Xie Heng immediately took her hand and clasped it with ten fingers.

How many infatuated people in the world are chanting "enter my Acacia door and know my Acacia pain". Once they were young and didn't know why so many people were trapped by love in the world of mortals.

Until now, he has tasted such bitterness himself, Only then did I know that even if this heart is not afraid of the sky high and the earth deep, it is also afraid of the special way from now on.

He looked at the person in front of him with starlike eyes, "this... I'm afraid it's very difficult. Please pet me more, your highness."

Warm wine smell speech, canthus slightly pick, "thank you..."

"Dongfeng." Xie Heng said in a warm voice, "the person you like is surnamed Xie Mingheng and the word Dongfeng. It doesn't hurt to forget. Anyway, you will still like me."

Wenjiu was robbed by him and forgot what to say in a moment.

Xie Heng seemed to have something wrong with what she said, but she couldn't say what was wrong for a moment. She subconsciously wanted to put her hand back to her sleeve.

But as soon as Wenjiu's hand moved, Xie Heng followed in, raised his feet and crossed the threshold, and entered the gate of the princess's house in red.

Warm wine: "

Onlookers: "

In the eyes of the left and right palace guards and those big Yan people not far away, he was still very active in warming wine and directly dragged the Yan Emperor into the door.

This way is not the same as when the princesses met their son-in-law!

Warm wine is still stunned.

Xie Heng suddenly handed her the Phoenix kite he had been holding in his hand and said with a smile: "ah Jiu, take it."

Warm wine didn't think much, so he took it.

There are four lines of small characters on the Phoenix kite. The first two lines are slightly disordered. It says "may the southwest wind die into your arms."

In the last two lines, the strokes are much sharper, as if they had just been written.

She glanced over and whispered:“ Lie drunk between heaven and earth, hug Qing and sleep together. "

The sound did not fall.

Warm wine lifted his eyes and looked at him. There was a water light in his apricot eyes.

Before she could speak, Xie Heng suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed her waist and hugged her horizontally. Even people hugged her in their arms with Fengyuan, so he strode in.

They were surprised to see his majesty Yan deliver it to the door by himself, as if he had entered his own residence and walked down the corridor with his highness BA in his arms.

"You, you put this palace down!" Wen wine reacted for a long time. Wen Wen gently scolded: "it's not proper for you to watch so many people!"

Xie Heng lowered his head slightly and whispered to her, "when you go back to the house and close the door, you can punish me as much as you want."


Wenjiu's cheeks were hot. I didn't know when she caught crimson. Even the corners of her eyes were a little red. Even the word "frivolous" came out of her mouth, it seemed to hook people.

Xie Heng had no temper at all. On the contrary, he smiled more and more.

Wen Jiu looked at him for a long time and couldn't help adding, "Meng Lang! What's funny about you? Who is it? ”

People in the maid's Palace on the porch were so frightened that their faces turned white.

At the end of the world, only the eighth highness dared to say that about Yan Huang. If he were someone else, he would be dead in an instant.

At this time.

His majesty Yan Huang was in a surprisingly good mood. His smile reached the bottom of his eyes, spread to the corners of his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "you."

Warm wine looked at him for a moment, and his heart was fierce.

I felt overwhelmed.

There are many people in the maid's palace in the princess's house. When they hear the news, they seem to rush here.

Wenjiu simply took Fengyuan to block his face and whispered to Xie Heng, "come back to the room quickly. ”

Xie Heng's chest vibrated slightly and said with a smile, "OK."

He should be too fast, warm wine always feel that he seems to have misunderstood something.

After all, Xie Heng told him to go back to his room as soon as possible, as if he was in a hurry to do something.

She held back for a moment and couldn't help explaining, "I didn't mean that."


At the moment, Xie Heng didn't think much about anything, but he smiled in his eyes, but Wenjiu felt that he clearly knew what she was thinking.

But this is the one who clearly knows everything. It's the most annoying to pretend that she doesn't know and let her say it clearly.

This guy is so boring!

Wenjiu was a little upset. He gently removed the Fengyuan from his face, revealing a pair of apricot eyes and looking at Xie Heng with gorgeous eyebrows and eyes.

He is really good-looking. His sword eyebrows go into his temples, a pair of Danfeng eyes, the corners of his eyes rise slightly, there are stars in his amber eyes, and his lips are thin. With a smile, he looks romantic and amorous.

Such a gorgeous person is blessed with such a skin appearance. However, he also has a pair of beautiful bones and affectionate eyes. Even his pride is much higher than others.

Wen Jiu has heard all kinds of Yan Huang's in many people. How about his temperament and behavior

But there was no word to describe what he looked like in front of her at the moment.

She originally wanted to explain to Xie Heng, but when she looked at it, she couldn't move her eyes anymore. She was fascinated and forgot all the other things.

The night wind blew through the corridor, making their clothes flutter and their cloud sleeves overlap. The fiery red long tail of Fengyuan floated and swayed gently across Xie Heng's thin lips, then brushed warm wine's cheeks, covered her eyes, and relied on it.

The phoenix tail is red and translucent. Warm wine looks at Xie Heng across a phoenix tail.

It seems that the whole Princess House is shrouded in a layer of red light, and the lover with gorgeous eyebrows and eyes smiles like spring breeze in this layer of red light.

The peach blossoms outside the corridor left the branches and came with the wind, chasing their footsteps and entangled with the flying phoenix tail.

The moon on the eaves is like water, and the harps and harps are flying around.

It's a beautiful night with good wind and moon.

Warm wine and color gave him the soul. Xie Heng took him back to his bedroom and put him on the couch. After listening to his command to the outside maid to "close them", he suddenly came back to his mind.

"What are you doing with closing the door?" she stammered when she was nervous. What's more, Xie Heng had just put her beside her bed. She was still very close, and it was more and more difficult to calm down.

The big red wedding tent in the bedroom, the burning dragon and Phoenix wedding candles, and the Heying wine on the table, ten plates and eight plates of wedding points.

There were only two of them in the room, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more subtle.

"Close the door? Naturally it's a rest." Xie Heng raised his eyebrows slightly. The original posture of getting up and retreating suddenly turned into sitting by the couch.

He reached for the warm wine, put the Phoenix kite in his hand aside, and smiled on his lips. "Speaking of it, I don't know what the man who entered the princess's house would do the first night in Western Chu."

Wen Jiu moved back and hurriedly said, "don't do anything! You can find a nice courtyard to live in. You don't need to serve here in the palace..."

Xie Heng was as if he hadn't heard of it. He asked her with great interest, "I'll help your highness undress first?"

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