Xie Heng's eyes were slightly sluggish and said in a deep voice: "Impossible!"

Ah Jiu personally promised him that when the spring is warm next year, he will double ten and marry him in red.

She wants a home so much.

She won't lie to him.

"Yan Huanglian didn't know what the situation was like that day. How could he be so sure?" Rong Sheng said: "although Wenjiu is not a sincere person, she deceives people when she's not doing business. You should know this better than this seat."

Xie Wanjin couldn't help but say, "can you make it clear? Brother four, I don't want to guess with you here."

"Wen Jiu really didn't want to come to the Western Chu at the beginning." Rong Sheng glanced at him. His eyes seemed very unhappy, but his words were more straightforward.

He looked at Xie Heng and said slowly, "but later, she heard that you led the troops back to Beijing. The Zhao family and his son wanted to use her to check and balance you, so they should go. They probably didn't want to drag you down?"

Xie Heng's eyes were dark and inexplicable.

Rongsheng's words seemed to be extremely casual, but he killed his heart every sentence, like stabbing him in the heart again and again with a blunt knife.

Such torture can't kill people for a while, but the pain is all over the body, which is more difficult than death.

Rong Sheng saw this and smiled. "She took the bone hating poison from this seat and planned to kill Zhao fan, but she was too stupid." when he said this, he was a little disgusted. "It's stupid to kill someone and put herself in."

Xie Heng suddenly got up and grabbed Rong Sheng's collar. "Ah Jiu has become like this now because of your bone hating poison?"

Hearing this, no matter what Rong Sheng said was true or false, he had no intention to distinguish.

I'm full of only my love and guilt for ah Jiu.

He even let ah Jiu bear so much suffering alone.

"Xie Heng, are you sure you want to talk to this seat like this?" Rong Sheng looked at Xie Heng's hand holding his skirt and said clearly: "It's not that I poisoned Wen wine. Who should she blame? If she didn't have Murong's blood on her body, I wouldn't look at her more, let alone take her back to the capital of Western Chu. It took three years to barely save her life!"

The master of the state also held back his stomach full of fire. He couldn't help but burn Xie Heng as soon as he opened his mouth, and his tone became more and more insidious. "What about you? Xie Heng, you keep saying that she is your person. Where are you when you have been warming wine for three years? She hated the poison of bone and suffered heartache. When she shouted Xie Dongfeng again and again, where are you?"

The last three words are like a sharp axe breaking people's bones and muscles.

Xie Heng unconsciously loosened Rongsheng's skirt, without saying a word, but a pair of amber eyes gradually turned red.

Rong Sheng didn't need him to answer at all. He answered himself, "you have no face to say. I'll tell you for you that you're fighting in the South and North! You're wholeheartedly guarding your great Yan rivers and mountains! You attack neighboring countries with famous soldiers with warm wine! You're really a king Yan with deep feelings! Xie Heng, have you ever asked yourself, what do you think of warm wine?"

Xie Heng's thin lips were slightly white and turned to look at the sleeping warm wine on the couch.

That's his life.

It was the love of his life.

It's love.

But he let ah Jiu go through three years of inhuman torture alone. Across thousands of miles, the wind and rain were different, and the cloudy and sunny sides were on each side, which made her call Xie Dongfeng thousands of times.

"Rong Sheng!" Xie Wanjin was worried when he heard this. He couldn't help but come forward and pull Rong Sheng's wrist and drag him back. "You don't know anything. What nonsense are you talking about here! My eldest brother ascended the throne and became the emperor for sake of ah Jiu..."

Rongsheng shook off Xie Wanjin's hand, "go aside."

The fourth childe was interrupted and wanted to speak again, but he heard Rong Sheng say, "who doesn't want to wake up and control the power of the world and lie drunk on the knees of beauties? Beauties often exist, but if the world misses a chance, there will be no more chance. I'm not surprised that Emperor Yan did this, but since Wenjiu has made a deal with me, he has become my eighth highness in Western Chu. Emperor Yan's entanglement is too insufficient."

But Xie Heng didn't hear Rong Sheng's sarcasm at all. He only asked him, "what happens when the poison of hate bone breaks out?"

Rong Sheng was slightly stunned, and then said, "since this poison is named hate bone, it is naturally because when the poison is sent, it will repeatedly recall the most painful things in this life and the people who have failed her and hurt her in the world. If you can die immediately, it is relief. If you can't die for a while, you will live and be tortured. Life is not like death..."

Xie Heng's handsome face is getting paler and paler.

Just thinking about the appearance of ah Jiu when he was poisoned, his blood was cold.

Rong Sheng glanced at him, as if he had suddenly found a new way to have fun, and continued: "warm wine is the one who has a hard life. Oh, she is not the same as others. She has people she doesn't want to forget, but that person has hurt her deeply. We have tried every means to make her forget the past planting in the past three years, but she won't. She would rather be miserable than remember - Xie Dongfeng."

"Rong Sheng!"

Xie Wanjin had no smile on his face, and his face was cold, which was rare in his life.

Rong Sheng just paused and said to Xie Heng, "didn't you say you loved her deeply? I'll tell you the truth today. The poison of hating bones is in your body and can't be eliminated forever. If you get close to her, she will hurt more!"

His voice was cold. "There are ways to make her live better. If you hurt an inch, she can feel better. Xie Heng! Do you understand what I said?"

Before Xie Heng spoke, Xie Wanjin became angry and punched him without thinking, "Rong Sheng, do you want to die?"

Rong Sheng held the fourth childe's fist and said, "this bone hating poison existed a hundred years ago. If Emperor Yan doesn't believe it, he can ask someone else."

The sound did not fall.

Xie Wanjin suddenly changed his face and exclaimed, "elder brother!"

Rong Sheng saw this and looked along the fourth childe's eyes. He saw Xie Heng insert a knife into his abdomen, and the blood dyed the brocade robe red in an instant.

There was silence in such a big room.

Xie Heng said, "is that ok?"

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