Xie Heng asked Rong Sheng, but his eyes always fell on his sleepy warm wine face.

"Madman!" Rong Sheng was stunned for a long time. Most of his eyes turned back. He shook off Xie Wanjin's hand and said, "you Xie family are all madmen and fools!"

This time, the fourth childe was very frightened. He didn't have time to reply to Rong Sheng.

The next moment, the national master left.

"Rong Sheng!" Xie Wanjin wanted to catch up and stop people. He was worried about Xie Heng's injury. He couldn't help turning back and said to him, "elder brother, Rong Sheng is so cunning. How can you believe his words so easily and hurt yourself..."

"It's just a knife. I can't die. Why don't you try 。” Xie Heng's lips were slightly white and his eyes looked at the warm wine.

No matter this knife, whether you can exchange my pain for your eyebrow for a moment, you have no fear or regret.

In case

What if what Rongsheng said is true?

Xie Wanjin heard the speech, and the words behind him immediately got stuck in his throat.

The eldest brother lived to be twenty-three years old. He was always the only one who hurt others. Why did he ever do such a stupid thing to hurt himself.

But as soon as he met ah Jiu, he was like this

Almost crazy, almost crazy.

There is no solution to this situation between heaven and earth.

The sun was sinking outside the window, the breeze was blowing through the small porch window, and the bead curtain and bed curtain in the room were fluttering slightly, making a slight sound.

The bright red blood penetrated Xie Heng's royal clothes, and his amber eyes were stained with blood.

He took the warm wine hand and said to her in a low voice, "ah wine... It doesn't hurt."

Xie Heng bowed his head and kissed her with his thin lips. "It doesn't hurt anymore, ah Jiu."

The room was silent.

The warm wine in the coma still closed his eyes, but he seemed to feel something at the moment and held Xie Heng's palm.

Hold it tightly, like a drowning man who has to meet a floating wood in the water and refuses to let go half a minute.

The fourth childe looked at him with red eyes. As he turned to walk out, he said, "even if it's really the poison of hating bones, there must be other ways to solve it. It must be that Rong Sheng hid it and deliberately deceived his eldest brother. I'll call Qing Qi over and show ah Jiu. There are so many doctors with good medical skills in Western Chu. One can save ah Jiu!"

The sound fell, and the man ran away.

Xie Heng sat on the couch, still in the posture of bowing his head. When he reached his forehead with warm wine, he could feel each other's temperature very clearly.

The silence around us can also be regarded as a rare moment of tenderness.

The world is vast and the world is extremely beautiful, but without his sweetheart, even if he has thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in his hands, what is worth seeing more?

Even though Xie Heng has the courage of thousands of people, he can produce endless city government tricks to protect his family and country.

But at the moment, he wanted his wine to be a little better. He had no choice but to have such a stupid and hopeless try.

Xie Heng closed his eyes, gently kissed the eyebrows of warm wine, and whispered, "ah wine."

Warm wine fainted to sleep, but the long eyelashes trembled slightly.

They depended on each other for almost half an hour.

Gradually there was a sound outside the house, and the maids whispered, "father-in-law, the national master has already left , Yan Huang is still inside. What should I do? "

The crowd whispered.

An old waitress over 50 years old stood outside the door, coughed twice, knocked on the door, and entered the house.

As soon as the old housekeeper entered the door, he saw that Emperor Yan was so close to his highness eight. He was so frightened that he quickly bowed his head and said politely: "old slave Li He, on the order of the emperor, came to greet his majesty Emperor Yan. The emperor had two words for the old slave to convey to his majesty Yan Huang. "

Xie Heng sat upright and said in a deep voice, "speak."

The old maid Li he said: "the emperor said that his highness was always weak and could not withstand great joy and sorrow, and the Western Chu didn't want her to leave home thousands of miles in the future..."

His words were implicit, which meant that the emperor of Western Chu did not intend to marry his highness ba. Xie Heng, the Lord of Dayan, had better not provoke her. No matter what the relationship between the two people was in the past, their identities are very different now. Let the past pass.

Xie Heng gently rubbed the fingertips of warm wine and smelled the speech. He just slightly hooked his lips without saying anything to interrupt.

After Li he said this, he couldn't help looking at Yan Huang's face again and again, barely keeping his tone unchanged, "Your Highness eight hasn't been married yet. Isn't it inappropriate for Yan Huang to stay in her bedroom like this?"

The sound fell.

The room was completely silent.

Xie Heng didn't speak and didn't know what he was thinking.

Li he waited and waited, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and he couldn't help kneeling down to Emperor Yan. "Since your highness returned to the Western Chu, because of his weak body, there have been constant rumors outside. The son-in-law's selection has been......" when he said this, he couldn't help choking. Then he suddenly turned his words and begged, "please protect your Highness's reputation..."


Xie Heng suddenly opened his mouth.

Only one word.

Because it was too short, Li he thought he had heard wrong for a while.

Until Xie Heng put his warm wine hand under the brocade quilt and got up and said, "I know."

When Li he heard the speech, he was so grateful that he kowtowed, "thank you, Emperor Yan! Thank you..."

But before he finished kneeling and thanking, he listened to Xie Heng continue: "go and prepare."

Li he was shocked. After a while, he asked, "ready... What?"

At this time, Xie Heng had come to the door.

He turned back and said, "I want to keep her in good faith."

Li He, who was still kneeling in the room, was stunned and stunned by the maid outside the door.

Xie Heng took off his robe stained with blood and threw it away. The blood bloomed on the royal coat like a flower with a double pedicle.

Just at this moment, twilight comes and heaven and earth unite.

Later, among the storytellers in the world, there was another strange story:

In the spring of the fourth year of the Ming Dynasty, the starry night is bright.

That night, the sound of harps and harps began to ring around the beam, and gongs and drums made a noise, moving the capital.

Yan Huang Xie Heng, dressed in red, holding a phoenix kite, riding the wind in his clothes and wearing a moonlight night, entered the eight Duke mansion of Western Chu and stayed together in the name of his husband. The whole city was surprised.

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