For a moment, all around the boat was quiet.

Xie Heng turned sideways and looked out of the window. He saw a large ship enough to take hundreds of people parked dozens of feet away. The man standing at the bow was dressed in bright yellow brocade and had a golden crown. He was about thirty years old.

This is Li Xun, the Nanhua leader who loves beauty and wine and would rather abolish the government.

When Li Xun looked at this side, he smiled at Xie Heng and played with a white jade Dongxiao in his hand. He was very casual and elegant. "I came uninvited today to pick up my old friends. If there is any offense, please forgive me!"

"Old friends?"

Xie Heng's eyes were slightly raised. Looking at the rumored South China Lord who was addicted to beauty, he couldn't help being suspicious.

It's only 300 miles away from Dayan Dijing at most. It's still thousands of miles away from Nanhua. The Lord of Nanhua is also the romantic person of the best poetry and wine beauty in the world. I haven't heard of him leaving the capital of Nanhua in recent years. It's obviously not a coincidence that he suddenly appears here this time.

But as soon as the man came up, he showed his intention and said that he had come to pick up people.

What old friends?

Zhao Feng, or Su Ruoshui?

"Exactly." Li Xun and Xie Heng looked at each other from a distance of tens of feet, and there were many followers around. They were very afraid of the large number of sailors in Dayan. He didn't see anything himself.

Li Xun just looked at the box of the boat, smiled and said, "ah Ruo, I've come to pick you up."

Su Ruoshui in the cabin was slightly sluggish, and then looked back at Zhao Feng.

The latter glanced at her, then rushed to the window and said to the big ship over there: "Lord Li, I have brought you the person you want! You said you would help me and hold my life anyway... You have to keep your word!"

Li Xun on the other side smiled and didn't speak.

Zhao Feng was a little flustered and wanted to reach out to pull Su Ruoshui to the window, but she dodged. She couldn't help but say hurriedly: "Ruoshui, you have helped me so many times! Just help me again..."

Su Ruoshui looked at the man in front of her unbelievably. She loved and blamed the man for many years.

But this time, suddenly even hate can't move.

"Ruoshui!" Zhao Feng lowered his voice and said to her, "Xie Heng is cruel and ruthless. He will never let me go. You, you read that for the love that I saved you and that you and I loved each other, go with Li Xun and protect me once!"

Su Ruoshui was particularly difficult to speak at the moment. "When you saved me, you once said that saving me didn't need to be rewarded. It was just a small effort. Now... What's this?"

Su Ruoshui recalled that the first time he met Zhao Feng, he was a gentle and friendly prince. She was a bullied little maid in waiting. He said, "let go of what a little maid in waiting does."

He saved her life and became the ideal person in her heart.

Later, fate didn't break, but she looked forward to the warm spring night in the red tent. She was his first woman. She spent the night with him. She thought she was different, even if she was just a concubine in the east palace.

Until he married imperial concubine Zheng, everyone praised his new wife for her virtue, but his wife was generous in front of her and insidious behind her, and nearly persecuted her to death.

She narrowly escaped death. She hated it and was unwilling to die like this. What's more, she didn't want Zhao Feng to forget himself and share her eyebrows with other women.

So Su Ruoshui changed from a concubine in the east palace to a dancer in Yongle square. She danced all over the world and smiled everywhere. She met people who treated her better than Zhao Feng. It was common to throw a thousand gold and smile, but she couldn't meet anyone who could enter her heart again.

Year after year, Su Ruoshui changed from a famous dancer in the imperial capital to boss Su of Yongle square, and there was no intersection with his Highness the prince.

Just when she thought she could only watch Zhao Feng and Li yingyue grow old together.

The wind and cloud changed suddenly.

The prince, who was below one person and above ten thousand people, was assassinated and became a dying fugitive.

She has both resentment and hatred for Zhao Feng, but she can't resist the deep feelings of these years.

Her almost dead heart will still be moved by him.

So she took Zhao Feng back to yonglefang, hid it quietly and took good care of it.

Su Ruoshui thought that even if he was no longer the prince's highness, he could only be an ordinary person from now on. That was also her sweetheart.

No one can replace it.

Zhao Feng had been injured in yonglefang for many days. He slept and rose with her day and night. It was as if he had returned to his hometown. He had never married a concubine, and she was the only concubine around him.

Everyone knows that such days can't last long.

But Su Ruoshui doesn't want to break it. The rare tenderness in this life is good for one more moment.

Until the first two days.

Zhao Feng told her that he wanted to leave Dijing quietly with her. He would never ask about Tianjia again. Later, he would find a place far away from Tiangao emperor to be an ordinary couple of men farming and women weaving.

Su Ruoshui believed it.

Over the years, I don't know how many girls she has talked to in the small hall. No matter how beautiful the oath of vows made by the noble guest is, she can't believe it.

But she came to herself and believed it.

"Ruoshui..." Zhao Feng saw that Su Ruoshui didn't speak, so he couldn't help but hurry.

Su Ruoshui looked at the person in front of him who was greedy for life and afraid of death. Suddenly, it was difficult to overlap him with the sweetheart who fell in love with her at first sight ten years ago.

She asked him, "my body is like floating Ping and my heart is like dead water... If water is my name after I arrived at Yongle square, do you remember my original name?"

Zhao Feng was stunned and didn't speak for a moment. Su Ruoshui continued to ask, "you said you wanted to go with me to a place far away from the emperor and be an ordinary husband and wife... You lied to me?"

Zhao Feng looked at her and wanted to explain. Suddenly, he couldn't explain. He had to keep silent.

There was no sound, only the water murmured.

A few steps away, Zhou Shizi couldn't help whispering to Xie Heng: "I've seen many people show kindness to boss Su before, but they didn't fall into anything good. Unexpectedly... She actually took a fancy to Zhao Feng. How blind is she?"

Xie Heng glanced at him, who covered his mouth with his hand.

After a while, Zhou Shizi couldn't help adding, "poor boss Su is affectionate. If you were Su Shizi, how could you not be willing to give her to others in exchange for your own way of life."

Xie Heng looked straight out of the window.

"Did you find Li Xun?" Su Ruoshui stared at Zhao Feng's eyes like self abuse and continued to ask, "you cheated me out of the imperial capital to show kindness to Li Xun and want to go to Nanhua for a chance to come from the earth?"

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