At this moment, the moon was shining for 30000 miles, which was difficult to beat the smile in his eyes.

Wenjiu was stunned for a moment, but the ink pupil was lit by the lantern, and the thoughts in his heart became a little subtle.

There is a feeling of indescribable and unclear Tao.

It seems that she tried her best to live, just to wait for this day.

Wait for such a person, live and die with her.

"Xie Heng." she called Xie Heng's name, unconsciously bent her lips, and always had a dull expression. At this moment, she became fresh and flexible, "do you know what it means for you to enter the princess's house in the Western Chu?"

SA Yazi ran away with warm wine. The maids in the princess's house looked delicate.

They thought his highness was going to drive Yan Huang away so fast. Now it seems that his highness is quite measured.

At least I know that people are valuable. No matter what they do, they should speak well and know "reason".

Xie Heng jumped and landed with a phoenix kite.

Now the wind was clear and the moon was white, and he came to warm wine in a twinkling of an eye.

One is standing in the door and the other is standing outside the door.

It took three years to cross the mountain and sea. Up to now, there is only one threshold.

The gorgeous man in red smiled and bowed slightly. His thin lips almost stuck to Wen Jiu's ear and whispered, "I know."

Wen Jiu raised his eyes slightly, "you don't know how to look at this palace. ”

"When you enter the Princess House, you can only have your highness in your heart." Xie Heng said with a smile: "only one wife is allowed in this life. You can't marry again. You can't change your mind. You can't have any relationship with the women next to you. If your Highness can't have children within three years, you'll have nothing to do. You can't interfere with the Princess House and welcome new people again..."

When he said this, he could not help pausing for a moment, and then said with great certainty: "this is absolutely impossible."

make fun of.

After marriage, a woman can welcome new people again. Even if it is a tradition in the Western Chu Dynasty, ah Jiu is not allowed to have this idea.

Not even for a moment!

The sound of zither and harp was on the side. In fact, it was noisy. Many people came to Dayan, and there were many people in princess's house. There was a lot of bustle around, but Xie Heng's voice spread to Wen Jiu's ears very clearly.

She didn't know what he was talking about.

Is it absolutely impossible for her Princess House to welcome new people, or

Can't she not have children for three years?

This guy doesn't know what to think anymore!

Before entering the house, she began to eat sour pinch vinegar and was not allowed to welcome new people.

The hand under Wen Jiu's sleeve gently closed, forced to pretend to be calm and calm on his face, and said to him, "how impossible..."

"Want to know?" Xie Heng slightly picked his eyebrows and turned the stars in his amber eyes. "It's not good and it's inconvenient to say. Why don't you try tonight?"

Warm the wine and smell the speech. Your heart beats. If you don't want to, you have to step back.

But at the moment when she raised her feet, Xie Heng stretched out his hand and grabbed her waist.

For a moment, Wenjiu was hugged by him and couldn't move at all.

Xie Heng played with the Phoenix kite in his hand. The long red tail swayed in the wind and lingered between their sleeves, just as Hongling wrapped around him and tied them together.

The night wind is tired, the Phoenix Tail flutters, and the sleeves and skirts overlap and fly, which is inseparable.

There are countless people watching on the other side of the shore. There are hundreds of maids on the painted boat. Qin Mo and other Dayan officials have been laughing all the time. Now they have no face to see his majesty force people to come to the door as husband-in-law.

These palace guards in the princess's mansion couldn't close their mouths. This night, they were shocked and surprised.

Warm wine was held by him, his face was hot and his brain was a little confused.

Although she usually takes too much medicine and often has confused thoughts, she is still different from those times.

Moreover, his toes were against the threshold, but his waist was hugged by him. This posture was also a little strange.

Wen Jiu didn't know what it was at this moment. He suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched the earlobe of Xie Heng's right ear.

She said solemnly, "you have such a swaggering face. You can't enter the backyard of the palace originally, but today at sister Liu Huang's wedding banquet... You have a skin relationship with the palace. If the palace is not responsible, it seems unreasonable."

Xie Heng was not angry when she carried his ears, but the smile on his lips increased more and more.

And the next moment.

Warm wine suddenly increased the strength of his hand, and the conversation turned: "but without the permission of the palace, who let you come to the door without authorization? Do you know what you call it?"

Xie Heng smiled in his eyes, shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know."

Warm wine suddenly got angry and said word by word: "hurry up and deliver it to the door!"

The Lord of great Yan, he doesn't know his self-respect!

All the people around heard the speech and immediately fell down.

I don't know what she's angry about.

In fact, Wen Jiu didn't know he was suddenly so angry, so he rubbed Xie Heng's earlobe and said to him, "if you are like this, you will be laughed at in the future!"

She doesn't have much strength in her hands.

Xie Heng's mind was turbulent when she rubbed it. He pretended to be surprised and said, "really?"

"You really don't know the rules of the Western Chu Dynasty." Wen Jiu looked at him and sighed in his heart. "The bridegroom Jun horses next to him are all three media and six Ping. They are all brought into the house in a phoenix boat. You... Come to the door by yourself. Don't you want to laugh and talk with them in the future?"

That won't work!

Warm wine immediately made up a sentence in my heart.

Xie Heng understood from her eyes and couldn't help laughing: "I'm not afraid, they don't dare."

In fact, he just wanted to go into the house and guard ah Jiu. Such a battle is just a gimmick.

He must go back to Dayan for his wedding to ah Jiu.

Let everyone in the world know that Xie Heng's sweetheart has returned to him, and the most noble is not all alone.

But Xie Heng forgot that even if everyone in the world doesn't care, ah Jiu will worry about his reputation.

In fact, from Xie Xiaoyan to the Lord of Dayan, how many people dare to find him unhappy?

Wen Jiu looked at him with some doubts. He didn't have time to speak.

Xie Heng suddenly changed his mouth: "in fact, there are ways to remedy it."

"What way?"

Warm wine asked, unconsciously released his hand.

Xie Heng also slowly took back his hand around her waist and said slowly, "stretch out your hand and lead me into the door."


Warm wine didn't react at once.

She raised her eyes and looked at Xie Heng. Her eyes were opposite for a long time before she confirmed that he was serious.

The hand under Wenjiu's sleeve closed and opened again. After repeated several times, the palm was slightly sweating, so he made up his mind and stretched out his hand to him.

By the way, "Oh, this is the only time. Don't be spoiled and spoiled!"

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