This year's wedding banquet in the Western Chu was very lively. Talented people from all over the world competed to visit, and the servants in the imperial palace of the Western Chu came and went.

During the banquet, the music lingered, the dancers danced disorderly, the cloud sleeves swayed, and the skirts danced.

The fragrance overflowed, and everyone was like entering a fairyland. They sat at the banquet and saluted one after another. After greeting, they could not help talking in groups, "you and I are lucky to go to the wedding banquet of the princess of Western Chu. That's also fate!"

Someone wondered, "how do you say that?"

Someone explained with a smile:“ Western Chu has always been that only legitimate princesses are qualified to hold a wedding banquet. Although there are many royal princesses in Western Chu, this legitimate princess is considered noble. In this generation, there are only two legitimate princesses. "

"The third princess Murong Nian had promised for a long time. Before she got married, her fiance and son-in-law drowned. It is said that Murong Nian was single-minded, so she didn't want to marry again. The emperor took pity on his mother's loss when he was young, so he acquiesced. As for the eighth Highness..."

The prince in royal clothes on his side said: "I know. His highness eight of the Western Chu was sent to the mountains and forests to raise as soon as he was born. He only returned to the capital in recent years. It is said that he is a sick child who can't live without soup and medicine three times a day. It seems that he is still out of his mind."

"So in this generation, only the first beauty of Western Chu and the sixth Princess Murong Yucai can hold this wedding banquet to gather you and me in the capital of Western Chu!"

"Let's say first. No matter who's holding the beauty back, we can't hurt our friendship!"

Everyone responded.

I'm kidding. In recent years, all the countries in the four directions have been beaten by Xie Heng and dare not say a word. Everything has been crushed by Da Yan. If there is any discord with the Western Chu, it's really impossible to live this day.

People in the palace with notebooks in the dark write down and fly. After writing a page, they pass it to the palace people behind them. They gather in one place and send it to the nearest Chaohua palace.

Murong Yu is sitting in the hall dressing up. The maids are busy on her side. Her makeup is painted again and again. The Phoenix hairpin gold steps into the temples. The whole person is much more gorgeous.

The palace people read the speech books sent from all over. The childe of which country said he loved the beauty of the six princesses, and which dignitaries lamented the special love of the three princesses. Who teased his highness eight that he was insane? Read them one by one.

Murong Nian listened and couldn't help getting angry. He went to Murong Yu and patted the table and asked, "you called our palace and Jiujiu all the way to listen to these people ridicule us and compliment you?"

"Where did you come from, sister Sanhuang?" Murong Yu helped Jin Buyao, who was tottering at the temples, and said with a smile: "I know they would say such words. Please come, just because there are so many talented people outside. I'm uneasy in my heart, thinking of my sisters to accompany me. But sister Sanhuang's words really make me sad..."

Murong Nian couldn't help turning his eyes, "what kind of person are you? This palace knows very well. In the past, you just pretended in front of this palace. Now you have to do the same in front of Jiujiu?"

Murong Yu said innocently, "I don't know what sister Sanhuang is talking about."

Murong Nian was too lazy to talk to her. He shouted "Jiujiu, let's go" and turned to go.

But after a while, there was no echo of warm wine.

Murong Nian had to look back and saw that he was happy at the side of Wenjiu. He was very helpless and said, "three princesses, our Highness has slept."

"Sleep... Sleep over?" Murong Nian almost bit his tongue.

Thanks to her facing Murong Yu Zhengfeng for her sister, she didn't listen to a word and went to sleep.

Murong Yu, who was busy tracing his eyebrows, flashed a trace of surprise and looked back.

Warm wine leaned on the soft couch and slept soundly.

Murong Nian walked over, poked Wenjiu's forehead, woke people up, and couldn't help asking, "what did you do last night? How did you get so sleepy?"

Warm wine reached out to help his forehead, opened his eyes and said blankly, "ah?"

She obviously had no idea what had just happened.

Murong Nian simply hated iron and steel. "What did you do last night?"

Wen Jiu thought for a while and said, "I don't remember."

Murong read silently: "...."

Everyone is absolutely down.

Although the people around her knew that his highness Ba often didn't remember things, they wouldn't forget all yesterday's things today. Obviously, it's because of what the national division did after entering the house yesterday.

The maids had their own thoughts, and no one spoke.

Murong Nian had been very helpless about warming wine, so she had to ask her something else, "what about just now? Did you hear what you said just now?"

Warm wine rubbed his temples and said, "No."

Facing Murong Nian, who still had some chance of winning, he had no power to parry in front of warm wine and couldn't speak for a while.

Seeing this, Murong Yu smiled more and more gently and asked softly, "in that case, Jiujiu wants them to read it to you again?"

Murong Nian turned to stare at her, "how dare you!"

What a mess that is!

"That's not necessary." Wen Jiu waved his hand and said casually, "if sister Liu Huang is free, you might as well sing me a song?"

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