"I, I ask myself..."

The old emperor opened a pair of muddy old eyes and looked at the two gorgeous teenagers standing side by side in front of him. His eyes gradually flashed tears.

Thoughts drifted away and became messy and erratic.

Who hasn't been a teenager?

He also walked side by side with Zhao Chengan sisters to punish corrupt officials. Speaking of such righteous words, he was as sonorous and powerful as Xie.

He was as young and energetic as Xie Heng, instructing mountains and rivers and wholeheartedly seeking the well-being of all the people.

But later, after all, it was a strange road. Swords and swords faced each other, so they could only fight for life and death.

For so many years, the old emperor lived in the illusion created by all the ministers tacitly. After killing the king and seizing the throne, he was both excited and hard to sleep and eat. In order to cover up the truth, he simply killed the Duke of Heng and all the ministers and good generals of the Manchu Dynasty, leaving only a group of "good birds" at the helm.

Later, the soldiers of neighboring countries invaded the border and attacked cities and territories. They didn't even have a cadre who could fight. As a result, Yan people couldn't make a living. All the ministers could only persuade peace. They all said: why do you have to fight with blood and tears if you can cede two cities and take some gold, silver and jewelry?

As a result, the surrounding countries watched as the strongest and largest Dayan among the countries became a land cutting compensation, and the ministers were weak countries that bent their knees and laughed. All of them turned their eyes to the envoy of Dayan, who had been holding back for decades. In recent years, the war on the four sides of the border continued. At first, the old emperor felt that he could not hang his face when he lost the war. Later, he asked for more peace, as if he didn't feel anything. However, Dayan's land is becoming less and less, the National Treasury is also hollowed out, and the national power is declining year by year. Everyone knows it without saying a word.

In this way, there are also treacherous and cunning villains who boast in front of the old emperor for three days and two times, "the emperor has endured humiliation and burden for the people of Dayan and worked hard. He is really an immortal Mingjun. He will be immortal in the future and respected by future generations!"

"I'm all for the people of Dayan... I ask myself, in the past 20 years, I've never been more than half selfish. I've worked hard day and night for the peace of Dayan. It's difficult to sleep and eat!" the old emperor gradually calmed down and sobbed: "it's God who doesn't help me that makes Dayan so many disasters and difficulties. It's God! God doesn't help me!"

"Keep this nonsense and kneel down in front of Zhao's ancestors!"

Xie Heng broke the wind with his sword. In the blink of an eye, he chopped at the old emperor.

"General Xie!" Wang Liang panted and ran up to the old emperor, holding the chopping sword in both hands.

The old internal servant knelt down and begged, "in any case, the emperor is the emperor and the monarch of Dayan. You can't do this... General Xie!"

The people around him became more and more quiet.

They never thought that Xie Heng could even attack the old emperor so skillfully.

"I paid for Dayan, you......" the old emperor's eyes were as wide as brass bells. He coughed and almost fainted on the spot, and angrily scolded: "what do you know, rebellious subjects and thieves?"

Seeing this, Wang Yichang said with a white face: "don't tell me whether the princess Changning in your mouth is true or false. It's too much fun for you two to subvert the imperial power just by relying on a cloud chasing order with unknown origin! What's more, if the princess Changning is still alive, why don't you identify it yourself? Can you take the old events 20 years ago seriously by talking about them? It's ridiculous!"

Seeing this, all the ministers spoke in succession to defend the old emperor and testify that the succession to the throne was the last order of the former Emperor and the will of the people.

These people shrink their necks faster than anyone else in front of the sword. If they are good at arguing and lying with their eyes open, they are very powerful.

The old emperor even killed himself. He was dedicated to his country and had no more than half selfishness. Naturally, these ministers felt more and more that they were clean and honest officials. In the face of the murderous King Xie Xiaoyan, they could not break their character.

People cheat and ghosts cheat a lot. Even they cheat themselves.

A minister in his late 60s stepped out, clutching his neck and said, "the emperor's succession to the throne is the legacy of the former Emperor! Even though the great Yan state has declined in recent years and our governance has been weak, the merits and demerits of the emperor's heavenly family can't be discussed by you wolves with unknown ambitions!"

"I Xie Heng want to kill people. Why bother?" Xie Heng took the sword back, and a cold arc came up at the corner of his mouth. His voice said in a low voice: "the hand rises and the sword falls, but for a moment!"

All the ministers shut their mouths and their hands trembled in their sleeves.

In front of the ruins, there were a large number of people, but there was not even one who was angry loudly.

"Who just said that Zhao Yi succeeded to the throne in accordance with the last imperial edict? Stand up!"

At this moment, the angry voice of the old county Lord came from afar.

Xie Heng and the others looked back one after another. Xu Hongwu, an old county Duke with gray sideburns, and he Xingbang, a 70 year old Nan'an Hou, marched side by side.

Both of them have the highest seniority in Dijing city. They usually walk slowly. If they like to talk to others, they will say more. If they don't like to talk, they can't hear clearly.

At the moment, he was dressed in the imperial clothes that had been pressed at the bottom of the box for many years. When he walked towards the people, he walked steadily, and his old body looked particularly loose as bamboo.

He Xingbang said angrily, "in those days, Zhao Yi forced the palace to seize the throne, and the king of regicide destroyed the back palace. In order to cover up his crime, he killed all the loyal officials and good generals of the Manchu Dynasty! Now... Have the face to say that the former Emperor passed the throne?"

The ministers were speechless for a moment.

"There is indeed an imperial edict to pass the throne, but..." Xu Hongwu held a white imperial edict in his hand, stared at the old emperor and said clearly: "the imperial edict set up when the former Emperor was in power was the princess of Changning!"

As soon as this remark was made, everyone was in an uproar.

Xie Heng held his sword in his negative hand and looked up at the sky.

Xu Hongwu's imperial edict slowly unfolded in his hand, and Lang said: "carry it by heaven, the emperor ordered: Emperor's daughter Zhao Chengan..."

In the middle of his reading, the old emperor put his hand on the handrail and struggled to get up. He jumped on the old Duke and knocked him to the ground.

The old emperor grabbed the imperial edict, and his voice seemed to squeeze out of his throat: "Xu Hongwu! I have always treated you well..."

Xu Hongwu couldn't move for a moment.

Xie Xuan strode forward, grabbed the imperial edict held by the old emperor, and then unfolded it. Without expression, he continued to read out: "emperor daughter Zhao Chengan, loyalty, filial piety, trust, literature, martial arts and strategy, can be the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, inherit the world of Zhao, and... The throne!"

When the last word fell, the old emperor collapsed to the ground as if he had lost all his strength.

Just now, how justifiable and how embarrassing it was when the throne edict came out.

When the ministers heard the speech, they suddenly had no opinions and talked one after another: "how could this happen... How could it happen?"

Xie Heng's eyes were like frost. He turned around and split the Royal chariot with a sword.

The wooden beams of the brocade tent were scattered, and the angry young man said in a deep voice: "the thieves have disturbed our country for 20 years. Today, if there are blind followers, they will be divided into five horses!"

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