Xie Heng's face suddenly sank when he heard the speech, and the murderous spirit suddenly appeared in his amber eyes.

Rong Sheng secretly took ah Jiu and hid her in the Western Chu for three years. Now it's not too much to break him into pieces.

"Yan Huang." the emperor of the Western Chu got up and came forward, opened his mouth and forced her to make a round of the game. "Jiu Jiu Yi is in bad health. Today, she should be stimulated and can't slow down for a while. National teacher, please take her back to the house on the way to have a rest."

This just went with Rong Sheng's idea. He said "OK", then stretched out his hand to pick up the warm wine from Xie Heng, and didn't forget to ask, "has Emperor Yan had enough?"

Just now, although the words of the emperor of Western Chu were implicit, it was already very clear that the reason why Wenjiu fainted was entirely because Xie Heng's behavior was out of appearance, which stimulated her.

Xie Heng held the warm wine again, which was obviously unreasonable.

Xie Wanjin took his elder brother's arm and whispered, "now that the man has been found, let Rongsheng take it back first. The capital of Western Chu is so big..."

Before he finished, Xie Heng picked up the warm wine and said in a low voice, "let's go."

The fourth childe was slightly stunned.

Rongsheng, the emperor of Western Chu and the people around him were speechless for a moment.

During the dinner, people talked constantly: what is Yan Huang doing?

Why don't you give up when you hold it?

Rongsheng's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Xie Heng for a while.

"Don't look at it." Xie Wanjin smiled and stabbed Rong Sheng in the waist with a folding fan. "Lead the way quickly, or my eldest brother can free up one hand to hold you. Do you believe it?"

Rong Sheng brushed his sleeve, shook off Xie Wanjin's hand, turned and left.

Xie Heng followed slowly with warm wine in his arms, with no effort, but he could always follow two steps away.

"My eldest brother's sweetheart has been recovered. He is so happy that you are laughing." Xie Wanjin holds a folding fan and salutes the emperor of Western Chu and the people at the banquet. He is elegant and polite. "He will apologize to the emperor and you another day and leave first."

As he said, it was hard for the emperor of Western Chu to say anything, so he had to say to him, "Royal Marquis, take your time."

During the dinner, everyone also got up to send off. This was originally the wedding banquet of the six princesses of Western Chu. After being Xie Wanjin's three or two words, it became a banquet for his parents, brother and sweetheart to meet.

Murong Yuqi's angina pectoris, Xie Wanjin already smiled and left with a group of Dayan officials.

At this moment, the wedding reception was over. The unexpected excitement was enough, and everyone got up and left.

Murong Yu was so embarrassed that he whispered "father!"

The emperor of the Western Chu Dynasty glanced at her with a corner of his eye. He didn't pay much attention. The dignitaries of various countries exchanged greetings at the same table, then dispersed the banquet and turned away.

Before long, the palace maids on the phoenix stage gradually dispersed.

Only Murong Yu was still sitting in the same place, holding the half face slapped by warm wine, and the more he thought about it, the more he choked his anger.

The maid who followed her gently advised, "princess, you'd better go back to the house first."

Before the sound fell, Murong Yu suddenly raised his hand and slapped the maid, "whatever the palace wants, when it's your turn to teach the palace!"

After being slapped, he immediately kowtowed and begged for mercy, "I dare not! I have no intention..."

The maids were so frightened that they knelt down one after another, and no one dared to say a word.

Murong Yu looked at his numb hand and was stunned for a moment. He murmured, "what did the palace just do?"

She had never done anything demeaning like beating and scolding a handmaid before, but now she did it without thinking.

"Yu'er." just then, a beautiful woman in her early thirties came out of the dark, took a brocade handkerchief and gently wiped Murong Yu's swollen cheek, "does it hurt? It's all because the mother imperial concubine is not good. If the mother imperial concubine came from a better background, you wouldn't be so humiliated by Murong Jiu today."

"Mother imperial concubine." Murong Yu couldn't stop crying as soon as he heard this.

She cried with LAN Fei in her arms. It seemed that she would cry out all the grievances of the day before she would give up.

Princess LAN gently stroked Murong Yu's back and said in a soft voice: "the mother Princess told you long ago that life is better than death if you have no power. Murong Jiu dares to bully you with the direct princess today. You can also vent your anger on the maid, but what will happen in the future? You are still so young, have you ever thought about what to do in the future?"

Murong has the final say that she can not cry out. "Murong Jiu is not good enough to live for a long time. She is not able to live long enough. This palace and palace must endure. When she is dead, she will peel her bones and cramp, or she will be torn into ten thousand pieces." or this palace will be the last thing to say!

"That's right." Princess LAN smiled with satisfaction, gently wiped away Murong Yu's tears and said slowly: "Born in the royal family, whoever lives for a long time will win. You must not act rashly with Murong Nian. There are not many children under your father's knee. There are only four of you left in the capital. Murong Nian has been planted today, and there are only two people left who can fight with you. Murong Jiu is short-lived and Lao Jiu is a man. Yu'er, only you can calm down and will be in Western Chu in the future Your world. "

Murong Yu heard the speech, gradually calmed down his tears, and whispered, "my son knows."

Princess Lan said, "the top priority is to find a son-in-law to enter your princess's house immediately to save your face. Can yu'er have a suitable candidate in his heart?"

Murong Yu thought for a moment, then bowed his head and said, "my son knows well, and my mother's concubine can rest assured."

"You can count it." Princess LAN didn't say anything more. She glanced at a group of maidens in the princess's house and ordered the attendant on her side, "these girls are not smart. Kill them all."

When the ladies heard this, they turned completely white and kowtowed for mercy.

Murong Yu hesitated a little, but was dragged away slowly by Princess LAN. In the corner of her eyes, the waiter raised his hand.

In a moment, the maids screamed and fell to the ground, splashing blood.


It is the capital of the Western Chu Dynasty and the eight lords' mansion.

The maids and boys waited outside the door and looked at each other.

Your highness went out and was held back by Emperor Yan. The national masters who accompanied him wrote that they wanted to kill people. The maidens who followed behind dared not go out, for fear of losing their lives.

The Royal marquis in Dayan shook his fan very casually and gracefully. He walked through the corridor and was out of date. He also smiled at the ladies and gentlemen in the princess's house.

However, no one felt it. Leng was more frightened and wanted to tremble.

Xie Heng carried the warm wine into the room and carefully put it on the couch. It was not easy to recover from it. His eyes didn't want to move away from her for a moment.

Rong Sheng didn't want him to stay here for a moment. His voice was indifferent and said, "people have also been sent. Please come back, Emperor Yan."

Xie Heng sat down beside the couch and covered the brocade quilt with warm wine. Without lifting his head, he asked him, "she often faints like this on weekdays?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Rongsheng's eyes. He always thought that people like Xie Heng would not have any warmth.

However, it was only a moment of surprise.

Rong Sheng sneered, "no one dares to treat her so lightly on weekdays."

Xie Heng gently brushed the fingertips of warm wine eyebrows and eyes and gave a slight meal.

In the past, he was always polite in front of ah Jiu, and he didn't surprise her after exchanging his thoughts. Today, he met her again at the wedding banquet. He was really overjoyed and couldn't restrain himself.

But I didn't expect that she would be in a coma.

He frowned slightly, but he didn't want to tit for tat with Rongsheng. He just asked him, "when can she wake up?"

Rong Sheng stood four or five steps away, his hand gently pulled over the bead curtain, full of carelessness and said, "after you leave."

Rao SHIXIE Heng's whole mind was tied to warm wine. At the moment, he couldn't help pulling down a bed curtain, flying a roll in the air, storing internal power and pumping it to Rong Sheng as a whip.

The latter reacted very quickly, pulled a few beads down, and immediately threw them at Xie Heng as a "reward".

The flying gauze and the bead curtain collided instantly, and the two internal forces exploded invisibly. The broken jade beads scattered on the ground. The gauze broke into countless broken pieces, flying all over the house and falling around them.

All the people in the back knelt down when they heard the noise.

"What's the matter? This is it?" Xie Wanjin rushed into the room and looked up. He saw the light gauze flying all over the room, and the jade beads rolling on the ground. Xie Heng sat beside the couch. His clothes were not disordered. Rong Sheng leaned against the eight treasure cabinet with an unchanged face, and he was still sleeping on the couch with warm wine.

It looks... OK.

It's just that the atmosphere is a little stiff.

The fourth childe held the table for a moment and immediately said, "what do you want to say? Don't do it! Ah Jiu hates others to spoil things. If she wakes up and sees you two tear down her house, she's afraid she'll faint again!"

Xie Wanjin knows best how to poke his eldest brother's weakness.

Xie Heng's complexion gradually slowed down.

Rongsheng smiled coldly, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing him like this, Xie Wanjin wanted to teach him how to be a man. He couldn't help but say, "Rong Sheng, it's not the fourth brother who said you. You're really disliked. Just talk well and laugh. What's the matter with looking for a fight all day ?”

Rong Sheng looked at Xie Wanjin with complex eyes.

The latter didn't accept the move at all, especially when he asked him, "can you see what's wrong with ah Jiu? How to treat it?"

The fourth childe couldn't wait for Rong Sheng to answer. He directly threw him a sentence, "I can find any precious medicinal materials I need. Just say it. Don't hide it."

Rong Sheng laughed angrily by the two brothers, and said in a cool voice, "just a skin bag. How much like this seat can do. Are you so sure that she is warm wine? Are you not afraid that this is a game for inviting the king into the urn?"

His eyes were slightly heavy, and he continued: "when Yan Huang saw his highness, he would not give up. If this was just a face that was almost the same as warm wine for her leisure, what an interesting joke should Yan Huang's so-called deep love be?"

Xie Wanjin was stunned.

In fact, the fourth childe didn't dare to believe that this man was ah Jiu. After all, the behavior of his highness eight of the Western Chu didn't seem to be similar to the warm wine he knew. Hearing Rong Sheng say such words again, he couldn't help feeling a little suspicious and looked back at Xie Heng.

Strange to say, at the wedding reception, Wenjiu was far away with a curtain on his face. The fourth childe followed his eldest brother at that time and didn't dare to confirm that his highness eight of the Western Chu was ah Jiu.

But Xie Heng is different.

He can still recognize at a glance that it is his sweetheart who has been missing for three years.

Xie Heng raised his head, looked at Shang Rongsheng's line of sight, cut the nail and cut the railway: "she is my wine."

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