When the sound fell, Li Xun took Su Ruoshui through the misty fog, the boat went with the wave, and his clothes flew with the wind.

Many swordsmen in black on the painted boat also threw away their swords and dived towards the big ship dozens of feet away.

A group of Qingyi guards searched the whole boat carefully and found nothing. They went to Xie Heng and bowed their heads and reported: "Lord, there is no trace of young lady in the boat."

Xie Heng's Danfeng eyes became very dark, and there was no expression on his face, "dismantle."

"Yes, my subordinates!"

The green guards were ordered to draw swords one after another when Xie Heng stepped on the military ship next door. The sword moves were reasonable in vertical and horizontal. Dozens of people forcibly split the whole boat and splashed several people high water.

In a moment, a group of green guards withdrew their swords.

In front of Xie Heng, the water was full of boats and gradually sank into the river and disappeared.

The boy's eyes were dim, staring at the calm water gradually.

There are thousands of green mountains and endless water. It seems that everything in the world has countless possibilities, but the whereabouts of ah Jiu completely broke the clue here and became a mystery since then.

Seeing this, Zhou Minghao could not help rubbing his hands, walked to Xie Heng's side and began to ask, "since there is no trace of young lady here, shall we go back to Dijing to clean up those messy informants and detailed work first?"

Xie Heng just looked at the distance and said nothing.

He used to think that the third childe didn't like talking so much. He looked like a mug gourd. He was really bad tempered.

Now I know that if I go to the sad place, I'm not interested in talking so much.

Zhou Minghao looked back at several Qingyi guards. They all made a "please!" action, plus a look of "if you can speak, speak more".

The Navy generals have only heard of Xie Xiaoyan's name. This is the first time to see the Lord. They don't know what kind of person he is. At present, they handed Zhou Minghao the look of "say it first".

The prince had no choice but to continue to say, "Zhao Feng was able to catch up with the Lord of Nanhua this time, obviously because there are Nanhua's masterpieces in the emperor's capital, otherwise Li Xun couldn't come so soon. Although he came for beauty this time and didn't do anything big in Dayan, it's hard to guarantee that the masterpieces of other countries in northern desert and Western Chu won't be demons..."

It's just that when the old emperor was in power, the ministers at the bottom only wanted to be able to live on the surface and did things perfunctorily. As a result, there were all kinds of messy people in the capital. The beauties in the song and Dance Workshop, the small vendors in the street and the beautiful concubines in the minister's house may all be details lurking here to collect information.

Zhou Minghao said, "it's better to take the opportunity to thoroughly check the imperial capital. Maybe we can pry out the news about the whereabouts of the young lady from them."

Xie Heng smelled the speech, his eyes were slightly bright, said a few words with the general of the Navy, and sent someone to "escort" Li Xun and others back to Nanhua, so as to avoid complications, so he called back to the camp.

The Navy generals took orders to retreat and loudly ordered to lead more than 100 military ships to turn around and go back to the camp.

Sunlight passes through the smoke room and falls on the water. It is sparkling and beautiful.

The boy stood in the bow, but he didn't want to enjoy the beautiful scenery. He said, "return to Beijing immediately!"

Everyone should be in unison.

Zhou Minghao was speechless for a moment: "...."

The Shizi master just made a draft in his stomach while talking. He had figured out the advantages and disadvantages from large to small. He was ready to be a loyal minister who would earnestly advise the Lord if Xie Heng ignored him.

The result was just a "maybe we can pry out the news about the whereabouts of the young lady from their mouths". Xie Heng returned to Beijing, but he didn't have a chance to say what he said.

Just calm down and go back to Dijing.


Emperor capital, Xie mansion.

Xie Xuan was surrounded by more than ten imperial doctors. All kinds of silver needles and strange drugs were used on him, forcing the third childe who refused to close his eyes to sleep.

It was not until midnight that Xie Zhen woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he struggled to sit up and put his clothes on his body.

The imperial doctors advised him to continue to have a rest. The third childe seemed not to hear what these people said, and went out without expression.

"The third brother is awake!" Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi were sitting on the threshold waiting. As soon as they saw Xie Yu coming out, they immediately got up and ran towards him. They pulled his sleeve from left to right and dropped the golden beans. "The third brother, you are awake! We are scared to death!"

The two little have never been so close to the third childe, but now they cry very affectionately.

Xie Yu was stiff for a moment and didn't know how to deal with it.

Mrs. Xie helped Mrs. Xie to walk towards this side and said in a voice: "thank God, ah Yu is awake! We have only been out of town for a long time. As soon as we come back, even the sky has changed!"

If the green guards hadn't come to report, their gang would still stay in the other village outside the city and dare not go out for half a step. But when they came back, it was bad news. Ah Jiu disappeared, and even the third childe almost died.

The Xie family couldn't sit still. They immediately got up and went back to the city.

Mrs. Xie looked at her with concern and said in a warm voice, "what are you doing when you're so badly hurt? Go back and lie down."

"I......" the third childe's face was a little stiff. He didn't know how to talk to them. He took back his sleeves from his two small hands and said, "I have something important to do immediately."

Mrs. Xie asked him, "what's more important than your own life?"

The third childe didn't speak and went out by himself.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xie hurriedly said, "what are you doing? Stop the third childe! He's so hurt that he has to go out. If there's something good or bad, be careful that the eldest childe will come back and cut you all!"

Hearing the speech, the servants and maids went to stop Xie Yu slightly and begged in a low voice: "third childe, please go back and lie down!"

The imperial doctors were stunned for a moment and rushed to act as a human wall to block Xie Xuan's way. Xiao Yan was already angry these days. If Xie Xuan had another chance, he would probably take all their heads off.

Xie Xuan and the people who stopped him stood still for a moment and said in a dumb voice, "get out of the way!"

The crowd shook their heads to show their refusal.

Even though Xie Xuan was so cold, they could barely hold on. After all, no matter how cold the cold was, it would not be more frightening than the sword in Xie Xiaoyan's hand.

Regardless of his injuries, the third childe rushed out with a cold face. There was no blood on his thin lips. He looked more and more like a young jade. He was as cold as a relegated immortal.

"Third brother!"

"Third childe!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Little six and little seven shouted at him, and a group of young ladies and doctors insisted on guarding the gate.

Just here, a voice came from a distance, "what's this for?"

When they looked back, they saw Xie Heng's ink clothes flying and striding towards this side.

The flickering lights under the eaves pulled the young figure very long, with unspeakable sadness in solitude.

"East wind." old lady Xie shouted to him.

"Grandmother." Xie Heng nodded to her slightly, and then his eyes fell on the third childe, "why don't you stop when you're hurt like this?"

"I can't sleep." when Xie Xuan saw his elder brother, his mood stabilized. His eyes looked at the people in front of him like ink, "I want to go to the prison to try those people."

Before Xie Heng spoke, the old doctor next to him jumped, "how can I do this? Lord Xie's body is not tired and thoughtful. What's the difference between going to try the suspect and looking for death?"

The other doctors agreed with this one after another, "that is, Lord Xie's special physique saved his life. If he were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have died long ago!"

If you don't have a good rest like this, you're not going to die!

Xie Heng smelled the speech, and his eyes became more and more heavy. "Go and have a rest. I'll try those people in the prison myself."

"No!" Xie Xuan insisted abnormally, "if you ask questions about torture, your eldest brother is not as good as me."

When people around heard the speech, they immediately: "

The whole world will thank one person for daring to say this.

Xie Heng looked at the third childe and asked in a hoarse voice, "are you going to have a rest by yourself or do I knock you out?"

Hearing this, they unconsciously stepped back and made a large space for the two brothers.

Even the little six and seven who cried until they smoked continuously leaned against Mrs. Xie very consciously.

The third childe's face was bloodless, his eyes were like ink, and he called out "elder brother" in a dumb voice

He said to Xie Heng, "I want to go."

The hand under Xie Heng's sleeve was slightly closed, and the mood in Danfeng's eyes was surging.

This is the first time that the third childe said "what do I want to do" with his brother when he was so old.

The boy couldn't refuse, but he was worried that he couldn't support himself.

Seeing this, Xie Xuan glanced at the doctors, and then said, "I'll take them with me. I can't die."

All the doctors were surprised. The title of "desperately thanking Sanlang" really deserved its reputation.

Xie Heng didn't say anything more, but took off his robe and put it on the third childe.

No one knows what Xie Yu is like better than him.

The third childe seems cold and heartless, but in fact he is extremely stubborn. Whatever he wants to do, he must do it anyway. Others can't stop him. If he really wants to stop it, it will only hurt him more.

Xie Xuan looked down at Xie Heng and pulled up his skirt. He whispered, "after I go to the prison, my eldest brother has to go to the palace. If there is any news, I will send someone to the palace immediately. Please take the people involved and send them to the prison immediately."

Xie Heng helped him fasten his dress belt and said in a deep voice, "OK."

"Go!" Xie Xuan dragged Xie Heng's hand and walked out. When his eldest brother came, these individuals dared not stop.

Xie Heng waved his hand to the imperial doctors and motioned them to keep up. He also trotted forward with plenty of clothes and food.

At the end of the night, the lights in Xie's house are bright.

Xie Heng and Xie Yu walked side by side for a few steps. Seeing the third childe's face as pale as paper, they couldn't help but stop and recite the man directly.

The third childe was stunned, "elder brother..."

The night was dark and the lights danced.

He couldn't see Xie Heng's expression clearly. He only heard the boy say in a deep voice, "I'll carry you. Hurry up."

The north wind roared by the side of the body, blowing the two teenagers' ink hair flying.

Xie Zhen gently put his right hand on Xie Heng's shoulder and said cautiously, "elder brother, I will help you find ah Jiu."

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