"I......" Zhao Feng subconsciously wanted to explain. Suddenly he came forward and held Su Ruoshui's hands and whispered to her, "Ruoshui, listen to me. It's all an expedient measure! You go with Li Xun first. When I regain power in the future, I will definitely pick you up from Nanhua."

Afraid that Su Ruoshui would not believe it, he added emphatically, "I will never lie to you!"

Su Ruoshui looked at Zhao Feng. The sadness in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and tears burst into his eyes.

She suddenly shook off Zhao Feng's hand, cried and suddenly smiled, "it turned out to be a deep love. In the end, it was a dream."

When I woke up, I saw nothing.

"No..." Zhao Feng came forward again, anxious to say something, but when he said two words, he saw Su Ruoshui pull out a dagger from his waist and plunge it into his chest.

Zhao Feng only felt a sharp pain, and the bright red blood continued to drip on the board of the boat along the dagger, and soon spread all over the ground.

He incredibly looked at Su Ruoshui's tearful eyes, "Ruoshui, you..."

"I said, if you cheat me, you'll have to pay with your life!" Su Rushui pulled out the dagger and pushed Zhao Feng away.

The latter was pushed out of the boat window and planted in the vast river.

When Zhao Feng sank into the water, his eyes were full of incredible look. He never thought that he would die in Su Ruoshui's hands.

People fell into the water, blood stained the surface of the water, and in a twinkling of an eye, they sank and disappeared.

Su Ruoshui looked at the rippling layers of water patterns and gradually returned to peace. The strength in his hand suddenly loosened, and the dagger fell to the ground with a "bang". People seemed to have lost all their strength and fell to the ground.

Her face was full of tears, but she couldn't even cry.

"Lord, it's a bit of a problem. It's better to fish it up and take it back." Zhou Minghao said and began to roll his sleeves, ready to let people go down and fish Zhao Feng.

"No need."

Xie Heng didn't say he wanted to fish, so the Qingyi guards and Dayan sailors naturally didn't mean to move at all.

Li Xun didn't seem to see anything.

Zhou Minghao couldn't help shaking his head. The prince who once bowed his head didn't die in the same line, but died at the hands of the beautiful woman of the wind and moon. Who would believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes?

On the big ship in Nanhua, Li Xun stood in the bow, and the smile on his face didn't know when it had dispersed completely.

He frowned, threw the white jade Dongxiao in his hand to the entourage on his side, asked people to put down the boat, brought only a boatman who rowed, and drove towards the boat where Xie Heng was.

A dignified leader was willing to take risks alone, but Dayan Navy did not dare to let him pass at will. More than 100 archers took arrows on the strings and aimed at Li Xun.

Without changing his face, Li Xun looked up and said in a loud voice, "I'm only here for aro today. I have no other intention. General Xie is also a man of temperament. Should he understand me?"

Xie Heng looked out of the window, raised his hand and motioned the people to step back.

Zhou Minghao hurriedly shouted to the crowd, "let's go!"

Su Ruoshui leaned against the cabin and burst into tears. The old man on the boat ignored thousands of troops and came on the waves.

Li Xun jumped into the boat and hurried into the cabin before he could stop safely.

He nodded slightly to Xie Heng, then went straight to Su Ruo and squatted down in front of the water. As if there were no one else, he took out a brocade PA from his sleeve, wiped away the tears on her face, and sighed softly: "I told you to go to Nanhua with me. You... You have to suffer so much before you are willing."

Su Ruoshui looked at him dimly with tears and didn't speak.

"Ah Ruo, don't you remember me? I'm also blamed for my bad. In recent years, I only let people deliver letters, but I never came to see you in person. It's not strange that you don't remember my appearance for so many years." Li Xun smiled at her, "I wish I remembered you."

All the people around heard the speech, but their faces showed surprise.

"It's really not easy for madam Shao to make a close friend." Zhou Minghao was so surprised that he couldn't help whispering with Xie Heng: "how did the Lord of South China see boss Su and even change his claim from me to me? What kind of affection did this old friend have?"

Xie Heng said, "if Lord Li comes here alone, he's not afraid to let you die here?"

Li Xun carefully and gently held Su Ruoshui up. When he heard the speech, he couldn't help smiling and said, "if you can bury the beauty in the mountains and rivers, why don't you die?"

Zhou Minghao helped his forehead, turned his head and whispered, "is the Lord of Nanhua sick?"

Shizi Ye is already a romantic son of the emperor's capital, but he never thought of dying with a beautiful woman so young.

Xie Hengdan's Feng eyes narrowed slightly and said in a deep voice, "Gu Chengquan, you."

When Zhou Minghao heard this, his heart suddenly burst. He quickly stretched out his hand and pressed the sword in Xie Heng's hand, "Lord... Let's have something to say. Nanhua has such an unreliable Lord. I don't know that Nanhua's loyal old ministers have suffered blood and bad luck for several lives. If you kill him, what will Nanhua do with another reliable big Yan in the future?"

These two are also strange people.

One dares to come and die, and the other dares to kill.

Shizi was caught in the middle and broke his heart.

"General Xie, don't be impatient. How about listening to me more?" Li Xun held Su Ruoshui and said with a smile: "I'd like to exchange ten Fengcheng pools for mine."

When he said this, he looked like buying a small object with ten liang of silver.

When Zhou Shizi slipped his hand, he rowed from the body of the sword to the handle of the sword, and directly held Xie Heng's hand, "Lord, in the rich land of South China, you can get ten cities without one soldier, that's..."

Before he could say his last "pie falling from the sky", Xie Heng glanced coldly and shut his mouth.

Well, you are the Lord. You are well-informed and have a big heart.

Xie Heng ignored Li Xun, only looked at Su Ruoshui and asked, "would you like to go to Nanhua with him?"

Su Ruoshui was stunned. Since she just gave Zhao Feng a knife, she was a little distracted and lost a lot.

Xie Heng reluctantly gave him two minutes of patience and said, "if you don't want to go, let him go."

Li Xun, Zhou Minghao and a group of green guards were speechless: "

The prince couldn't help but whisper a reminder, "this is ten cities!"

Xie Heng pushed him away with his sword, still speechless.

Li Xun saw it. Xie Heng didn't look at him at all and didn't care much about the ten cities. He smiled, looked sideways at Su Ruoshui, and said in a warm voice: "ah Ruo, forget Zhao Feng and everything in the imperial capital. Go to Nanhua with me. I guarantee that you will be happy every day for the rest of your life. How about going with me?"

He smiled gently every sentence, holding Su Ruoshui's hand, but tightly betrayed his real state of mind at the moment.

Quietly around.

After a while.

Su Ruoshui said in a dumb voice, "I don't want to go back to Dijing. I can go anywhere."

Xie Heng threw the chopping sword to the Qingyi guard beside him, turned around and walked towards the bow, leaving only one sentence, "You go."


Zhou Minghao caught up with him and told him that the ten cities were picked up for nothing. Because Su Ruoshui was a friend of Mrs. Shao, he couldn't want the fat sheep sent to the door.

Xie Heng said in a deep voice, "shut up."

The prince choked.

Li Xun behind him picked up Su Ruoshui and said, "thank you for your success. I will give you all these ten cities!"

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