In the winter of the 21st year of Shengxing, Zhao Yi, the old emperor who sought to usurp the throne, was smashed by the people for seven days. Day after day, the abuse and accusation was better than the pain of lingchi thousand knives. Even the imperial doctor couldn't hold his last breath. A generation of Kings finally died in the market, and a roll of straw mat was thrown into the wilderness, which became a Chinese meal for wild wolves and wild dogs.

None of the ministers dared to disagree.

On the other hand, Xie Xuan interrogates a group of sinners in the prison with injuries, as well as suspicious people previously detained in the palace.

Who knows, this trial has not found the whereabouts of warm wine, which first set off a huge wave in various countries.

Southern China, Western Chu, northern desert and many small countries around are involved. During the 20 years of Zhao Yi's reign, there were not a few villains in power. They took the salaries of the Dayan court and took benefits from other countries to do things for them. This time, Xie Yu went deep into the investigation. One person involved ten people, ten people involved hundreds of people, and even pulled out countless dignitaries involved in the case.

Xie Zhen interrogated day and night in the prison. When the sun disappeared, the Qingyi guards ran back and forth between the prison and the palace and sent the message written by the third childe to Xie Heng.

Xie Xiaoyan was arrested under the order of his life.

This thorough investigation lasted for two months, with half of the civil and military officials and the Dayan court turned upside down.

When I went to the court again, so many political discussion halls became empty. Most of the courtiers present were suppressed by ignorant and incompetent bosses in recent years. They had just been promoted because they had done nothing, and the other half were new young officials. Although there are more people in prison than those who are still in office, they all do practical things. Without those who eat dry meals, they get in the way. Although there are mountains of official affairs to deal with every day, they are still more upright and energetic than before.

Although Xie Heng did not ascend the throne, he had the power of the king. When he went to the court, he didn't talk much nonsense. After listening to the people's suggestions, he withdrew from the court.

Therefore, the younger officials often scrambled to speak first. A very few old ministers stood in the front. Only because the reaction was a little slower, they had no chance to speak again. They could only watch Xie Heng get up and leave, annoyed.

Everyone knows that Xie Heng is busy finding his sweetheart.

Except for the urgent military affairs and the government affairs that the courtiers can't handle, everything else can be done later.

Even such a big event as inheriting the throne is not as important to Xie Xiaoyan as looking for his wine.

The ministers were in a hurry and repeatedly made suggestions to the Lord, but Xie Heng ignored them all.

They can only ask the old Duke and he Xingbang to discuss with Mrs. Xie.

The old Duke of the county said humanely to old man Xie: "we old bones shouldn't expect anything more until the Lord returns to the court. But when we think about it, we don't know how many years we can live. We always want to see the Lord ascend the throne and take charge of the power in a decent way, so that we can be reconciled."

Old lady Xie has seen a lot of storms in her life, but she doesn't dare to touch the affairs of the court. Third lady Xie and Xie Yucheng dare not answer casually.

"Zhao Yi usurped the throne originally. The fourth Prince Zhao fan died without a whole body, and the former crown prince Zhao Feng disappeared. If the Lord didn't take this seat, wouldn't Dayan be slaughtered by other countries?" he Xingbang said painfully: "Today's Dayan has been weak for a long time. It has been regarded as Chinese food by other countries. I wish I could rush up and eat it separately. If it hadn't been for the World War I on the Changning River and the birth of Xie Xiaoyan, I don't know what it would be like today."

Old lady Xie shook her head and sighed, "but now he..."

Before she finished, the old county Lord understood it, "Although the Lord is trying to rectify Dayan's court for the sake of the young lady, why not let Dayan be reborn? The treacherous and crafty members of the court form a party and have a rotten foundation. If the Lord hadn't made such a decision with Lord Xie, we don't know when and how to revive the court platform. Can we old bones live to see the day when Haiqing River and Yan in the world?!"

The two old ministers spoke from the bottom of their hearts. Old lady Xie was very nervous when she heard this. "Stop, I went into the palace with the two to persuade the east wind. Is it a success or not..."

"Yes!" the old magistrate said with great certainty, "if an old lady comes out this time, it will be a success!"

Old lady Xie changed into a maid to get a crutch, so she took a carriage with the old county Lord into the palace.

At this time, when the sun was rising in the East, the sun fell on the eaves and stone slabs, reflecting a slight light, which made several old people dazzled.

They all stumbled a little, but they didn't stop at all.

In front of us is the rising sun, and the new emperor is Dayan's hope.

At the moment, the Imperial Palace, the political discussion hall and the side hall.

Xie Zhen took a stack of confessions to Xie Heng and said hoarsely, "elder brother, all the people and the information you can ask are here."

The third childe stayed in the prison for two months. His face was as white as paper, almost no blood, and even the green veins on his neck became more and more obvious.

Xie Heng took it over and said to him, "you drink the chicken soup on the case first."

The third childe stood still.

Xie Heng turned over several pages and read every line of words very carefully. What countries have done carefully is more and more outrageous.

But he never saw the news he wanted to know most.

Xie Xuan stood in front of the case and said in a dumb voice, "there is no news of ah Jiu... All the methods that can be used have been used, but there is no news of ah Jiu!"

Xie Heng was stunned. The confession fell off his hands and spilled all over the table.

He looked up at the third childe. The mood in amber eyes was very complex, but he was very firm, "there is another way."

Rao is Xie Heng so thoughtful. At the moment, he doesn't know what he said. He can't help asking, "what way?"

Xie Heng opened the confession on the case with one hand and said in a deep voice: "fight!"

The young man said, "whether it's northern desert, southern China or other countries, I can't find ah Jiu one day, so I beat them one day, attack cities and land, and reclaim the sea until ah Jiu returns to me!"

The third childe's eyes changed slightly. He was stunned for a moment before he understood what the elder brother meant. His eyes lit up little by little.

Xie Heng brushed his sleeve, scattered hundreds of rice paper on the ground and said word by word: "no matter who took my wine, I'll let him send people back!"

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