This night, the whole Princess House didn't know what to do. No one dared to rest. They went to the palace in a hurry and reported to the emperor. There was no reply for a while.

A maid couldn't help muttering, "what's the matter with the princess? The national master is the one who comes the fastest. Why haven't the national master come when such a big event happened today?"

"These are also what you can ask?" Huan Tian shouted softly, "don't you think your life is too long?"

The maid who had just spoken was so frightened that her face turned blue that she quickly bowed her head and dared not make any more noise.

And Guoshi mansion.

Suddenly there was a "get out of here!"

After the rockery, countless purple butterflies took off and scattered. The maids of the whole Guoshi mansion fell to the ground and didn't dare to make a sound for a long time.

And after the rockery

Rong Sheng's lips were red and dazzling. He sat on the stone platform, while Mr. Xie sat on the shoulders of the national master like Mount Tai.

"Why are you shouting so loudly? You're talking about the forbidden area yourself. Those maids don't dare to come in." Xie Wanjin saw that Rongsheng Yungong had gone wrong. At the moment, he couldn't help but be unscrupulous.

He sat quite comfortably on Rongsheng's shoulder. He couldn't help laughing and said, "no matter how loudly you shout, no one will come in to save you."

Let angry almost gnash his teeth: "Xie, Wan, Jin!"

The fourth childe had seen the master's ruthlessness for a long time. Now he was not afraid at all. He poked Rongsheng's face with his hand and said with a smile: "you do things all day and lead me here, so that you miss the event of my eldest brother entering the princess's house! I'm not angry yet. What are you angry about?"

Rongsheng doesn't speak.

Xie Wanjin said, "if you hadn't done so many things, it would be me who came in to sing to my eldest brother today. What can Qin Mo do?"

Master Guoshi really doesn't want to talk to him.

However, the fourth childe was still very angry about it and said, "you delayed my business and want to stop my eldest brother and ah Jiu? What do you think? You think your fourth brother is a vegetarian?"

Rong Sheng took a deep breath and said calmly as far as possible: "get up, this seat doesn't care about today's affairs."

Xie Wanjin looked at him for a while and couldn't help asking, "Rong Sheng, what makes you have the illusion that I'm not very smart?"

Fourth childe is really confused.

The guru of the state of Western Chu is famous for his revenge, and he will be rewarded if he takes revenge.

What does he say now that he doesn't care about today's affairs is that he is easy to cheat? Or stupid?

Rong Sheng said in a deep voice, "get up!"

"Can you say anything else besides these two words?" Xie Wanjin didn't mean to open at all. He looked up at the sky hanging Star River, smiled in his peach blossom eyes, and said to him, "look, there are thousands of stars in the sky. Which one do you want to pick is not good. Why bother if you want to fight for the one that shouldn't?"

Rongsheng's shoulder was a little heavy by him. His anger was hard to calm, but he couldn't help looking up at the stars.

The sky is full of stars and the moon is in the sky , The moon covers the whole earth like water.

Rong Sheng listened to the princess's house for a long time and said in a low voice, "who said I want to pick it? Do you think everyone in the world takes warm wine as a treasure like Xie Heng and doesn't give up when holding it? "

"Then don't force you to stay." Xie Wanjin smelled the speech and looked back at him. "There are so many beauties in the Western Chu, there are so many around you. Don't stare at our wine."

Rong shengleng "hum" and said, "I don't know how to make progress, but also live by myself. Thank you four. How did you live to the present?"

Xie Wanjin listened to his question and thought it over carefully before he replied, "maybe it's good luck."

Rongsheng looked at him, his face full of words.

"Well, don't say that. Since you come to this place to meditate, you must have been hurt a lot. If you use your own skills, I won't take the opportunity to kill you." Xie Wanjin said, "as for going to the princess's house, don't think about it. If I'm here, you'll die."

The fourth childe raised his hand and brushed the wind. His sleeves were shaking, and the gold thread on his sleeves was shining slightly.

His usual clothes are as flashy and unreliable as he is. In fact, they really have some weight.

When Rongsheng thought of this, he quickly stopped the idea.

It's strange.

The whole world is full of people who "don't do it for themselves, and heaven punishes the earth". How can you thank your family for making all these strange people?


Princess mansion, capital of Western Chu

Warm wine and sleep well until dawn.

She was awakened by heat. Now it is the warm season of spring breeze. The night is the most comfortable time, but she is hot and sweaty.

It's strange.

Wen Jiu opened his eyes and saw Xie Heng close at hand.

Because she was too close, Jun's face magnified for a long time, which frightened her heart and nearly fainted.

"Wake up?" Xie Heng took back his hand around her waist, sat up slowly and asked her very naturally, "are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Warm wine was still a little confused, so he answered, "I'm a little hungry, eat..."

Before she finished, she heard someone outside the door arguing in a low voice:

The old chamberlain of the Western Chu said, "the emperor summoned the princess. Even if Emperor Yan is inside, he can't stop the princess from entering the palace to meet the emperor?"

Qin Mo said, "what did you say? It's not your majesty who stopped the princess, but the princess is still asleep. When you see the emperor in the Western Chu, are people sleeping and even carrying them into the palace with a couch?"

"You're talking nonsense!" the old waiter's voice trembled. "Lord Qin, you've stopped the slaves outside the door all night. Your highness should wake up at this time. You still stopped the notice. What's the reason?"

Qin Mo said reluctantly, "it's not my official who wants to stop. It's really a special situation. If you have to break in and see what you shouldn't see, should you be executed immediately? Or what to do?"

As soon as these words came out, the people were quiet.

Wen Jiu took a look at Xie Heng and his eyes were a little delicate.

The relationship between Dayan and the Western Chu has always been neither good nor bad, but both sides, as the most prosperous among the countries, inevitably look down on each other. Civil servants and military generals often compare privately.

Now it's so noisy across a door.

She felt a little embarrassed for no reason.

Xie Heng was also looking at her. Wen said, "they quarreled with them. Continue to say what you think?"

Wen Jiu didn't answer. He stretched out his hand and pulled the long green silk behind him. He sat up and said to the outside of the door, "my palace is awake. Come in and serve."

Xie Heng put on his big sleeve and said in a deep voice, "enter."

A moment later, the door opened.

The maids swarmed in. Huan Tian, the leader, looked at Xie Heng and immediately bowed his head and said in a low voice, "Duke Liu waited outside the door all night and said that the emperor wanted to summon his highness."

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