Xie Xuan looked at the fourth childe. His eyes were like ink and his voice was cold. "I won't send you tomorrow, royal coat Hou."

He said without expression, turned and left.

"Hey." Xie Wanjin stretched out his hand to pull the tassel on the jade pendant around the third childe's waist, so as to keep people. He whispered, "let me go anywhere. This western Chu... Forget it."

The fourth childe has run everywhere in the past three years, but he is not close to the land of Western Chu. At the moment, his face is awkward and difficult to cover up, "third brother, go talk to your eldest brother and let him go to another person?"

Xie Xuan was not moved at all. He said expressionless, "let go."

Xie Wanjin had to let go, pretending not to care, and said to his third brother calmly, "if I go to the Western Chu, ye Zhiqiu won the battle this time, and no one will go out of the city to meet you."

Xie Xuan heard the speech, threw a sleeve on the fourth childe's face, and immediately turned away.

Before he could say the next sentence, Xie Wanjin immediately: "...."

This is the chief assistant of Zhuohua who is said by others!

In a word, he threw his sleeve at his brother and shouted cold wind. When the fourth childe walked outside the hall, his face was written "I can't live this day!"

Qin Mo, who just finished greeting with others, saw it.

Qin Mo said with a smile, "Hou ye? It's a good job to go to Western Chu. How can you look like this?"

"Don't know why to ask!" Xie Wanjin smiled angrily. "It's a great job to go to another person. I'll go to the emperor and say, how about you?"

Qin Mo is only twenty-six or seven years old. He is ranked as the Minister of rites. He is the fastest rising of the younger generation. He is also handsome. The more the fourth childe looks at him, the more he thinks it is feasible.

"Don't! Princess of the Western Chu, the lower official has no blessing to receive, and why is the Lord so?" Qin Mo said, suddenly remembering something, lowered his voice and asked, "the lower official heard that the Lord has a relationship with the state teacher of the Western Chu..."

When he said this, he paused and thought about the words. "He has a good relationship. He once went to the Western Chu state and was still a guest of honor of the National Teachers' residence. Why don't he want to go now?"

That's a subtle question.

Xie Wanjin rolled up his big sleeve and raised his hand to draw Qin Mo's big mouth.

However, his manners and upbringing over the years did not allow him to do it in front of so many people, so he had to force the pressure down.

The fourth childe held his breath and put a smile on his lips. "It seems that Lord Qin is very concerned about the affairs of Western Chu. Anyway, the etiquette department will allocate some people to go with me this time. Why don't you join me?"

As soon as Qin Mo saw him smile, he knew it was no good, but when he said this, he greeted Xie Wanjin Haosheng in his heart, and had to smile back, "there are many things in the court, and I'm afraid I can't be empty..."

"No harm, no harm. I'll tell my third brother that you'll be free anyway."

Xie Wanjin said that and left. He didn't give Qin Mo a chance to speak again.

Tu Liuqin stood there and shouted to him, "Lord Hou! Lord Hou! Fourth childe..."

He shouted quite loudly, and the ministers walking in front looked back one after another. Only Xie Wanjin seemed not to hear at all.

Qin Mo couldn't help thinking:

Who are the Xie family!


Xie Heng finished all the Korean affairs piled up in the mountains, changed his regular clothes and returned to Xie's House late at night. After entering the door, he went directly to the yard where Wen Jiu lived before.

In the past three years, Xie Heng has been on an expedition abroad, beating flowers and water in both the north and the south. When a horse steps on the horizon, he can't find his sweetheart. It's rare to return to Beijing, but every time he comes back, he must go back to the yard where she warms wine, feed her previously raised fish, trim flowers and plants, plant trees, and sit by the pool all night.

The servant girls in the mansion are used to it and won't disturb him.

Xie Heng leaned against the corridor column and looked at the bright moon and stars reflected in the water. His thoughts drifted away.

He is always very busy. He travels thousands of miles to the southeast and northwest for ah Jiu and Dayan. He rarely stops.

For the past three years without ah Jiu, it seems that every day is particularly long, and it seems that it is just a flick of the finger.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter passed away in the twinkling of an eye.

The flowers in front of the court bloom and thank. People come and go in the world. Xi Xi mumbles and is beautiful and prosperous. Xie Heng never cares about it, because without that person around, the victory, defeat and joys and sorrows seem to be no longer important.

In the dead of night, the wind blows and the water moves. The moon in the water disappears and the stars no longer exist.

Xie Heng closed his eyes and listened to the wind quietly.

But someone came over and sat on his side. After waiting for a while, he said, "I want to drink again."

Xie Heng opened his eyes and looked at the old grandmother with silver hair in front of him. He gave a low "um".

No more.

Mr. Xie reached out to brush away the fallen leaves on his shoulder and whispered, "it's been three years. Dongfeng, if ah Jiu really doesn't live in the world..."

Just saying "if", Xie Heng's eyes suddenly changed color, and his dumb voice interrupted, "grandma."

Old lady Xie's words suddenly stopped.

After a while, she sighed and said again, "grandma won't force you, but there are still things worth doing in the world. There are many good girls..."

Xie Heng got up and stood in front of Yuehua. "In my heart, there is no better girl in the world than ah Jiu."

"Shopkeeper Wen is very good. Few girls in the world can match him." he Xingbang, who has been standing outside the arch door, had to come out and earnestly advised, "but no matter what, it's not good enough to make the woman next to him in the eyes of the emperor?"

Xie Heng didn't look back. He just looked up at the lamp swaying in the wind under the eaves and said in a low voice: "if you had met such a girl early, you would be gentle, give you thousands of family wealth, accompany you, and hold all the best things she can think of in front of you, how could you see others in your eyes?"

He Xingbang was speechless.

Originally, when he came to help persuade the emperor, he wanted to take Xu Hongwu with him, but the old Duke shook his head and refused to come. He also told him that he could speak frankly in front of the emperor. He couldn't say a word about it.

He Xingbang didn't believe the original, but now he can't say a word.

The night wind is passing through, quietly everywhere.

No one spoke, and the silence in the yard was too much.

Just at this time, the fourth childe came into the courtyard alone with a lantern and a picture scroll in his right hand.

As soon as he Xingbang and his grandmother looked, he knew what had just happened.

The fourth childe slightly raised his eyebrows, walked to Xie Heng, slowly opened the scroll brush in his hand, handed it to him and said, "I just asked someone to get a portrait of the six princesses of Western Chu. Elder brother, do you look familiar?"

Xie Heng turned and glanced, slightly stunned, but he didn't speak.

"Is it three or four times like ah Jiu?" Xie Wanjin smiled and said, "I don't know how the painter can draw a real person. Anyway, the six princesses in the painting must have something to do with ah Jiu. It's really necessary to go again in the Western Chu."

The fourth childe hasn't had time to say anything behind him.

"I'll go myself," Xie Heng said in a deep voice

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