The minister paused, his face turned white, but he didn't know where the courage came from. He stubbed his neck and continued: "the emperor has three out of twenty this year. Since he ascended the throne, the rear position has been suspended. In the long run, I'm afraid he will miss the great event of the emperor's succession..."

"Oh." Xie Heng slightly raised a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, but his voice was lower than before. "As you can see, what should I do?"

When the minister heard the speech, he thought that his speech had been successful. His face turned red and his voice was much louder. "I thought the emperor should accept the harem, extend his descendants and revitalize the royal family! The thousands of gold and virtuous ladies of the Li family and the young lady of the Zheng Shangshu family are also bright and intelligent..."

When the words came to the impassioned place, Xie Hengshun picked up the fold on the imperial case and threw it on the minister's forehead. Sheng Sheng patted people back and fell to the ground, and his voice stopped suddenly.

Xie Heng brushed his sleeves, got up slowly, and asked all civil and military officials from a commanding position, "whose daughter can't get married, just send the list to me, and you will get a husband in less than three days!"

"The emperor!" the ministers with daughters knelt down one after another and begged, "the emperor calm down! The ministers are also for the emperor and Dayan!"

There are always one or two old ministers who call themselves loyal ministers and celebrities. They can cry especially at this time. All their voices are broken for Dayan Cao.

Xie Heng looked at the crowd with a cold arc on his lips, "think I don't know what you're thinking?"

When this sentence came out, all the ministers at the bottom immediately stopped crying and didn't even dare to cry.

Xie Heng said, "like the previous dynasty, I want to use the harem to contain the government. The family depends on women, and the foreign relatives do the government?"

Hearing the speech, the ministers bowed their heads lower.

"Wake up as soon as possible!" Xie Heng put his hand on the side of the case and said word by word: "Zhu Qing is unlucky. He doesn't have such a life. He died as soon as possible."

"I dare not!"

The ministers dared to say more and kowtow one after another for forgiveness.

There has been such a scene in the court, and no one dares to say anything else.

Xie Heng glanced at Wang Liang on the side of the waiter. The old waiter hurriedly stepped forward and was just about to shout "retreat ”, The attendants outside the hall loudly began to play "please see your majesty, envoy of Western Chu!"

Xie Hengdan's Feng eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Xie Wanjin below.

The fourth childe raised his eyebrow and smiled at his eldest brother.

On one side, Xie Xuan frowned and said, "what's the style of laughing?"

Xie Wanjin smiled and said solemnly, "don't be so fierce, brother three. You'll know why I smiled later. It's a good thing! It's definitely a good thing!"

Xie Yu glanced at him and said no more.

Xie Heng sat back on the Dragon chair with a deep voice: "Xuan!"

Wang Liang stood on the white jade step, blowing the dust lightly, "xuanxi Chu envoy to meet!"

There are many palaces, the words of publicity are transmitted layer by layer, and the sound waves reverberate around the beam for a while.

Not long.

The female emissary of the Western Chu took four accompanying officials to the political hall, holding brocade books, "see your majesty Dayan."

Xie Heng's face was as usual and said, "excuse me, tell me what you want."

The Western Chu messengers were stunned at the speech.

These courtiers in the palace of political discussion have long been used to Xie Heng's style of "less nonsense and talking about business", which is not inappropriate at all.

A moment later, the female messenger raised the brocade book over her head and said respectfully, "this is the book written by the emperor of Western Chu. Please have a look at it."

"Present it." Xie Heng gave Wang Liang a look.

The latter hurriedly stepped down the white jade step, took the brocade book and handed it to Xie Heng.

Xie Heng opened it, glanced at it, then closed it, threw it on the case, and said with a smile, "what's the matter with me? D"

"I, the six princesses of Western Chu, are now in their twenties and thirties. I specially set up a son-in-law recruitment meeting in the capital, and respectfully invite talented men from all over the world to gather in Western Chu to participate in the grand event!" the waitress said respectfully: "if your majesty or Dayan, who is talented enough to marry the princess, can also ensure the peaceful coexistence of Dayan and Western Chu for a hundred years!"

That's very clear.

The six princesses of Western Chu recruited their sons-in-law and invited talents from various countries to the capital of Western Chu. The emperor of Western Chu was most optimistic about the young emperor Dayan.

If the two countries can marry, it will be difficult to start a war.

Xie Heng bent his fingers and gently knocked on the imperial case. He swept all the civil and military officials under him. The young officials all bowed their heads together. Only Xie Yu's face was expressionless and motionless.

The fourth childe smiled and both the pear vortices came out.

"It's not bad." Xie Heng raised his hand and pointed to the fourth childe. He didn't care much: "Xie Wanjin, you go to the West Chu. If you want to marry, Dayan and the West Chu will be at peace for the time being. If you don't like it, the next one will fight the West Chu."

Xie Wanjin choked, "elder brother, I......"

It's bad luck to laugh.

"Your majesty!" the waitress of the Western Chu was shocked. She had never seen a person in power so arrogant.

Even if the war is really going to start, it is also expensive and fast. The victory is unexpected, but the people of Western Chu are still standing in the political hall. Xie Heng dares to speak like this.

I don't know if he is too young or doesn't pay attention to Xichu at all.

After pondering for a moment, man Dian was just about to salute.

Xie Heng suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Lord Shoufu, what's your opinion?"

They closed their mouths very wisely and secretly turned their eyes to Xie Shoufu.

There was no expression on Xie's face. His tone was very light and said, "the emperor is wise!"

Only these four words, no more servants.

All the officials fell down and covered their faces with sleeves.

The envoys of the Western Chu Dynasty were surprised and unspeakable.

Xie Wanjin looked up at the third brother on his side and looked up at his eldest brother, "I..."

It's not clear yet!

How did it become that I went to Xichu?

"That's it." Xie Heng took a look at the fourth childe at the bottom, "seal Xie Wanjin as the Marquis of royal clothes, and leave for the Western Chu to recruit relatives tomorrow. Retreat from the dynasty!"

The fourth childe had no chance to speak again. Wang Liang brushed the dust and said in a high voice, "the emperor has an intention to retreat!"

Hearing the words of master Rumeng, all officials immediately bowed their knees and saluted, "congratulations to the emperor!"

Xie Heng closed his sleeve and left.

Xie Wanjin stood in place, numb as a chicken.

A moment later, the ministers bowed down and retreated. Only Xie Xuan was still standing on his side and said coldly, "Royal Marquis, don't you go yet?"

"Third brother!" Xie Wanjin suddenly woke up. "Why didn't you help me just now? Let me marry the princess of Xichu? Are you kidding? The woman of Xichu is a powerful person. If you enter our house, you have to tear down Xie's house!"

Xie Xuan looked at him and didn't speak.

The fourth childe continued, "I'm not the Royal marquis. Who wants to be?"

Xie Xuan couldn't help frowning and said, "what are you laughing at just now?"

The fourth childe said bitterly, "the news of the Western Chu family recruitment has long been released. I thought my eldest brother would let you go..."

He suddenly felt cold in his back when he was half talking. The air conditioner around the third childe became heavier and heavier. He quickly changed his mouth and said, "I shouldn't go anyway!"

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