As soon as these words came out, the whole Chaohua hall suddenly quieted down.

Singing and dancing is what song and dance girls do. Although Murong Yu was born by concubine LAN, he has outstanding talent and is known as the first beauty in Western Chu. He has always been deeply loved by the emperor. So Murong Nian never looked down in front of the legitimate princess who lost her mother when she was young.

Now in front of her, the delirious girl dared to treat her as a singer and dancer and asked her to sing a song.

Murong Yu paused with the Phoenix hairpin's hand. An embarrassing color flashed in his eyes, barely kept his smile on his face, and asked softly, "Jiujiu, what did you just say?"

"I asked sister Liu Huang to sing a song for me." Wen Jiu didn't think there was anything wrong. He said naturally, "others say that sister Liu Huang has a beautiful song and is proficient in 18 kinds of musical instruments. There's nothing left or right. It's better for you to sing a song to relieve our boredom than to sit here and feel uneasy, isn't it?"

She seemed to have said such things before, or heard someone say something similar.

It's very natural to say. I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

Murong Yu's smile froze, his hand holding the Phoenix hairpin lost its weight in vain, and Shengsheng broke the hairpin tail.

Pearls and jade hung down on the ground and scattered around.

One rolled to the foot of warm wine. She raised her eyes and asked, "what did this hairpin do wrong? Sister Liu Huang wants to break it?"

Those apricot eyes were too clear and had no ironic and provocative meaning. Because of this, Murong Yu felt that the other party couldn't see her. She was a concubine and was pressing her with the frame of a legitimate princess.

Murong Yuqi can't blame her for her death, but she can only bear it and turn over the river with anger.

Murong Nian couldn't help laughing. He went to Wenjiu's side and was about to talk to her. The palace people outside the hall came and said, "Your Majesty Dayan came personally. The emperor ordered the maidservant to invite the two princesses to meet her."

The sound fell, and everyone in the Chaohua hall took a breath of air-conditioning.

The great maid beside Murong Yu was overjoyed and couldn't help flattering his master: "it's said that the Lord of Dayan regarded beauty as nothing, but now he came to the princess's wedding banquet in person. It can be seen that no one can escape the level of the first beauty in Western Chu this day!"

"Nonsense!" Murong Yu tut said strangely to the maid, but the smile on his lips was obviously out of control.

She brushed her skirt, raised her eyes and looked at Murong Nian and warm wine. "Since it's the father's intention, please ask sister Sanhuang and Jiu Jiu to accompany us."

"Wait a minute." Murong Nian frowned and asked, "what did you just say? Two? There is clearly..."

The palace man said: "the emperor ordered, your highness eight is unwell, so you don't need to show up. Please go with the three princesses and the six princesses."

When Murong Nian heard this, most of the pent up anger in his heart immediately went away, smiled and said, "my father is wise. There are a lot of people from all over the world at the wedding banquet. If Jiujiu gets sick during the banquet, it's unbearable. It's not good for others to see it, isn't it?"

Warm wine, help the forehead, didn't speak.

The six princesses have always been gentle and considerate. No matter what they do, they are blameless.

Murong Nian knew what kind of person he was, and said angrily, "what do you mean by this? Jiujiu just doesn't remember much. What disease can't be seen?"

Murong Yu was in a good mood at the moment and didn't argue with her. He only said, "you heard it just now. This is the meaning of the father emperor. If the third emperor sister had to resist with Jiujiu, there would be no way for the palace."

"Then the palace really has to take Jiujiu!" Murong Nian grabbed Wenjiu's wrist, pulled her up from the couch and walked away. He didn't forget to speak to Murong Yu, "the palace doesn't believe that the father emperor will blame Jiujiu for such a small matter."

Warm wine frowned slightly and said softly, "be gentle, sister Sanhuang."

Murong Nian quickly let go when he heard the speech, and said with an apologetic face: "sorry, Jiujiu, sister Huang is easy to be anxious as soon as she gets angry. Does her hand hurt? Call a doctor later to show you."

"Sister Sanhuang won't remember anything because of Jiujiu. She can't remember your revenge. Murong Yu chuckled," go if you want. "

While talking, Murong Yu's eyes swept the warm wine from beginning to end, and his eyes were full of the look of "gone is just a foil".

The maidens around the six princesses were smiling and confident.

Since his return to the capital, his highness Ba has often appeared in front of people, either with a veil or a curtain. Today is no exception. A woman who doesn't even dare to show her true face is either plain or ugly. Standing with the first beauty of Western Chu is a foil.

Murong Nian couldn't stand Murong Yu's virtue of smiling and hiding a knife. He couldn't help but want to quarrel with her, but he was suddenly patted on the shoulder by warm wine. He was surprised and asked, "Jiujiu, what's the matter?"

Wen Jiu stretched out his hand to pull the curtain and said carelessly, "you are so noisy."

Murong Nian and Murong Yu were speechless: "...."

The palace man at the side of the body urged at the right time and reminded: the emperor daughter of the Western Chu Dynasty can't go to the palace gate with ordinary people at such a wedding banquet. She has to land on the phoenix platform from the right side of the Qionghua palace and have high self-respect. Before selecting the candidate for the son-in-law, she should be separated from the man at the table to maintain the posture of the daughter of heaven.

They went out of the hall several times through the corridor to the Qionghua palace where the wedding banquet was held.

Wen Jiu, murongyu, murongnian and others landed when they happened to meet the emperor's imperial driving. There were countless attendants in the left and right palace. When they saw a ceremony, it was quite powerful.

Warm wine mixed in the two princesses saluted and said "see your father."

After that, she stood aside and wanted to be like she didn't come at all.

Murongyuan, the emperor of Western Chu, is only 40 to 50 years old this year. She looks handsome and looks like a young man in her thirties. Her eyes are very good. She was caught immediately.

"Jiu Jiu." Murong Yuan said in a deep voice, "I want you to stay in the temple and have a rest. What are you doing here?"

Before Wenjiu spoke, Murong Nian hurriedly said, "Jiujiu said she missed her mother."

Speaking of this, Murong Nian also specially looked behind Murong yuan, "by the way, father emperor, why didn't mother come?"

Murong yuan smelled the speech, and his eyes were much softer. "Your mother just went to bed with medicine. You want her to see her at any time."

With that said, Murong yuan didn't wonder about warming wine any more. The waiter not far away hurried to report that "Emperor Yan will be here soon!"

Murong Yuan said "well" and said with warm wine, "since you're here, let's go to phoenix stage together."

He said, reaching out to touch the head of Wenjiu. However, Wenjiu was very strange to the father. He only whispered "yes", and then stepped back, slightly surprised in his eyes.

Murong yuan's hands failed in vain. People around him could not help but hold their breath and bury their heads lower. They just didn't see anything.

Murong Yu and Murong Nian look different.

The Emperor just smiled and said with warm wine, "let's go."

The sound fell.

Wen Jiu nodded, looked up at the phoenix platform with palace people, and wondered how to climb up the hundred step white jade step.

But all the people around him were thinking more and more.

Surrounded by the Long Sheng song, the people climbed up the steps with the imperial car and boarded the most famous phoenix platform in the Western Chu palace.

Wenjiu was originally walking on the side of the emperor. When he walked, he couldn't climb. He took two steps to have a rest. He slowly fell behind Murong Yu and Murong Nian, and gradually came to the end of the team.

Everyone knew that the wedding banquet had nothing to do with his highness eight, so she went.

Only a few people were happy to see the Royal driver on the stage and the people worshipped. They wanted to carry her up and have a look at what the talented people of all countries looked like.

The warm wine just waved their hands to them not to make a noise.

When she boarded the phoenix stage, everyone had already seen the emperor.

At the moment, everyone's eyes are focused on Murong Yu, the first beauty of Western Chu, and they export them into poems. Every sentence is a compliment. Murong Yu praises that there is nothing in the sky and nothing on the earth.

Warm wine quietly walked through the palace and swept around. It was the best time of the day. The pale golden sun shrouded the whole earth. There was an overflow of light between the Zhu eaves and the blue tiles. The Qionghua palace sang and danced long, and the talents of various countries surged in conversation and laughter.

At this time, there was a waiter outside the palace. It was said, "Emperor Yan has arrived!"

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