It is the capital of the Western Chu Dynasty and the eight lords' mansion.

Wenjiu went back to the house to have a meal. He sat in the back garden and watched the gardener work on the flowers and plants until it was dark and windy. The waitresses advised her to go back to the house again and again, and then got up and entered the door.

She just sat down on the edge of the cave.

Tuan Tuan Yuan came forward with bitter medicine juice and said, "the medicine is ready. Your highness, drink while it's hot."

"Put the medicine bowl down. ” Warm wine reached out and rubbed the eyebrows, whispered with the crowd: "you all go out."

"No, your highness, this medicine is given three times a day, which was specially instructed by the national master. I really dare not disobey it. Please drink the medicine first..."

The round eyes were red, and he was about to kneel. The maids behind him looked at him and wanted to follow him.

Warm wine became more and more headache. He took the medicine bowl directly from the maid, drank it at one breath, and handed the empty bowl to her.

Happily carrying sugar pills, he came forward and said, "Your Highness, do you eat sugar?"

Wenjiu shook her head. Three meals a day were medicine. She couldn't taste bitter and sweet for a long time. She waved her hand to let everyone back.

The Ladies wanted to talk to her.

Wen Jiu put down the bed curtain and lay directly on the couch.

They looked at each other and blew out the lights in the inner room, leaving only the night light in the outer room. Then they bowed their heads and walked out gently.

After the door was closed, the room suddenly became very quiet.

Warm wine sat up, reached out and touched the third bed column from inside to outside, gently rubbing the three engraved on the back of the bed column with his fingertips.

She lowered her head, leaned her forehead against the bed column and murmured, "I miss you so much, thank you."

People in the door Miss thousands of people.

As soon as the waiters outside the door withdrew, they met Rong Sheng in purple.

The waitresses knelt down and said, "meet your master!"

"She went to Fengyin river again today?"

Rong Sheng was still wearing half a silver mask. His tone was very light when asking questions, which made people confused between joy and anger.

The maids were so frightened that they buried their heads lower.

Huan Tian trembled in the front: "yes, yes..."

Rong Sheng held his hand and lowered his voice. "Have you ever seen anyone?"

The maid said, "Your Highness went to the Fengyin river just to release the Phoenix kite. There are a lot of maids around. I haven't seen any outsiders."

"Never seen an outsider?" Rong Sheng repeated this sentence, smiled and said, "seriously?"

The maids were so frightened that they turned pale and trembled and said, "maids and maids dare not deceive!"

Rong Sheng's eyes were slightly cold and suddenly raised his right hand.

"Your Highness has never seen any outsiders, but the three princesses and the six princesses have met!" Huan Tian was so frightened that he was sweating and hurriedly said, "the six princesses have asked your highness some strange words, but your highness said a person's name..."

Rongsheng asked with low eyes, "who?"

Huan Tian stammered, "thank you, thank Dongfeng."

"She's really pretending." Rongsheng suddenly smiled, brushed his sleeves, brushed away a group of maids for several steps, and strode to the warm wine bedroom.

"My Lord, your Highness has fallen asleep."

The night watchman tried to stop him.

However, Rong Sheng was never a rule-abiding person. As soon as he brushed his sleeve, the powder filled the air, and the palace man on the night watch fell to the ground.

Rong Sheng opened the door and went straight to the inner room.

The night wind sneaks into the house, and the already dim lights flutter and sway, making the shadow of Rong Sheng flicker.

The warm wine behind the bed curtain was still sitting. He didn't care if someone came in. He just turned over and lay down.

Rong Sheng came forward, opened the bed curtain, looked at the warm wine confused eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "are you really not afraid of death if you cheated this seat for so long?"

"I drink medicine every day." Wenjiu answered.

Rong Sheng laughed angrily. "I told you that the poison of hating bones must forget the past before it can be solved and keep your life. Do you want to die if you don't forget Xie Heng?"

Wen Jiu looked up at him and asked seriously, "who is Xie Heng?"

Rongsheng looked at her, angry and funny, and couldn't speak for a moment.

Wen Jiu dragged the quilt in one hand and said slowly, "I just don't want to forget Xie Dongfeng."

After Rong Sheng choked, he didn't want to pay any attention to her. He took out an inky jade bottle from his sleeve, poured out a red pill and handed it to Wen Jiu, "eat it."

Warm wine, don't talk, and your mouth won't open.

"You don't want to forget him, have you ever thought about what he's thinking now?" Rong Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, his voice was cool, with a sense of watching jokes. "Don't forget, tomorrow is the wedding banquet of Murong Yu, the sixth Princess of Western Chu. Xie Heng came all the way. What do you say he came to do?"

Wen Jiu said, "naturally..."

Rongsheng didn't give her a chance to finish, and directly interrupted: "naturally, it's to marry the first beauty of Western Chu, your sixth emperor sister."

The night was getting dark and there was no one around. Rong Sheng bowed his head into the bed tent and was very close to her. His words echoed in her ears, especially clear.

Wen Jiu looked at him for a long time and asked, "Rongsheng, did you take medicine today?"

The master pursed his lips. Even if the upper half of his face was wearing a silver mask and could not see the expression on his face, Wen Jiu knew that he was extremely speechless at the moment.

Rong Sheng's eyes were dim, "it's none of your business. Don't ask."

Warm wine "Oh" and pulled the quilt up. It was so clever that I really stopped asking.

Rongsheng raised his hand and was ready to force the red pill into her mouth.

Wen Jiu pushed back, suddenly thought of something, and asked again, "Rong Sheng, did you take the wrong medicine today?"

The national master has not been greeted like this for many years. He can't help frowning and saying, "warm wine, do you want to die?"

Wen Jiu shook his head and said, "No."

"Then you take the medicine quickly." Rongsheng couldn't laugh when he looked at her. He just wanted to fill the medicine quickly and leave.

Warm wine is like doing business and quarreling with people. He pulled the quilt and asked in a low voice, "I don't want to forget everything."

Rong Sheng had to look at Wen Jiu with extremely dangerous eyes and said in a deep voice, "Wen Jiu, do you look like someone who will do business with you?"

Wenjiu nodded and replied seriously, "like."

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