Where do these two brothers look like mortal enemies? It's obviously brotherhood!

The people greeted the eighteen generations of ancestors of the Xie family, who were rumored to have turned against each other. Surrounded by a group of Moyu troops, they retreated into a group.

"General Xie!" someone said in a trembling voice: "we also heard that Xie is your sworn enemy. We want to be loyal to you and do something for you..."

This man spoke, and the rest of them spoke one after another:

"Xie Xuan didn't hesitate to kill your elder brother in order to climb up. It can be seen that this is the cruel white eyed wolf!"

"What's more, we just started and didn't hurt his vital point. This life is left to general Xie..."

"We did this to thank the general!"

"Shut up!" Xie Heng glanced at the man coldly and said in a deep voice: "Xie Yu, regardless of his temperament, is also my brother and brother of Xie Heng! Don't say that he will never harm me. Even if he really wants to take my life, you shameless rats can't do it!"

When they heard the speech, their eyes were full of horror.

For a moment, they were all silent.

Xie Heng carefully carried Xie Yu up.

The Qingyi guards and the Moyu troops retreated on both sides and consciously gave way together.

"But whoever has touched the third childe will break his limbs." the young man in red, with a thin boy covered with blood on his back, walked through the soldiers. His eyes were fierce and said in a deep voice: "once stabbed, pay back a hundred knives. Once stabbed, lingchi a thousand times!"

The rippling sound of the water along the river and the crazy cold wind swept and echoed this sentence in the air.

"Yes, my subordinates!" I took a group of soldiers with me to listen to the order. Even if I pulled my sword out of its scabbard, I hacked at a group of fugitives.

At that time, there were cries and blood splashes, which dyed the dead grass on the river bank red.

These individuals who ran for their lives all night broke their hands and feet, could not resist, and did not dare to resist again. They could only lie on the ground, kowtow frequently and kneel for understanding.

"General Xie! Lord! You are killing indiscriminately! You can't do this!"

"Lord Xie, we are wrong! Please forgive us!"

Xie, who can fall into a coma, has no reaction.

Xie Heng, carrying the third childe on his back, walked away indifferently. It seemed as if he had not heard these people's begging for mercy and could not see the blood splashing three feet.

At this time, the night is quietly dispersing, the stars are coming out, and the morning light is a little bit out of the clouds.

The east gate of the imperial capital was wide open. The garrison soldiers went down the tower and lit up around the gate with torches.

The leaping fire light met the morning light through the clouds. At the dawn of the cold winter, it shrouded two teenagers who were enough to change Yan Guoyun, giving them a faint light.

"My Lord." the official guarding the city turned his head and asked people to move the soft sedan. He bowed forward and advised, "well... Lord Xie is so badly hurt, it's better to carry it in the soft sedan..."

Xie Heng ignored this and went straight to the city with the third childe on his back.

He walked very steadily, and even the United States let the third childe have any bumps, but he was also very fast, like a strong wind passing through, and in the twinkling of an eye he was more than a dozen steps away.

It was still early and there was no one else in the long street.

Just now, Xie Heng flew out of the city with more than a thousand people. There was too much noise, which startled the people in the city. At the moment, many people on both sides of the long street retreated and opened their windows to look out.

Seeing that the brothers of the Xie family, who were said to be fighting for life and death, were like brothers and sisters, they couldn't help talking one after another.

What brothers become enemies and turn against each other is defeated at this moment.

It's getting brighter.

When passing the third street, more and more people secretly looked at the two teenagers and whispered more.

Since then, the onlookers almost surrounded the streets all the way to Xie's house. But even at this point, no one dared to block Xie Xiaoyan's way.

After a while, Xie Heng carried the third childe to Xie's house.

A group of servants and maids went out one after another to welcome him. Golden wind, jade dew and plenty of food and clothing were at the front. Seeing Xie Yu's injury, his eyes were red and he reached out to take Xie Yu.

"I'll do it myself." Xie Heng said in a low voice, "it's perfect. Go and call all the people in the Tai hospital. Get plenty of clothes and food and prepare hot water immediately."

Standing in front of Xie's house, I can't say two words.

Lying on Xie Heng's third childe, he woke up in a daze. Some couldn't open their eyes. He shouted in a dumb voice, "elder brother."

"Don't talk." Xie Heng carried him on his back, walked very smoothly at every step, and his voice was low. "Elder brother, take you home."

Xie Xuan closed his eyes and lay on his elder brother's back. There was warm liquid flowing into the boy's neck, but he didn't know whether it was blood or tears.

Xie Heng's back stiffened. Under the crowd of the people in the street, he carried his third childe into the gate of Xie's house and returned to the hidden bamboo yard.

The servant girl of man's residence hurriedly came to meet him. Seeing this, she hurriedly retreated. No one dared to come forward and ask more.

Xie Heng untied the blood stained clothes of the third childe, immediately sat on the couch, and put his hands on the third childe's back to heal him.

He looked at the blood and injury of the cold boy, and his eyes became more and more gloomy.

Xie Xuan's face was bloodless and said in a dumb voice, "I can't die. Elder brother, go... Cough..."

The third childe coughed fiercely for a while before he finished saying a word. His throat was fishy and sweet. He bowed his head and lay on the edge of the couch. He grabbed the pile of blood stained clothes, covered his mouth, and quietly wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

Then he turned his head and looked at Xie Heng, who had been frowning and paying attention to himself, and tried to pretend to be harmless, "you know, my physique since childhood is different from that of ordinary people, but I was stabbed a few more times and shed some blood, which won't hurt my life. Ah Jiu... I was taken to the boat by criminals. Go after me!"

Xie Heng stretched out his hand to hold the third childe and sat down. Yunli in his palm continued to heal him. He said in a deep voice, "I know. When the doctor arrives, I will go immediately."

Xie Xuan clenched his teeth and said, "go now!"

Xie Heng was silent.

In the past, the third childe was always silent and ignored people. There were few times when Xie Heng didn't talk to him.

Xie Xuan was so badly hurt that he couldn't even reach out and push him. His eyes became more and more red.

Xie Heng didn't have to look at the third childe's face, but he only knew what he was thinking. He whispered: "brother Wei wants to see ah Jiu more than you, but if ah Jiu knows that you have been hurt for her, and he still leaves you for her, he will be guilty and uneasy. Maybe he is angry and doesn't want to come back with brother Wei. So..."

The boy gave a little meal, and his hoarse voice was much softer. "My third childe, be good, will you?"

Fortunately, at this time, more than a dozen doctors hurried to the hospital, "see the Lord!"

"Don't delay your Kung Fu." Xie Heng held the third childe in one hand and stayed at the same time. "Cure his injury quickly!"

In a twinkling of an eye, the imperial doctors gathered around Xie Yu's couch. Those who took silver needles took silver needles to stop bleeding.

The third childe was still worried. He brushed away the hands of several imperial doctors and said in a dumb voice: "elder brother..."

Xie Heng frowned, turned back and asked, "you have to knock you out for your brother, so you can safely let people heal?"

Xie Yu was speechless for a moment.

At this time, the Tsing Yi guard who was ordered to intercept the ship flew to report, "inform the Lord that all the ships crossing secretly today have been stopped!"

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