As soon as he said this, everyone was surprised. Looking at the sapphire card in Xie Heng's hand, he looked like earth.

Wang Yichang's complexion changed greatly and said in a trembling voice, "order by cloud?"

Now, even the old emperor's face lost its color.

Huang Yuwei, who was fighting, hesitated to stop his hand, guarded against a group of Mo Yujun in a confrontational posture, and frequently looked back at the old emperor and ministers, trying to see something from it.

Standing on the broken wood and broken wall, Xie Heng took the cloud chasing order and said from a high position: "since Wang Shoufu knows the cloud chasing order, he might as well tell these people what the purpose of this order is?"

Wang Yichang hesitated. After looking at the old emperor, he decided not to say a word.

Xie Heng smiled coldly and shouted in a deep voice, "the Ministry of rites!"

Wang Zhicheng, the Minister of rites, died in the hands of Zhao Zhi in Lingyun mountain. Up to now, no one has made up for the shortage. Zhang He, the waiter, came out with a hard head.

On one side is Xie Xiaoyan, who is crushed to death by momentum, and on the other side is the old emperor with frightening eyes.

Piansheng, every time in this kind of thing that needs to trace back various regulations, the etiquette department can't escape.

Zhang he trembled and said, "the ancestor once said that seeing the order of chasing clouds is like seeing a king! All kings, nobles, civil and military officials, soldiers and petty officials need to bow down and listen to their orders. Those who dare to violate the order will be sentenced to capital punishment..."

Xie Hengdan's Feng eyes narrowed slightly, and his whole body was filled with murderous spirit. "Did you hear it?"

The timid individuals trembled and were about to kneel.

Zhang he folded his hands and bent his knees slightly. Wang Yichang suddenly strode forward and dragged him, "Lord Zhang, wait a minute! Xie Heng is so ambitious that he doesn't know where he got the cloud chasing order. Now there is the emperor again. Should we recognize a thief with the cloud chasing order instead of the King we have assisted for 20 years?"

"This..." Zhang he immediately hesitated, looked up at Xie Xiaoyan, and looked back at the old emperor.

The old emperor's lips were dry and white, and he said in a deep voice, "Xie Heng! Do you think you can overthrow black and white and plot to usurp the throne with only a cloud chasing order that you don't know where to get from? It's just wishful thinking!"

"Who said my eldest brother would plot to usurp the throne?" Xie Xuan, who was full of cold air, suddenly came out of the protective circle of the Qingyi guard, walked step by step to the old emperor and his ministers, and said coldly: "when kings of all dynasties of Dayan inherited the throne, they would take over two things from the previous emperor, the jade seal and the cloud chasing order."

The third childe said clearly: "emperor, you just said that my eldest brother didn't know where to get the cloud chasing order. That is to say, when he ascended the throne, he only had the jade seal in his hand, but he didn't know the whereabouts of the cloud chasing order. How did you get your throne?"

As soon as this question came out, the emperor's voice just now seemed particularly ironic.

"Thank you! How dare you! You..."

The old emperor wanted to open his mouth and denounce him. At this time, he only felt that his throat was fishy and sweet, and it was difficult to breathe.

As all officials know, the imperial succession of Dayan must have two things: jade seal and cloud chasing order.

The former is used as the seal of the Imperial Hall and various imperial documents, and there is one in the hands of the kings of all countries.

The cloud chasing order is only owned by Dayan. The ancestor used it to dispatch troops and dispatch generals. After creating Dayan rivers and mountains, it was used to make a love keepsake for FA's wife, which became an unparalleled good talk. Since then, every generation of kings in Dayan have given them by order of chasing clouds to show their cherished love.

In the first emperor's generation, there were no children under his knees and only two legitimate princesses, so he gave the order to chase the cloud to the little princess Zhao Chengan. Twenty years ago, the situation in the imperial capital changed greatly, and the two legitimate princesses died early. Zhao Yi suddenly became emperor because he took a wife early and made a wife later. Even the ceremony after the establishment was only simple, and he did not give him a cloud expulsion order in front of all civil and military officials. People just regarded him as their old husband and wife and didn't want to waste money.

But today, the cloud chasing order that the old Emperor didn't get appeared in the hands of Xie Xiaoyan.

Looking at the old emperor's reaction, it is obvious that the injustice was not solved 20 years ago, so there is such a disaster today.


It's a shocking secret. It's revealed once!

Xie Heng was angry and looked down at the crowd. "Don't you want to know that the cloud chasing order in Gu's hand has never come?"

The ministers suddenly became quails with shrinking heads, and almost wrote on their faces the words "I don't want to know, we don't want to know at all".


The young man, like Yan Luo, said word by word: "my mother, Princess Changning Zhao Chengan."

The old emperor choked with blood in his throat suddenly gushed blood at the moment when he heard the name "Zhao Chengan". The whole man seemed to have lost all his strength, fell down on the imperial chariot and lay dying by the handrail.

The sharp sword hanging over the old emperor's head for 20 years made him think of the old things that had been difficult to sleep and eat for many years, and finally stabbed it down before he died.

In a flash, the supreme power of the past 20 years was crushed and shattered.

Xie Heng looked coldly and continued: "The first emperor had no children, but only two legitimate princesses. My mother was a woman. She took over the cloud chasing order at the age of 14. She was regarded by the first emperor as a prince. At that time, it was well known in the Manchu Dynasty that Dayan was about to produce another female emperor. However, twenty years ago, the first emperor and two legitimate princesses died overnight. Zhao Yi! As the son of King Ning, how are you qualified to ascend the throne? There were many royal families in those years It's better than your virtue! Why did you surpass them and become the king of Dayan? "

The old emperor looked like a human face. He seemed to be ten years old in an instant. He still forcibly defended and said in a dumb voice, "I obey the last orders of the former Emperor... I and I are right to ascend the throne!"

"The last order of the late emperor? What's the purpose of the throne? It's fair to be honest. Why do you say that Princess Changning, who died suddenly in the palace, will go away and give birth to my eldest brother and let him bring the cloud chasing order to the imperial capital to collect debts from you?"

Xie Yu, who was always expressionless, couldn't help laughing and asking questions.

Lord Xie, who cherishes his words like gold on weekdays, is full of resentment and speaks like a knife: "you have killed all the ministers and good generals in those years. The rest of the treacherous, cunning and villains wish you were an incompetent monarch who could deceive the superiors and deceive the cause of trouble and chaos! This is a great country and mountain laid down by the kings of Dayan calendar, hundreds of years of foundation, and 20 years in your hands..."

Xie Yu's voice was as cold as ice, "In just 20 years, you have reduced Dayan, who has the most land and the strongest military force among the countries, to neighboring countries. In order to protect your own peace, you often cede land and pay compensation every time a war starts, and seek peace by losing power and humiliating the country! It makes the National Treasury empty and the people miserable! Today, you have to hang and kill soldiers who are determined to protect the country in order to hide their ugliness and shame? Zhao Yi!"

The third childe was so cold that he went straight through a group of ministers to the imperial chariot and denounced the old emperor, "You are not accepted by Yanluo hall because you are afraid that you will pollute the reincarnation path of others! You are such an unruly and confused king. You should watch your so-called Zhao family's mountains and rivers all over the world break down, break through the horseshoes of the emperor's capital, trample on your Dragon Robe and dirty bones alive! You have been stepped into the dust and mud, recorded in the book of confused king, reviled by thousands of future generations and left a bad legacy for thousands of years!"

All the ministers were so frightened by Xie that they didn't know how to be human.

The third childe of the Xie family has a dark face. He doesn't seem to have a good relationship with anyone. He speaks like gold. It seems that if he says a few more words, he can kill him.

Until today.

People know that Xie Yu doesn't talk much on weekdays. It's all for the sake of their lives.

The words and phrases are deadly, and every word kills the heart. It's more deadly than being stabbed in and out with a knife.

"Kill!" the old emperor's face was blue and purple, as if he would die if he couldn't change it at one breath.

He couldn't get up. He struggled and shouted angrily, "kill Xie Yu!"

The bodyguard on one side pulled out his knife and looked at Xie Yu.

The third childe stood in front of the imperial chariot, motionless and said coldly, "if you have a clear conscience, why hurry to kill people?"

At the moment when the lethal knife fell on his neck, Xie Heng suddenly flew and cut the knife with a sword. The sword Qi was vertical and horizontal. He also split the guard for several steps, fell to the ground and vomited blood and died.

Xie Heng pulled the third childe behind him to protect him. Looking at the old emperor, he said in a deep voice: "my mother once said that although the hatred of killing my father and sister is not shared, the people are ahead of us, and everything can not be compared. If you win the country, devote yourself to the country and love all the people, it's OK for you! But Zhao Yi, ask yourself, do you deserve to be this ninety-five respect?"

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