"My late arrival surprised the emperor and his highness."

Rong Sheng stood a step away from warming wine and nodded slightly to the emperor of Western Chu. He was not much of a courtier.

Murong yuan seemed to have been used to this for a long time. He didn't look unhappy on his face. He just said in a deep voice, "the national master came just in time. These rebels will be handed over to the national master. Be sure to find out what happened today."

"What else can be checked?" Rong Sheng glanced at Murong. "Rome wasn't built in a day. Killing a king and killing his father was by no means on a whim. Since it's been years of gratitude and resentment, is there any other solution besides killing a clean one?"

Everyone around took a breath of air-conditioning.

The master of the state of Western Chu has always not taken human life seriously, but some people know that he is like this in front of the emperor of Western Chu.

Murong yuan looked a little cold and didn't speak for a moment.

Murong Yu, who was on the other side, quickly interrupted: "the national master's words are bad. Elder sister Sanhuang has never had any intention. The city government almost made a big mistake this time. It should also be instigated by others..."

"I don't know whether Murong Nian was instigated by others, but you." Rongsheng glanced at Murong Yu coldly, "you think Murong Nian hasn't been dead for two days, but I know very well."

Murong Yu's words got stuck in her throat. She was thinking that speaking for Murong at this time could divert people's attention and wash away the suspicion of almost killing people with a knife in front of the emperor of Western Chu.

Never thought, Rong Sheng directly pointed all the spears at her. Wen Jiu and all the people's eyes fell on Murong Yu.

Such a beautiful woman, gentle and virtuous, the whole western Chu couldn't find a few with such a face.

During the dinner, someone whispered, "the six princesses of Western Chu are so beautiful that they shouldn't be so vicious..."

"Snake and scorpion beauty. Since ancient times, most beauties have a heart like snake and scorpion!"

Wen Jiu also knew that the royal family competed fiercely. She always lived in seclusion and rarely mixed in. Even so, Murong Nian and Murong Yu rarely took her around the Bureau.

But everyone thought she was a mud pinch, often confused, and no one said intimate words with her.

So, she was the last one to know that Murong Yu was really vicious and wanted Murong to read her sister's life.

It seems that Murong Nian, who is most straightforward and careless, would set such a vicious situation at Murong Yu's wedding banquet and want his biological father to die with these two cheap sisters.

And Rong Sheng knew all this long ago.

I don't know how many such blood splashing disturbances my master has seen. He came slowly, still calm, which made everyone else here particularly panic.

Murong Yu changed his look for several times, gritted his teeth and forcibly explained: "the national master is joking. You have always been on the move and have never had a deep friendship with the palace. How can you make it clear?"

"Noisy." Rong Sheng's eyes were cold. As soon as he brushed his sleeves in the wind, he asked countless purple butterflies to fly towards Murong Yu.

The latter covered his face with sleeves and retreated again and again. There was no chance to speak again.

"National master!" Murong yuan could not help but sink his tone when he saw his daughter being taught such a lesson by Rongsheng.

"Don't worry, Emperor. I have a sense of propriety in my heart." Rong Sheng didn't care. As soon as his eyes turned, he fell at the place where Wen Jiu and Xie Heng clasped their fingers, and his voice was slightly cold. "Your Highness thinks he wants to deal with Murong Nian like this?"

Warm wine was suddenly called to the name. I couldn't be guilty, "I..."

She just said a word. Xie Heng held her hand in the palm and pinched it gently. Her head was chaotic. She didn't know what to say.

Rong Sheng's eyes moved slightly and looked directly at Xie Heng's eyes.

Xie Heng held his sweetheart's hand and looked at the excitement of the Western Chu. His thin lips were lightly hooked. He didn't mean to stir the muddy water.

And the moment he looked up, his eyes suddenly sank.

The two people's four eyes are opposite, invisible, like a burst of lightning and fire.

All the people around were as quiet as cicadas, and the whole phoenix platform was silent.

Warm wine, slightly pumping from the corners of his mouth, whispered with Xie Heng, "let go."

Xie Heng glanced at Rong Sheng. As soon as he was about to speak, he heard Wen wine say, "I'm not afraid, you're not afraid, let go."

In recent years, she has always been confused, but she is not stupid. Sometimes she is more organized than others.

But I didn't go out, and I didn't see anyone. Most of them were with Murong and Rongsheng. It was much safer to pretend that they didn't know everything.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye and said slowly, "I didn't deceive you."

Wen Jiu glanced at him, puzzled.

"I'm afraid." Xie Heng's amber eyes are dark and his voice is low. "I'm afraid you'll disappear as soon as I let go."

Warm wine and say nothing for a moment: "...."

I don't know why. She feels terrible.

Rong Sheng's eyes changed slightly. He came forward and held Wenjiu's other hand. He pulled forward, "Emperor Yan has a sweetheart for a long time. Your highness is so close to him. Aren't you afraid of being betrayed by the soul?"

Wenjiu was dragged to Rongsheng's arms when she stumbled. At the moment when her forehead was about to hit Rongsheng's heart.

Xie Heng took her back and hugged her in his arms, "ah Jiu is my sweetheart. The national master should know this best."

They came and went, warming wine only felt their heads buzzing, Xie Heng held them on their backs, his right hand was also held by him, but his left hand was held by Rong Shengsheng.

Warm wine wants to faint on the spot.

However, she has a headache at the moment, but her consciousness is more and more clear.

At the wedding banquet, dignitaries from various countries gathered. As long as they are not blind, they can see some clues.

Murong yuan's complexion changed and changed. He had to interrupt: "Yan Huang, national teacher, Jiujiu is still ill. Let her go first."

Xie Heng naturally refused to let go , He said in a deep voice, "this is my man. Why do you want to release it?"

Rong Sheng said, "Your Highness has made an engagement with me since I was a child. How can I let others go?"

The scene was once very embarrassing.

Not far away, Xie Wanjin unfolded a folding fan to block half of his face, hardened his head and came here. He whispered, "elder brother, loosen up first. With so many people, ah Jiu can't run away."

Xie Heng seemed unheard of and motionless.

Xie Wanjin couldn't help it. He collected the folding fan a little bit, looked at Rong Sheng from the corner of his eye, looked at it with the fan, and the people of National Normal University clasped the wrist of Wen Jiu's hand, "Hey, take your hand away."

Rong Sheng squinted at him and said word by word, "Xie Yu! Xie, Wan, Jin!"

"What's fierce?" Xie Wanjin went out and said hard, "one night husband and wife, one hundred nights, why, now you want to marry the princess and fly to the branches, so you don't recognize your fourth brother, the pillow man?"

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