All the people exhausted all the ways to humiliate people in their hearts. They were completely crazy and wanted to use Xie Yu.

"Are you going or not? If the guards on the city tower change their guard and find you here, you can't run if you want to!"

After listening to the boatman shouting for a long time, they didn't see any intention of getting on the boat. They shook their heads and took off the boat to pole.

The cold moon hid in the clouds, the fog on the river was misty, the cold wind blew away the dead leaves, and the sky was bleak.

More than a hundred people surrounded Xie and talked about it. The bearded middle-aged man suddenly pulled out a dagger from his waist, violently pulled Xie up and plunged the dagger into the boy's lute bone.

The white knife goes in and the red knife goes out in an instant.

Xie Yu's pupils shrink slightly, and the pain is already speechless.

The third childe reached out and touched a wound that was bleeding constantly. He bowed his head and looked at his blood stained hand. His eyes became deep and dark.

He sat rigidly on the ground for a moment and suddenly smiled.

In the eyes of these people, their own life is life, others' life is not life.

If you can continue to live with the death of others, you will do it without hesitation.

The world is hot and the people are dangerous. It has always been so.

It was he who had been with his elder brother ah Jiu for a long time. He thought that there was more warmth than danger in the world. He thought that there were no absolute villains in the world. Hateful people always had pity.

Xie Yu thought: when did I become so naive?

The third childe has always been expressionless. It seems that he has never had a particularly happy time, and nothing can make him sad.

But at this time, he looked up at the night, smiling rather than laughing, crying rather than crying, as if he had burst out his emotions that had not been revealed in the previous 18 years.

Xie Yu's voice was frozen, and he said word by word, "you'd better kill me. If I live today, I'll be returned a hundred times in the future!"

The middle-aged man on his side was holding a bloody dagger. Listening to his cruel words, he was obviously a little flustered. He said to the crowd: "it's going to light this day. Do it quickly. Be sure to cripple Xie Yu before the people guarding the city find us. Otherwise, they will take the credit, and we will still die!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"It's enough for each of us to stab! Don't say he can't survive today. Even if he really has such good luck, he can remember each of us clearly and come to us for revenge?"

"As long as he doesn't pierce his heart, he won't die. When Xie Hengyi comes, moving his fingers will kill him. What are we afraid of him doing? Everybody! Let's do it together!"

When they heard the speech, they pulled out their swords and stabbed Xie Xuan

Right now.

The city gate not far away suddenly opened, countless hoofs came from the wind, the ground shook slightly, and countless trees and fallen leaves on the river bank.

At first, the man was as red as fire, the flying horse crossed the sword, and in the blink of an eye he reached the river bank.

The night did not disperse, the river was foggy, and the scene could not be seen more than ten steps away.

But Xie Heng saw it at a glance. He was besieged by the crowd and was covered with blood stained clothes. He was so stubborn that he had to stand up.

Xie Xuan also saw him, his dark eyes filled with tears for a moment.

"Elder brother..."

The third childe wanted to call him, but he couldn't make any sound.

When Xie Heng saw this, he was furious in an instant, cut out his scabbard, killed several people with one sword, and jumped forward.

The middle-aged man, who was the first to start with Xie Yu, trembled with fear. He stepped forward and saluted and smiled: "see Lord! The LORD came up just in time. The young people are holding your enemy and want to send him to you for your disposal..."

Another young man didn't want to be robbed of his first merit, so he quickly came forward and said, "young people know that the Lord is the most clear reward and punishment. We won this together. Before the LORD came, we have punished him for you. I hope the Lord can see that we forgive our previous mistakes for your sake..."

Before the last sentence fell, Xie Heng waved his long sword, and the bearded middle-aged man and the young man who scrambled to speak had their heads on the ground and blood splashed on the spot.

The young man killed both with one sword without blinking his eyes. He said in a deep voice, "who says Xie Yu is the lone enemy?"

All the people waiting to ask Xie Heng for credit were stunned.

Didn't Xie Heng and Xie Yu turn against each other?

What they think is... Different!

It's not a mortal enemy. Can it be a good brother if it's like that?

The swords in the hands of several others were still stuck on the third childe. They were stunned and forgot to react.

The young man was full of murderous spirit. He beat his horse and galloped to him without blinking. He directly cut off the hands of four or five people. In a crowd of painful cries, he stretched out his hand to hold the shaky Xie.

"Ah Xuan." Xie Heng called him in a dumb voice, feeling guilty, "it's because my brother is late..."

He didn't even know how to help him. The third childe was full of injuries. His blood dyed his blue clothes into solidified blood.

"Ah Jiu..." Xie Xuan wanted to speak to him, but it was very difficult to open his mouth. He could only say silently, "elder brother... Ah Jiu!"

The third childe raised his hand, forcibly pulled out the knife stuck on his body, then grabbed Xie Heng's hand, turned very hard to look at the river, squeezed out a sentence from his throat, and vaguely said "ah Jiu is... Boat..."

His voice is too soft.

People on the left and right can't hear clearly.

Xie Heng didn't understand either, but at the moment when he looked at the third childe, he asked, "ah Yu, did you catch someone? Did you say he took ah Jiu on a boat?"

Xie Yuhong looked at her eyes and nodded.

"Come on! Go after it immediately!" Xie Heng said in a deep voice: "send orders to all cities to block the waterway and conduct thorough investigation!"

The accompanying deputy general hurried to do it.

But after hearing this, Xie Xuan closed his eyes and fainted.

"Ah Yu!"

Xie Heng quickly stretched out his hand and put him on his back.

The left and right attendants came forward and said, "Lord, let your subordinates come down."

Xie Heng shook his head, "ah Yu doesn't like others to get close."

The attendants immediately dared not come forward again.

The rest of the people who had just touched Xie Yu were surrounded by a group of soldiers. Seeing that Xie Heng was waiting for Xie Yu, they became more and more trembling, and even dared not go out of the atmosphere.

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