In the dark path of the night, some people rushed and others took the way.

Some people don't hesitate to turn the world upside down just to see their sweetheart again.

When Xie Xuan caught up with the exit of the secret passage, he happened to see the stone door closing gradually after it opened. He rushed over, even forgot to press the mechanism, and directly stretched out his hand to forcibly pull open the stone door that was about to close.

Xie Xuan rushed out quickly. He saw the man's flying clothes flash in front of him, and a strange smell came to his face. Everything in front of him became a little blurred.

When the third childe closed his eyes and opened them again, he saw a dark shadow disappearing into the night and heading straight to the moat river.

Xie Yu pressed the painful heart and immediately chased after it.

At that moment, the night was dark. Several boats and boats were parked by the river. Dozens of people whispered with their heads locked.

A boatman stood with a pole and whispered, "hurry up and get on the boat. There are only a few boats today. One person can go far away and save his life as long as he gives ten liang of silver. What else can you hesitate?"

People kept giving silver to the boat. The boat was moving and the water was moving. The flowing river was sparkling under the cold moonlight.

In the cold night, the dark shadow passed through the shadows of trees, passing by a group of people who wanted to escape the imperial capital in the night, and got on the boat on the far right.

"Ah Jiu!"

Xie ran to the river. He couldn't help shouting hoarsely. He just looked forward to the warm wine held by the villain to respond to him.

Even if only a little noise could make him confirm that ah Jiu was really alive, but it just fell into the hands of the villain.

But no one answered him.

Not a word.

The man in black who had been chased all the way got into the cabin, stopped and looked back at Xie.

The eyes were burning, like a smile.

The cold wind blew across the pale cheeks of the third childe. He didn't even recover.

All the people who were waiting to get on the boat and escape from here looked back at him.

I don't know who exclaimed, "it's Xie Xuan! This man is Xie Xuan, the sworn enemy of Lord Xie Heng today!"

Say it.

The rest of the crowd immediately fried like a pot, "how did Xie Yu come here? Was he forced to be cornered by Xie Xiaoyan like us?"

"Look at him, he must have been worse than us these days!"

"God helps me too!" one of the bearded middle-aged men suddenly looked up and laughed, "what else do we run with Xie Yu? Take him and send him to Xie Xiaoyan. Any mistakes in the past can be written off!"

When the sound fell, the people who had not yet boarded the boat turned back one after another and rushed to Xie Xuan. Those who got on the boat also jumped to the shore. They could not be stopped by the boatman.

Everyone's eyes were red and they wanted to catch Xie Yu, so that they could offset their previous mistakes.

Everyone was thinking that no matter how wrong they made, they could not compare with Xie Zhen, who turned against his eldest brother!

Xie Yu pushed away the middle-aged man who was the first to face his opponent. His voice was as cold as ice, "go away!"

The third childe was cold all over and said angrily, "who dares to delay me today? My eldest brother will kill you and other nine families!"

Everyone was stunned by his words for a moment.

After a while.

Someone opened his mouth and said, "don't believe him! I've known Xie Yu for a long time. He can kill people invisibly. It's true today! What's the trouble between Xie Xiaoyan and him? The one who fought for his daughter-in-law was called life and death! Now he's even pressing us with his enemies. Are we stupid?"

"Yes, now Xie Heng is high above the world. He must have settled the old account. Xie Yu is so embarrassed! I can't believe what this man said!"

Some of these people are Zhang Yueze's former Ministry, and some are the people of the crown prince and Zhao fan. They have been hiding since their master's son had an accident. They want to escape as soon as possible. The news is not well informed. They only know that Xie Xiaoyan has a high weight in the throne.

Most of the people thought that they had never had a head-on fight with Xie Heng before. This time, most of them were implicated by the previous masters. At present, Xie Yu bumped into his hand, which was a turning point encountered by Universiade.

So they clenched their teeth and went forward to punch and kick Xie Yu. It seemed that the heavier they started now, the more they could reduce their previous mistakes.

Xie Xuan was beaten by the crowd and couldn't get rid of it. The cold young man was broken by force, his throat was filled with fishy sweetness, and blood was left from the corners of his lips.

The place where the third childe stood was only ten steps away from the painting boat.

At this moment, he was trapped by the dirty generation he despised most.

It was hard to regret in my heart. I only complained that I was in charge of the Ministry of punishment at that time and didn't kill all these people as soon as possible.

"Ah Jiu!"

"Ah Jiu!!!"

Xie Xuan lived for so many years. For the first time, he called a person hysterically, but he could only watch. The man smiled, brushed his sleeve and cut off the rope tied to the boat.

In an instant, he went offshore.

The night was like ink. After the boat was farther and farther away, it gradually became a black spot until it disappeared.

Xie Yu fell to the ground when he was beaten by a group of outlaws, but his heart was burning with anger.

The boy held on with one hand and refused to let himself throw himself to the ground against these sundries.

The first person to do it looked at him condescending and said, "this Xie is really a hard bone. He was beaten like this. He didn't beg for mercy and didn't say a word!"

"Elder brother, don't underestimate this man." the young man on his side said: "the person who sits in the high position of the Minister of punishment before adding the crown and dares to avenge Xie Xiaoyan's parents is not a simple role. Stand away and don't know how he died in his hands!"

When they heard the speech, they took a step back.

Only the middle-aged man stood still and said with a smile, "what else can he do when he has become like this? Let's think about how to send this man to Xie Xiaoyan, so that we can write off our previous mistakes and maybe... Get an official?"

"You're dreaming!" Xie Xuan put her hands on the ground and struggled to get up.

But the middle-aged man knocked him to the ground with a stick and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The night is heavy, the cold wind roars by the river, and the cold night is endless.

A crowd gathered around Xie Yu and said one after another, "let him kneel! These sour literati feel that they have a lot of pride. If you let him climb to Xie Xiaoyan on his knees, he will be more satisfied with Xie Xiaoyan!"

"Brand it on his face! See how he competes with Xie Xiaoyan for beauty!"

"Why don't you cut off his hands and feet and send him?

After a lot of people said this, the last one said darkly: "I heard that Xie Xiaoyan is cruel and cruel. What you said is cruel to ordinary people, but for him, I'm afraid it's better for a little witch to see a big witch..."

The man continued, "wouldn't it be better for us to scrape off the meat on Xie Xuan one by one, leave only one breath and send it back?"

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