The capital city of Western Chu, the national division house.

Xie Wanjin let Qingyi guard Qing Qi to warm wine. Then he turned and went back to the garden.


He found the door from the princess's house to the National Teacher's house accurately, passed through the flowers and helped the willows, and went straight to Rong Sheng's bedroom.

When the purple maids of the Imperial College saw him, they were stunned.

There has been no guest in the imperial master's residence for a long time. It's the only one who comes uninvited like the fourth childe.

One of them was surprised and said, "you, you are..."

"You remember correctly, it's me." Xie Wanjin glanced at the people and directly asked and replied, "has he returned to the house? Where is he now?"

The fourth childe seems to have returned to his own house without any division.

The maid hesitated. A girl in purple came out of the corridor and said coldly, "no comment."

"Night leaves?" Xie Wanjin raised his eyes and looked at the old man, slightly picking his eyebrows.

Rong Sheng's younger martial sister is a little witch with a strange temper. Even if she doesn't enter the oil and salt, she is still one track minded. Especially according to Rong Sheng's words, she can kill more people than anyone else.

Yeli was very upset when he saw him. "Where do you think the state teacher of Western Chu is? You can come and go if you want? You can ask about the whereabouts of my senior brother?"

"Little girl, don't be so bad tempered all day. No matter how fierce you are, I've come and slept. What don't you ask..." Xie Wanjin said, suddenly thinking of something and said clearly: "I know where he is. Thank you."

The fourth childe nodded slightly to Yeli, then turned and walked to the corridor. When she passed by the same night, she suddenly got into trouble and hit with a palm.

Xie Wanjin raised her hand, turned the black iron buckle on her wrist, and three concealed weapons were sent out in an instant. They hit Ye Li's palm directly, forcing her to retreat more than ten steps before she reluctantly avoided.

"For the sake of saving Xiao Wu, I won't complain to your elder martial brother later." the fourth childe didn't turn back. He played with the black iron button on his left wrist with his right hand, and his tone was still as loose as a dandy, "but if you have to be difficult with me, try again."

Yeli gritted his teeth and stood there watching Xie Wanjin step into the corridor.

The guests in royal clothes enter the spring breeze and walk away slowly with elegant clothes.

The maid in the mansion was silent.

Xie Wanjin went to the forbidden area surrounded by rockeries. When he first entered the division house of the Western Chu state, he spent a lot of time with Rong Sheng in order to find out the whereabouts of Xiao Wu.

When I was idle, I touched the foundation of the National Teacher's residence. The Emperor didn't live up to his heart and really let the fourth childe find a rule.

Rong Sheng often stays in the forbidden area alone and doesn't know what he's doing. People in the Imperial College dare not come near.

During that time, Xie Wanjin was full of how to find Xiao Wu. He was very worried about Rong Sheng. Usually, the maids would say that the national master was in his study and where he lived. Only when he went to the forbidden area, everyone kept silent.

The fourth childe turned left and right in the rockery and went back and forth. When he reached the open place, he allowed Sheng to sit on a boulder to meditate, exercise and regulate his breath.

The twilight gradually came, and Rongsheng's figure also seemed a little vague. Only the half silver mask on his face appeared particularly.

Xie Wanjin came to him and sat on the boulder very familiar. He asked, "what kind of bone hating poison do you really have no other solution?"

Rongsheng still closed his eyes and meditated, ignoring him.

Xie Wanjin changed his posture, crossed his legs and gently kicked Rong Sheng, "if I ask you, don't pretend to be dumb! Aren't you the first person in the world to use poison? How can there be poison in the world that you can't solve? What's the way not to hide it. ”

Rongsheng opened his eyes and glanced at him, "are you so sure that there are other ways for us?"

Xie Wanjin raised his eyebrow. "Seeing how you speak, I think it should be. ”

Rongsheng smelled the speech and couldn't help looking at him with complex eyes.

"Cough..." the fourth childe suddenly realized that he was asking for someone, and immediately coughed twice. The conversation changed: "you probably don't know what my eldest brother is like, and you haven't thought about what ah Jiu wants."

The breeze came slowly through the rockery.

Xie Wanjin said, "now that my elder brother has found ah Jiu, he will never let go. Whoever stops him will have to die. Even if the emperor of Western Chu refused, the result would only be that Western Chu would be destroyed, and then he took ah Jiu home. As for ah Jiu... "

The fourth childe raised his lips and smiled, saying with great certainty:“ Don't say it's the poison of hatred. Even if she can only live until tomorrow, she should only want to stay with her eldest brother for the rest of her time. "

Rong Sheng smelled the speech, and a cold arc came up at his mouth, "you go on."

"Rong Sheng, you are really..." Xie Wanjin felt that it was very touching to say such words. Suddenly, he was speechless.

After a while.

The fourth childe continued: "you can't say that the feelings of others are false because you don't have a sweetheart! If there is no sincerity in the world, what do you say about my eldest brother's knife?"

Rong Sheng was silent.

"Well, let's make another deal." Xie Wanjin moved to Rongsheng, shoulder to shoulder with him, and Haosheng discussed, "how about you? You can detoxify ah Jiu, or tell me to hate the poison. I'll help you close the mess in the capital of Western Chu, and those who should be removed will be removed easily. How about it?"

Rongsheng turned to look at him and just saw the fourth childe smiling at him, with a shallow pear vortex on his lips.

Between the four eyes, the night wind is also quiet.

Rong Sheng looked away and sneered, "I'm not dead yet! Who wants someone like you to help!"

"OK, you don't want my help." Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "you can tell me another way directly."

Rong Sheng looked at the fourth childe for a long time with the eyes of "this is a second lack".

However, the latter was as thick skinned as the city wall, with a smile on his face. He was stunned without any displeasure.

Rong Sheng closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. After a while, he said, "there is another solution to the poison of hating bones."

Xie Wanjin rubbed his ears very cooperatively and said with a smile, "I'd like to hear it in detail."

"The most painful thing for those who hate bone poison is that when they attack, they will repeatedly recall the painful things and enlarge their hatred a hundred times. Such bitterness and hatred are caused by previous experiences. If someone in the world can give her the truth and eliminate all her bitterness and hatred, the poison can slowly dissipate. Otherwise, they will die. ” When Rong Sheng finished, he suddenly asked, "but is there a feeling in this world that will not change?"

He said in a faint tone: "Xie Heng is now the leader of Dayan. If Wen wine is old and his face is not there, he can help him like Wen Caishen in the past. Surrounded by beauties, will Xie Heng still be so infatuated as now? ”

Xie Wanjin was thinking about the feasibility of the solution in the second middle school. At first hearing Rong Sheng's words, he immediately slapped him on the shoulder, "I Xie jiaerlang have always been a devoted person..."

Before the fourth childe finished, Rong Sheng was patted by him and suddenly breathed out.

"I... I haven't practiced any internal power? How can you be beaten and spit blood by me???" Xie Wanjin was startled and quickly stretched out his hand to help him, but he was stunned by Rong Sheng's sharp eyes.

"You can doubt that I don't make money, but you can't say that about my eldest brother!" the fourth childe looked at him so hard. It should be nothing. At that time, he said positively: "if there is no alcohol in the world, my eldest brother will not live long."

Rongsheng raised his sleeve and wiped the blood on his lips. He sneered with disdain. Obviously, he didn't believe it.

The fourth childe didn't talk to him any more, but asked him, "ah Jiu is in a coma. When can he wake up?"

Rong Sheng was not happy to answer, and knew that Xie Wanjin was too talkative. If he didn't say it, he would be annoyed half to death. His tone was not good and said, "almost."

"That's good."

Xie Wanjin smiled and got up to look in the direction of the princess's house. It's impossible to overlook.

The waterways extending in all directions in the capital of Western Chu were like being emptied, all ships were berthed, and countless red lanterns were hung on both sides.

In the twilight, there was a red light.

The dragon head boat came by the wave. Xie Heng wore a purple gold imperial crown on his head. He was incomparably gorgeous in red clothes. He hung a dragon and Phoenix Pendant on his waist. He stood in the bow of the boat with a fiery red phoenix kite in his right hand. His slender fingers hooked the kite line and wound it for several times.

The night wind was slowly blowing, which made the long tail of the kite flutter. Two of them were wrapped around Xie Heng's arm with the wind.

The young emperor was incomparable in the world, with dozens of beautiful maids standing with lanterns on the side of dozens of painted boats, and dozens of famous musicians singing in unison.

The light, shadow and clear waves complement each other, and the lights shine on the city all night.

Qin Mo on the edge took a red fan and smiled at the girls watching on the shore. "My majesty Dayan has long been married to the eighth Princess of Western Chu and got this Phoenix kite on the Fengyin river. It can be said that it is a perfect couple. It is destined for three lives! Look at the burning peach blossoms and the warm spring breeze. I hereby enter the house to continue the fate of this life and achieve eternal happiness!"

Qin Mo talked about a series of without breathing, and his voice was especially loud. A group of drums, harps and vocal music cooperated with it, which can be described as the capital of night.

People all over the city stopped to watch and sighed. Today was originally a wedding banquet for the sixth Princess Murong Yu, but the sixth Princess didn't marry out, but put the third princess in prison.

On the contrary, his highness Ba, who has been recuperating in the house all day and doesn't even know his mind, suddenly attracted the Lord of Dayan. Why isn't it amazing?

The water boat moved, and in the twinkling of an eye, Pianpian in red came to the door of the eighth Princess

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