When the ministers saw this, they were so frightened that they retreated several steps and lost their souls. Their faces were blue and white and trembled.

The old Duke pushed the old emperor away, got up solemnly, brushed open his wide sleeves, straightened his clothes, turned to face Xie Heng, folded his hands and saluted, "old minister Xu Hongwu."

He Xingbang came to him and folded his hands in the same manner, "old minister he Xingbang."

The two old ministers bowed their knees and saluted, still arrogant, "see Lord!"

After twenty years of surviving, I finally saw that Dayan had the hope of prosperity and knelt willingly.

Xie Heng looked at them, his scarlet eyes slightly moist.

At this moment, the boy finally understood:

Romantic children will grow old one day. In the past, flying dragons on the battlefield will no longer be brave after their armor is removed. No matter how old they are, those who always have a cavity of red blood will never be blinded by glory, wealth and honor, and will never collude with those who are greedy for profit.

This is called wind bone.

This is called a loyal generation.

Xie Xuan held the imperial edict tightly and bowed down. "I'm your minister, Xie Xuan, meet the Lord!"

With these three people in front, then a group of Qingyi guards, thousands of Moyu troops, even a group of ministers and tens of thousands of Huangyu guards knelt to the ground, and ten thousand voices and ten thousand words overlapped into one sentence, "meet the Lord!"

Until this moment, the old emperor found:

This time, the situation is really gone.

Unlike King Rui who led his troops to besiege Lingyun mountain to kill his father and seize the throne, it is also different from Zhao fan who tried his best to seek power and usurp the throne.

Xie Heng

He's here to collect!

The old emperor collapsed to the ground and struggled very hard to sit up. When he remembered his body, he fell to the ground again.

No one reached for him.

Xie Heng's condescending arrogance made everyone look on coldly.

The old emperor coughed fiercely for a long time, stretched out his hand, trembled and pointed to Xie Heng and said, "his name is not Zhao!"

His face was blue and purple. He thought that even if Zhao Chengan really didn't die, he was lucky to escape and marry a woman, but... Xie Heng didn't surname Zhao.

The old emperor said in a dumb voice, "he doesn't have a surname of Zhao at all. Are you crazy when you call him the Lord? Crazy..."

By now, he had not answered him again.

Xie Heng looked at the crowd condescensively, "free, flat."

The old Duke and he Xingbang helped each other up, and Xie Yu and others also got up one after another.

The ministers who offended Xie Heng just now had weak legs and couldn't stand up. They bowed their heads and continued to kneel for fear that they would die in an instant if they were swept by Xie Xiaoyan.

Then, the boy turned around, looked at his voice and said, "if you are alone and don't have your surname Zhao, you can also protect Yan Jiangshan. You keep saying that you are for the country and the people. Can you benefit the people for half of the past 20 years?"

The old emperor choked on the spot and bit his teeth, but the blood spread from the corner of his mouth.

He Xingbang said, "when the former Emperor was alive, he told us privately that if Princess Changning had a son after she succeeded to the throne, she didn't have to ask for her surname Zhao, just keep the Zhao family in mind."

Xu Hongwu followed closely and said, "everyone knows the powerful minister of the former Emperor. Only because the princess was young at that time and the former Emperor was in his prime, he wrote this imperial edict just in case, so he privately handed it over to me for safekeeping and kept it secret. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yi, a thief, took advantage of it!"

The old Duke of the county was angry from his heart and looked at the old emperor with tears in his eyes. "Twenty years ago, all loyal and righteous people in the Manchu Dynasty were killed, leaving only me and the Nan'an marquis to linger for breath. Today, he finally waited until the little Lord came back to the dynasty to attack you, a thief of the state! What if you don't surname Zhao? It's a thousand times and a hundred times better than you

The old emperor suddenly fell silent when he heard the speech.


He suddenly laughed, smiled, and burst into tears. He looked like crazy, and suddenly vomited blood.

I'm going to die.

In the past, ministers kneeling at their feet were watching and dared not go forward.

Only Wang Liangwei walked over, squatted down and wiped the blood vomited by the old emperor with his sleeve.

But there was too much blood, the sleeves were penetrated, and the old emperor's face was wiped more and more dirty.

Zhao Yi is still smiling at this point.

Wang Liang couldn't help persuading: "emperor, don't do this..."

"Cough... In my whole life, I have been humiliated for Dayan... No, no... No emperor has worked so hard for Dayan for hundreds of years..."

The old emperor kept coughing and brushed Wang Liang's hand away.

He couldn't accept Xie Heng's condescending look at him. He tried his best to stand up, but he could only fall to the ground again and again.

In the end.

The old emperor really had no strength, so he gave up his struggle.

His old face was full of tears. He stared at Xie Heng and said in a dumb voice, "I've worked hard and thrifty for Dayan, and even married jing'er to the Western Chu... I've done everything for Dayan! Why... Why do you say I didn't do my best for Dayan? Why?"

Finally, the old emperor shouted hoarsely.

Xie Heng threw his long sword to the Qingyi guard. Everyone around him was silent.

The young man's eyes were cold and his body was full of murderous spirit. He walked step by step to the old emperor who collapsed to the ground, "You conspired to usurp the throne and indiscriminately killed loyal and good people, which led to the weakness of Dayan's national strength. Just because you have a thief's heart to seize the throne, you have no ability to protect the peace of the people. You are invaded by neighboring countries. You only know that you should shrink your head and lose power and humiliate the country! Zhao Yi, you are so incompetent and shameless that you kill you alone. You have soiled your sword!"

Zhao Yi vomited a big mouthful of blood, even if he had more air and less air.

Wang Liang held Xie Heng's leg and cried, "general Xie... No! Lord! He is also your elder at least. Please be kind and let him live in peace."

The old emperor couldn't live long.

It would be nice if I passed out before.

It's better than being old and frail, having to turn over old accounts and crush all dignity.

Xie Heng took Wang Liang away and said in a deep voice, "come here, remove Zhao Yi's Dragon Robe and golden crown, and lock it in the market with a Xuan iron cage."

The young man's voice was cold. "Medicine, good life, hanging his life, let him die easily. Since he knows what he has done, let the people in the imperial capital tell him how he did the emperor these years."

Everyone shivered at the speech.

This is more cruel than killing the old emperor directly.

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