Warm wine finally took a breath. Suddenly, I heard this sentence and looked at the smiling eyes of the people in front of me. There was a roar in my mind. I couldn't think at all.


Warm wine has a crimson complexion and peach blossoms in his eyes. He wants to say something to him, but the wine still exists between his lips and teeth, and his breath still remains in a trance.

Xie Heng's embrace was warm and outrageous. His powerful heartbeat covered his blind date's skin and transmitted it to her. For a moment, she forgot her words.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand, gently rubbed her swollen lips and wiped away the wine stains on the corners of her lips.

He asked in a low voice, "wine or me?"

Wen Jiu opened his eyes and didn't know how to answer this for a moment.

During the banquet, the people were surprised by Emperor Yan's move.

In the wind and cloud records of various countries, it is expected that Xie Heng was so indifferent to the six princesses of Western Chu. Although they felt that they were too indifferent to women, they were not expected.

Now, he treats his eighth highness of the Western Chu like this

The people's eyes were almost staring out with their hands up and down like this.

One side of Rong Sheng pursed his lips, and his face turned black in an instant.

Xie Wanjin couldn't shake the fan in his hand. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. He looked like "I didn't see anything just now". Instead, he said to the emperor of Western Chu, "the wine of Western Chu is really wonderful. I'm a little drunk after drinking two cups."

Murong yuan's face was a little stiff and didn't answer him for a moment.

Xie Wanjin was not embarrassed. After sweeping around the phoenix stage, he stopped his eyes on Xie Heng and Wen Jiu, pretending to be surprised and said, "Your Highness is not very good at drinking? How did you run to my eldest brother's arms?"

When they heard the speech, they immediately: "

Xie Wanjin is the first person in the world to open his eyes and tell lies.

Rong Sheng's face became darker and darker. He picked up the wine cup and threw it at Xie Wanjin.

The latter reacted very quickly, tilted his head to the side and avoided the past, but his center of gravity was unstable, and a handsome face suddenly pasted on the table.

Suddenly crushed two plates of cakes, and his cheeks were covered with debris.

The fourth childe sat up straight with his desk in one hand and wiped the cake crumbs off his face.

Rao is a smiling person like Xie Wanjin. At the moment, he also smiled a little ugly. He asked Rong Sheng, "what does the National Teacher mean, huh?"

Rong Sheng said, "today's wine is good. I drank two more cups and got drunk. I accidentally lost my hand."

Xie Wanjin got up and stretched out his hand to pull out the wine glass embedded in the carved screen behind him. He was stunned that he didn't pull it out. He was angry and smiled, "you're also called careless miss???"

The latter raised his eyes and looked at him. His face was not half unnatural. It was the true story of the unique skill of the fourth childe to open his eyes and tell lies.

"OK, your territory, you can say anything." Xie Wanjin was a little untenable by him, and immediately sat down again with his hand on his forehead.

The fourth childe was so noisy that they divided most of their eyes.

Warm wine's eyes had been fixed on Xie Heng's face. The sun fell on the golden emperor's crown, which dazzled her.

Xie Heng called her, "ah Jiu?"

When Xie Heng was a teenager, his gorgeous eyebrows and eyes overlapped with a young general who was full of murderous thoughts. The memory in his mind became more and more chaotic.

The young man smiled and called her "ah Jiu" and "my little lady".

The other person alienated and silently called her "Wen's wine".

For a moment.

She changed from a swollen mind to a splitting headache and wanted to reach out and brush his eyebrows to make sure whether she saw it was true or an illusion.

But the moment he raised his hand and touched the corner of his eye, he suddenly fainted.

"Ah Jiu!" Xie Heng's eyes suddenly changed. He stretched out his hand to take her pulse and said in a deep voice, "pass it on to the imperial doctor!"

The change came too fast.

A crowd on the phoenix stage immediately panicked. Qin Mo got up and said, "green seven come up!"

"Rong Sheng!" Xie Wanjin shouted the name of the state teacher of Western Chu, frowned slightly and said, "are you still sitting?"

Rongsheng ignored him, brushed his sleeves, got up, went to Xie Heng's table, and stretched out his hand to take over the warm wine.

Xie Heng refused to let go, frowned and asked, "what's the matter with her?"

Rong Sheng didn't answer, but said, "if you want her to die, just hold on."

Xie Heng was so angry that he could not resist the impulse of slapping Rong Sheng to death. He asked in a deep voice, "Rong Sheng, what did you do to her?"

Why do people in the capital of Western Chu say that his highness Ba is insane?

Why does ah Jiu look at everyone so blankly?

She used to love money like life, her eyes were smart, and she never hurt others, but she was not without a city government. Many times, he even took great pains to protect him.

But now, she seems to have completely changed.

It seems that I don't know how to talk to people and don't like to laugh. I beat Murong Yu in front of so many people on phoenix stage

Every change of a wine puzzled Xie Heng.

He was ecstatic when he saw Ah Jiu, and gradually noticed her change. The joy faded and turned into a knife in his heart.

How did the clever little god of wealth, who was always smiling, become the confused eighth highness of the Western Chu?

What kind of suffering has she experienced in the past three years.

Yesterday, on the Fengyin River, she let the wind kite fall into his hands, and she spent much time planning.

Xie Heng hugged the warm wine, his eyes gradually turned red, released a hand and his palm power, "just a Western Chu National Teacher..."

Rong Sheng brushed his sleeves, his white hair was flying, and the silver needle in his hand shone a silver light in the sun.

"Elder brother!" Xie Wanjin hurried forward, hugged Xie Heng's arm and whispered, "elder brother, don't look at Rong Sheng, but he is a rare person with excellent medicine and poison in the world. Ah Jiu doesn't know whether he is poisoned or ill now. If you kill him at this time, I'm afraid no one can save ah Jiu. "

Xie Heng heard the speech, slowly put his hand back to his sleeve, and a handsome face looked heavy.

Rong Sheng also received the silver needle and gave a cold "hum".

"Hum what?" Xie Wanjin knocked Rongsheng's arm with a fan. "Save people! This is also your eighth highness of Western Chu. You are a national teacher who only takes salary and silver and doesn't do anything?"

Rongsheng frowned and ignored him. He just took out a white jade bottle from his sleeve and poured out a pill.

Xie Heng reached for it and looked at the sun for a moment.

"It shouldn't be poison." Xie Wanjin whispered, "so many people look at it, Rong Sheng won't be so stupid."

Xie Heng glanced at him and fed the pill to Wen Jiu.

She didn't know how much medicine she had taken in the past three years. She was in such a coma and consciously swallowed the pill. She just smiled slightly and thought it was not easy.

Xie Heng reached out and gently stroked away the wrinkles between her eyebrows.

Rong Sheng suddenly said, "Your Highness, there is a taboo about this disease."

Xie Heng raised his eyes and asked, "what?"

Rong Sheng looked at him with dark eyes. His tone was indifferent, but he had the meaning of watching a good play when he was proud. "As long as Yan Huang is away from his highness, she will be fine."

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