing people were blown to pieces, and the high platform collapsed

The fire burst into the sky and drowned everything in an instant.

Warm wine closed his eyes, tears quietly crossed his cheeks and fell into the flame without trace.

She murmured:

Xie Dongfeng, goodbye in the afterlife.

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