Rongsheng looked back and thought that he had really done business with the God of wealth Wen. He didn't want to talk at once. He raised his hand, fastened the wine's jaw and forcibly fed the pill into it.

He said in a deep voice, "do you really think Xie Heng has killed you in the three years of fighting in the north and south?"

Warm wine pushed him away and hurried to the bedside to spit out.

Naihe pill melts in the mouth and mixes with the bitter medicine taste in the throat. No matter how she pinches her throat with her fingers or urges vomiting, she can only spit out a pool of bitter water.

But for a moment, warm wine sideburns were covered with cold sweat.

Rong Sheng stood up and stood back, quietly looked at her, and said in a indifferent voice, "Xie Heng is just seeking your name to conquer the countries and recover the old debts of the past few years for Dayan! What's the good of warming wine? He has no power and power, and can only be bullied. A mere hundred liang of silver can determine your fate. You don't even dare to be aboveboard if you like a person."

He picked up the brocade handkerchief in front of his bed and gently wiped the lower jaw of warm wine. His voice was cold, with a few unspeakable emotions. "You forget him and be your eight princesses of Western Chu, so that we can save your life. In the future, we will be in charge of western Chu, and the Phoenix will face the world."

If others hear this, they will probably feel that Rongsheng's drug test has damaged his brain.

Warm wine just supported on the edge of the couch with one hand, slowly sat up straight, and shouted in a hoarse voice, "Rong Sheng."

The national master was not happy and asked her, "what do you want to do?"

Warm wine eyes looked at him like ink and asked, "are you... Dying?"

Rong Sheng was stunned when he heard the speech.

He threw away the brocade handkerchief and sneered, "do you know again?"

Wen Jiu shook his head, "I didn't know."

Rong Sheng raised his hand and wanted to give her a slap. He only heard warm wine slowly say, "you gave me a red pill again. No matter what you said to me today, I forgot it all when I slept."

"It's good if you know." the national master closed his hands, turned back his sleeves, turned and left. When he came to the bead curtain, he suddenly turned back and asked her, "how do you know?"

Wen Jiu still kept his original posture and sat on the couch with a floating voice, "guess."

Rongsheng reached out and pinched a bead on the bead curtain, and then he was going to pop it on the couch.

The warm wine behind the bed curtain seemed to feel something and said, "last time you took medicine, I saw it."

Rong Sheng thought: you are usually confused. Remember this and forget that. I remember things very clearly.

But his voice was very weak. "You remember wrong."

Since Wenjiu came to Xichu, the maid around her said the most to her is "you remember wrong".

Everyone said that his highness eight was confused and had confused memories, but she was very sure now, "yes, you have so many poisons and drugs. How many are brought for yourself?"

Rong Sheng frowned slightly. "I'm afraid I won't wake up when I fall asleep. I won't have a chance to ask again in the future?"

The maid outside the door knelt on the ground. She was as quiet as a cicada and didn't dare to make a sound.

"Rong Sheng." Wen Jiu sat in the silk tent and asked him faintly, "who will die in front of you and me?"

Even if she can't remember things clearly, even if it's so difficult for her to remember a person.

But this ability in a word is like being born and can't be erased.

Rong Sheng didn't look back, but his voice sank a little, "if I don't let you die, the hell hall doesn't dare to accept you!"

When he finished, he brushed open the bead curtain and strode away.

The open and closed door was buzzing.

Warm wine poured on the soft couch and put his hand around his increasingly unbearable head.

The only two lights left in the outer room were blown out by the wind.

In such a big room, it was dark, the bead curtain was moving, and the fine sound turned into warm wine ears, all of which became a reminder.

The more she tried to remember the boy's appearance, the more she had a headache and felt like a knife cutting her whole body.

Warm wine gritted his teeth, and cold sweat spread all over his forehead.

I read the name of "Xie Dongfeng" in my heart again and again.

The lip bit out blood.

Nails embedded in the palm, I do not know the pain.

In the unknown night.

Warm wine was so painful in the bed tent that it was like a dying beast. Three thousand green silk were messy and hung down his shoulders. Blood was in his eyes, and hot tears burst into his eyes, seeping into his skirt bit by bit.

She firmly grasped the bed column engraved with the man's name, and her voice was hoarse. She told herself, "don't forget..."

"Can't forget, Xie Dongfeng!"

Outside the door, Rong Sheng stood in the night, and his purple cloud sleeves were dancing to fly by the wind.

He didn't say a word, but just stood quietly. The palace maids and maids around him knelt to the ground, didn't dare to lift their heads, and didn't dare to make any noise.

Spring night, quiet a little too much.

The flowers swayed in front of the door, and the wind mixed with silver bells.

As soon as Rongsheng looked up, he saw a girl in purple dress sitting on the eaves, gently shaking her feet, and the silver bells on her feet were shining in the moonlight.

He flew up to the eaves, went to the side of the girl and looked down her eyes.

I saw a plain gardener planting flowers in the back garden.

At this time, most of the boys' entourage had stopped, and the gardener who was busy under the moonlight seemed particularly strange.

Rong Sheng's voice was slightly cool and said in a low voice, "leave at night?"

Night left turned to look at him, his eyes were full of doubts, "elder martial brother, is what she said true?"

Rongsheng stood by her side, and the cold moonlight fell all over him. He pretended to be puzzled and said, "what?"

"She said you took medicine." Yeli said, "you are invincible. Ordinary drugs are useless to you. I haven't seen you take any medicine for so many years. What's the matter with you?"

Rong Sheng said, "nothing, but the crazy words of a confused man."

"Then why did you bring her back?" Yeli pointed to the door of the warm wine room and asked, "why didn't you let me kill her and had to bring her back to the capital? Isn't Xichu chaotic enough? You are a national teacher under one person and above ten thousand people. What's the use of a delirious eight princess for you?"

The girl's heart was full of doubts. At the moment, they all asked Rongsheng.

Rong Sheng just smiled, "it's fun."

Yeli looked at her in doubt for a while and couldn't help asking, "elder martial brother... Are you hiding something from me?"

Rong Sheng looked up at the moon and said casually, "at the beginning, you had to bring that fool back. I didn't ask you one more question. You care about her so much. Aren't you afraid she'll take away your little fool?"

As soon as these words came out, Yeli immediately choked and whispered, "it's not."

After a while, she said, "elder martial brother, you must tell me what you have, I..."

"What are you?" Rong Sheng looked at her with low eyes and said faintly with a smile: "you can ask less and let us live in peace."

Then he stepped on the branches and brushed the leaves away.

Yeli bowed his head, dialed the silver bell on his ankle, looked at the moonlight shrouded back garden, and muttered, "if you make your senior brother unhappy, I'll kill her."

The sound scattered with the wind, the night was thick, the stars changed, and the flowers fell in the breeze.

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