A man in cloth was turning and rushing to the other end of the cabin, trying to run away, but he was forced back a few steps by Qingyi Wei Yijian, who flew to block the way, and had to look back at Xie Heng.

"Zhao Feng."

Xie Heng's voice was deep and angry. When he saw that the people in the cabin were not warm wine, but crown prince Zhao Feng who had been missing for many days, he couldn't help being murderous.

"Xie Heng! Don't push people too hard!" Zhao Feng lost his royal clothes and crown prince's crown, and his momentum was much worse than before. All that remained was the anger and resentment he hid for many days. "At the beginning, you were put into prison by your father emperor, and there were many things... Yes, this palace protected you."

When he thought of this, he looked at Xie Heng and said: "Even if you have a great feud with Zhao fan and come to ask your father for old debts with 20 years of hatred, you have achieved your goal now. Why do you embarrass me, a person who has lost everything? I have nothing and I don't argue for anything. I just want to go away from his hometown and be an ordinary people? Do you really want to kill everything?"

The prince, who used to be high above, is now almost ready to cry.

King Rui, who had been fighting with Zhao Feng for many years, killed himself. All the powerful officials with heavy soldiers were busy fighting outside. At this time, the old emperor was seriously ill. It seemed that the prince was going to endure.

Who would have thought that Zhang Yueze, whom Zhao Feng had only recruited after giving up Zhao Jingyi, was a wolf into the house. The abandoned prince, who thought in the seven wonders tower that everyone thought there was no chance to turn over, was the master behind the scenes who set up the middle game of the game. As soon as he came out, he killed the prince and fled.

Zhao Feng was hiding and frightened day and night. It was not easy to wait until Xie Xiaoyan led his troops back to Beijing to set things right. People directly turned over the old stories 20 years ago and kicked the old emperor off the stage. He, the prince, had nothing to lose. His life was difficult to protect, so he had to hold his head and run away.

As a result, everyone was out of the imperial capital. Xie Heng even sent tens of thousands of navy to intercept and arrived in person.

Zhao Feng almost wanted to rush up and fight with Xie Heng, and knew that he was not the opponent of little Yama. He could only turn over the old things and try to let him let him go.

Xie Heng didn't want to talk nonsense with him. He drew his sword and pointed at Zhao Feng, "where's ah Jiu?"

Zhao Feng subconsciously retreated when he was forced by the sword edge. However, the green guards behind him also sent the long sword forward. He didn't dare to move for a moment. He had to harden his head and say to Xie Heng, "what wine? I'm running for my life! How can I still want to bring wine?"

The poor prince has lived for more than 20 years. He has never been pointed with a sword like this. He is so frightened that he can't speak in his head.

"General Xie!" seeing this, Su Ruoshui rushed over and blocked Zhao Feng, "Wenjiu is really not here! He is with me these days and doesn't know anything... He has agreed with me to leave the imperial capital and find a place far away from the emperor to be an ordinary people, and he will never have anything to do with the royal family again..."

"Get out of the way!"

Xie Heng opened his mouth and directly interrupted her.

"You want me to get out of the way unless I die!" Su Ruoshui desperately refused. He looked up, looked straight at Xie Heng, and gritted his teeth. "I'm also a close friend with warm wine. I've protected her life several times. You hurt my life to find her today. If you find someone in the future, how can you give it to her?"

Xie Heng frowned and said nothing.

Su Ruoshui knew that the little Yama was cruel and cruel, but he was very different from warm wine. He didn't want to make her sad at all.

Seeing this, Su Ruoshui protected Zhao Feng and said: "Last night, when my party secretly left the imperial capital, they took two small boats, about a hundred miles out of the city. They were intercepted and sunk. At the time of crisis, they found that there was an empty boat not far away, so they took the boat to escape... If general Xie wants to pursue the people who took the boat before, don't waste your efforts on me."

She looked at Xie Heng with sincerity in her eyes. "If there was no Zhao Feng in the world, my favorite person would be warm wine. I would never exchange her life for any benefit. Please believe me!"

Xie Heng glanced at Su Ruoshui and his eyes became more and more dark.

A Jiu is a girl who doesn't like making friends with others.

But when she mentioned Zhao Jingyi and boss Su, she always smiled. She also said that it was a rare friend in her life. She never treated them differently because of their different identities.

Xie Heng knows that what Su Ruoshui said is true.

But just because it is true, my heart is more and more anxious.

The criminals who took ah Jiu away took people away from the fire. They took advantage of the hidden bamboo yard during the martial law of the whole city. Now they abandoned the painted boat and cited Zhao Feng as a shield.

This ring buckles one ring.

It's all machine tricks.

"Lord!" Zhou Minghao saw that Xie Heng was getting more and more violent, so he couldn't help but come forward and speak to divert his attention. "The boat looked good. The person who abandoned the boat must be all right, and he didn't know where the sacred took Mrs. Shao away, but his subordinates thought that such painstaking efforts would not hurt Mrs. Shao's life!"

A group of green guards praised Zhou Shizi one after another, and said: "Zhou Shizi is right. Madam Fu has a great life. It must be all right!"

The third childe is already lying on the couch.

Anyway, you can't do anything.

Xie Heng was silent and just glanced at Zhou Minghao.

That really makes sense.

The boy is also convinced that his wine will be fine.

Just in front of the vast smoke and boundless blue water, it immediately makes people feel more and more anxious.

For fear that he would think more, Zhou Minghao hurriedly said, "madam, you can continue to look for it. As long as people are all right, you can always find it! Just in front of you... Since you met Zhao Feng, please decide whether to take the former crown prince back to the imperial capital for disposal!"

Zhao Feng changed his face as soon as he heard this, "Zhou Minghao! I was very kind to you!"

Zhou Shizi replied, "really? Ben Shizi didn't say he would kill you immediately. Isn't that very polite to you?"


Zhao Feng was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Xie Heng didn't want to entangle with these people, so he said, "take Zhao Feng and dismantle the boat!"

All the green guards should be in unison and come forward to take Zhao Feng.

Su Ruoshui protected Zhao Feng and refused to get out of the way, "no!"

At this time, someone on the military ship not far away shouted, "tell the Lord, please see the Lord of Nanhua!"

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