Hearing the speech, the people around couldn't help but secretly aim at the people of National Normal University, and their eyes became more and more subtle.

"Xie Wanjin, try another word!" half of Rong Sheng's face was covered by a silver mask, but the exposed half turned iron blue with the speed visible to the naked eye. It was obvious that he was extremely angry and lost his strength when holding warm wine.

"Rong Sheng, you, you..." Wen Jiu's eyes turned around between Rong Sheng and Xie Wanjin. Finally, he said clearly: "no wonder you're single now."

"Your Highness!" Rong Sheng's eyes changed again and again, but now he can only forcibly explain: "this seat and he are not what you think."

Wenjiu's eyes looked at Rongsheng like ink for a long time. When he saw that he had to release his hand, he smiled and said, "I didn't think of anything just now."

Xie Heng held his sweetheart in his arms. Most of his hostility disappeared. His thin lips rose slightly and said, "well, I testify."

When the two people are thousands of mountains and rivers apart, Rong Sheng can't eat or sleep. Now standing in the same place is a headache.

Rongsheng can't get angry with Xie Heng and Wen Jiu. He can only close his hand, return his sleeve and clench his fist.

He glanced at Xie Wanjin, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Don't look at me like that." Xie Wanjin gently tapped his palm with a folding fan. He looked affectionate and helpless. Tong Rongsheng said, "I also know that what you think of me these years is difficult to extricate yourself. Originally, people can never know those old things as you and me, but since you love me, how can you marry others? Aren't you cheating other people's girls?"

The fourth childe said that he was very distressed.

Rongsheng looked at him and raised his hand. As a result, his heart was full.

However, as soon as Rongsheng's hand under his sleeve moved, Xie Wanjin reacted very quickly and retreated to Xie Heng's side.

The fourth childe was very close to his eldest brother. He was so flustered that he looked like he was eager to admonish people, "Rong Sheng, you can't be a man like this."

The people were afraid when they heard it.

In the Western Chu Dynasty, no one dared to talk to the national teacher like this.

Only Xie Wanjin relied on his eldest brother. After saying that, he still had some unfinished business, and added, "are you deliberately pestering my eldest brother's sweetheart in order to revenge me for leaving? You're not a thing..."

This time, before the fourth childe could finish saying this, he was almost smashed by the table table that Rongsheng kicked and flew over.

Xie Heng was quick eyed and quick handed, so he took Xie Wanjin, who was talkative and cheap, aside.

The next moment, the table fell to the ground and fell apart.

Xie Wanjin touched his head and his back was cold.

Rong Sheng can't joke about this guy. If this table is hit, it will kill him.

The fourth childe said again and again, "it's OK. Fortunately, there's a eldest brother."

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, motioned the fourth childe to stand behind him, and then said directly to the emperor capital of Western Chu: "is this the way of hospitality in Western Chu?"

As soon as these words came out, the dignitaries of all countries felt the same.

People come all the way here to hold the beauty back. It's good if they don't help to join the fun, but no one wants to die.

The civil strife in Western Chu made the wedding banquet like this. If Murong's people died here, they should have been robbed. But if they died here for no reason, they would have been tragically implicated. The meaning is completely different.

"National teacher. ” Murong yuan shouted Rongsheng and said in a deep voice, "what old grievances do you have with the royal guards? Let's talk about it another day. First dispose of these people and give you a new banquet."

Today, the wedding banquet can't be held. But everyone is here. There's no reason to be frightened in vain.

Always appease.

Rong Sheng hasn't had time to speak.

"What the emperor said is." Xie Wanjin has arranged his appearance, and Chao Rongsheng smiled slowly: "what do we have to go back and close the door to say, why do we have to do it in front of so many people?"

The fourth childe has always been so capable of reversing black and white. It's clear that Rong Sheng wants to kill him just now. When it comes to the fourth childe, it's another tangled look.

Rong Sheng glanced at Xie Wanjin, nodded slightly to the emperor of Western Chu and said, "good."

The sound fell.

Rong Sheng snapped his fingers. The maids in purple came forward one after another, tied the assassins and carried them away. The purple butterfly then dispersed.

Almost in an instant, most of the phoenix stage was empty.

Only Murong Nian was still lying on the ground. The ladies in purple stretched out their hands to catch her, but they were brushed away.

Murong Nian struggled to get up and looked up and said, "there's no need to talk nonsense. Kill this palace."

"What's the hurry?" Rongsheng flew over, raised his hand and nodded at Murong's neck. "He'll die sooner or later."

The latter didn't even have a chance to speak, so she fell straight down. The maid in purple quickly reached out her hand and dragged the man down.

This accident comes suddenly and goes quickly.

Wen Jiu watched the ladies in purple carry Murong Nian down. In a hurry, he bent down and drilled out of Xie Heng's arms and quickly caught up, "wait!"

She stopped the two ladies in purple, stretched out her hand to explore Murong Nian's breath, and confirmed that the man was not dead, so she was a little relieved.

Murong Yu stood behind her and suddenly said, "Jiujiu is so nervous. What is she doing? Is it difficult for you to do today's thing?"

Everyone on the phoenix stage looked slightly changed when they heard the speech.

Xie Heng reached out and caught a flying flower. Danfeng's eyes narrowed slightly and he was about to raise his hand to fly out the flowers and leaves.

Never thought, just at this time.

Wen Jiu suddenly turned around and raised his hand to slap Murong Yu.

This slap was so sudden that the latter was caught off guard. He didn't even have time to avoid it, so he had to be beaten.

For a moment, Murong Yu's veil fell to the ground, and half of his face was red and swollen.

"Murong Jiu, you!" Murong Yu was annoyed by Murong Nian. He was so hurt that he couldn't hold back his grievances and burst into tears. "Why do you bully the palace like this? ”

Warm wine is very merciful on weekdays. It was very distressing for such a beautiful woman to cry.

But she was completely distressed at the moment, and her voice was a little cold, "why do you ask me?"

The four week bridge is silent.

Murong Yu's eyes warmed with wine. Somehow, at this moment, she had the illusion that she could not lift her head under the pressure of this often confused person.

Wen Jiu stared at her and said clearly: "OK, I tell you, this slap is to beat you and argue for Murong Nian, but you want to use the sword in your father's hand to kill her!"

She has been away from the world for too long. She doesn't talk much in front of people. She always looks confused.

So that everyone thinks she's just a loser.

Few people remember that she once had a beautiful tongue and her hands were like flying beads, which made countless men ashamed to be right.

"The palace just lost its hand in a hurry." Murong Yu flashed a panic in his eyes, soon calmed down and argued: "Jiujiu, how can you guess the palace so maliciously?"

"Malicious speculation?" Wen Jiu pulled down his face curtain, revealed a picturesque face and said coldly to Murong Yu, "well, since you say I'm malicious speculation about you, you can slap back."

Murong Yu was stunned. He really didn't understand what Wenjiu was thinking.

No matter how popular she is, she is just a concubine. She is really a legitimate princess. Moreover, Murong Yu dare not make such a special move in front of so many people.

"I'm standing here, you call back?" piansheng Wenjiu didn't let anything at the moment, approached Murong Yu and said word by word: "you have a guilty conscience! You dare not!"

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