Xie Heng flew to the sky and saw the flames rising in an instant. The high platform Qionglou collapsed and disintegrated in the twinkling of an eye, and the fire devoured everything.

In a flash, the beauty of Yuyu became the smoke of yesterday.

The roaring flame forced the galloping horse to raise its front hooves, whine up to the sky and retreat again and again. The rolling smoke shrouded the people and spread everywhere with the wind.

His wine.

The sweetheart he had worked hard to get turned into fly ash in an instant.

Xie Heng's amber eyes reflected the flames of the sea of fire. For a moment, he only felt that it was dark, his blood was retrograde, his throat was a ridge, and suddenly ejected a mouthful of blood.

The snow-white horse's sideburns were stained with bright red blood, which became more and more thrilling.

The invincible young general on the battlefield was overturned by the horse with its hooves, and it was difficult to get up.


The green guards on both sides quickly turned over and helped Xie Heng. Their hands just stretched out

But as soon as he rode to, the dusty third childe stumbled off his horse, hurried to Xie Heng, and asked in a trembling voice, "where's ah Jiu? Elder brother... Where's ah Jiu man?"

Xie Heng's throat was fishy and sweet, and it was difficult to make a sound for a moment.

He looked up at the billowing smoke and billowing flames. His eyes became red and his tears were faint. Without a word, it was enough for Xie to understand everything.

The third childe's body swayed slightly. The whole human figure stood in front of the dazzling ruins like a puppet. His face was as white as paper and there was no blood.

"I told you, I told you to turn back..." before Mount Tai collapsed, he was still a cold boy with an unchanged face. Before he finished a word, his tears came out first and fell silently into the flying ash on the ground.

Only half a sentence, he had a hoarse voice. No matter how hard it was to speak, he could only look red and pull Xie Heng up.

How can you be reconciled?

The men of the Xie family fought for their country at the border and rushed to the disaster area to save thousands of people. They protected so many people and couldn't protect their close relatives at home.

Never getting old is not a disease or a natural disaster, but a result of these so-called emperor Tianjia's proud means of winning.

"Put out the fire!" Xie Heng took Xie Xuan's palm and forcibly stood up, gritted his teeth and shouted in a deep voice, "live to see people, die to see corpses!"


A group of green guards and thousands of light riders turned over and dismounted. Half of them took off their robes and put out the fire on the spot, and half took water nearby

Before the sound fell, Xie Heng had loosened his hand and turned and rushed into the sea of fire.

"Childe!" the nearest Qingyi guard stopped him and advised him, "the whole moon platform has collapsed. There is no one in it. The fire is so big, young lady, she..."

He didn't say how much chance the young lady had, so he was thrown away by Xie Heng.

"Lord!" Qingliu lies on the ground and desperately hugs Xie Heng's leg.

Seeing this, a group of green guards behind them quickly knelt down and begged: "the Lord knows what the young lady wants... But the Lord's life and death is not a matter of one person. The fire is raging. If it explodes again and hurts the Lord's life, do you ignore the five thousand light cavalry and so many ink feather troops at the border?"

Xie Heng didn't speak.

A group of green guards said in unison, "my subordinates are willing to go to the sea of fire for the Lord to find the whereabouts of the young lady. Please take care of it!"

Xie Heng brushed his sleeve, shook off Qingliu and rushed into the sea of fire.

Seeing this, the good green guards rushed into the fire with Xie Heng.

The third childe raised his sleeve and wiped the corners of his eyes, so he wanted to follow him in.

"My Lord!"

"Wait a minute, my Lord!"

Seeing that he had just arrived with plenty of food and clothing, he quickly got off his horse and rushed over, holding Xie Yu from left to right.

Fengyi hurriedly advised, "you can't go in such a big fire!"

Foot food then said, "the eldest childe has gone in with so many people. You will worry the eldest childe if you go in now. You'd better wait outside now."

No one dared to mention such words as "the fire is so big that Mrs. Shao must be gone".

The sky opened, the stars broke, and the night was dispersed by towering flames.

it's dawn.

No one was found.

Several hours later, the fire was put out.

The whole palace was still filled with thick smoke. Xie Heng's clothes and hair were ragged and messy.

Rao is so. The scarlet boy is still digging the ruins with his hands.

Many of the burned wooden beams seem to be watered out by water, but in fact there are sparks inside, which are blurred by burning flesh and blood when touched by hands.

But Xie Heng seemed to feel no pain at all and kept digging and planing.

The people around him constantly advised: "childe... Childe, please stop and let's dig. If you go on like this, your hands will be wasted..."

Xie Heng said in a dumb voice, "leave me alone and dig quickly!"

in any case.

He wants to find his wine.

Life wants to see people. If she is still alive, she is forcibly pressed under the ruins, waiting for him to save her

One more moment of delay made her a little more frightened.

Someone couldn't help saying, "Lord, the platform has been bombed like this. Even if it is leveled, madam Shao has already..."

Xie Heng interrupted him in a hoarse voice and said word by word: "even if she is dead and only broken bones and ashes are left, I will find her and take her into my ancestral grave!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the speech. No one stopped Xie Heng from throwing away the ruins with his bloody hands and bowed his head one after another to speed up the removal of sundries.

Xie Xuan, who kept doing the same action with his back, said nothing,.

In the past, a young general who was rare among tens of millions of people. His literary talent was unparalleled. When he came to the sad place, he was as stubborn and... Almost stupid as the most ordinary people in the world.

By now, no one had advised them any more.

All the people are trying their best to level the ruins and dig three feet.

At this time, numerous Huangyu guards suddenly rushed here. Wang Shoufu and a group of ministers came. The imperial chariot of the old emperor was at the front of the team.

An internal attendant shouted, "the emperor has arrived!"

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