Wen Jiuwei was stunned. He glanced at Xie Heng by the couch and suddenly remembered that the man had made so much noise last night. It was difficult for the emperor to know.

This mess must be collected.

She has to collect it.

"Let them wait outside, and the palace will go after washing and dressing." Wen Jiu said as he opened the brocade quilt and stayed, "if anyone quarrels again, pick up his clothes and throw them into the river and ask him to swim back."

Huan Tian hurriedly said yes. After saluting, he went out and ordered the people.

The maids who stayed in the room waited on her to wash in order, and no one dared to look at the people beside the couch.

But Xie Heng suddenly said, "I'll go with you."


Warm wine made the ending sound long. When looking back at Xie Heng, the words "you are spoiled and charming" were clearly written on your face.

Xie Heng leaned on the bed curtain, his big sleeve was just draped over his shoulder, and his skirt was slightly disordered. It was a bit more natural and unrestrained than his usual imposing appearance.

He said with a smile, "since I am your Highness's person, I should follow your highness into the palace to meet the emperor."

Wen Jiuxin said: that's right.

However, Xie Heng is different from others, and his mother's body has always been bad. What if he is suddenly stunned by such a bolt from the blue and can't slow down?

What's more, let him, the great lord of Yan, kneel down to the emperor of Western Chu. Can he kneel down?

She looked at Xie Heng for a moment and then asked, "do you know how the kneeling ceremony of Xichu kneels?"

Xie Heng listened to this and his eyes were slightly sluggish.

"You certainly don't know." Wenjiu went behind the screen to change his clothes and said solemnly, "a man who eats on his face like you should stay at home and don't cause trouble for the palace. The palace will deal with those things outside."

Xie Heng listened to her serious tone and couldn't help laughing, "how can you be clever?"

Wen Jiu thought for a while and suddenly found that she didn't know. After tangled for a while, she said, "Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan, find two rules for the son-in-law and give him a good look."

The two waitresses who helped her dress up quickly saluted "yes", bowed their heads and withdrew outside.

Warm wine changed her clothes, and the maid inserted the last Zhu hairpin in her bun. Then she slowly walked out from behind the screen and said to the man beside the couch: "I've gone out of the palace. You stay in the house. If you're sleepy, you should eat and drink. Don't fight with others and don't fight..."

She said, pausing slightly, and said, "you can't move your feet."

When the maids heard the speech, they couldn't help but secretly looked up at their Highness for several times.

Since Wenjiu arrived in the capital of Western Chu, he has been living in a muddle and doesn't like to talk much. He spoke so much in one breath like today and gave many instructions to people. It's really the first time in the world.

Xie Heng leaned on the couch, his eyes looked at her gently, smiled and said, "OK."

The waitresses were even more surprised.

The Yan Emperor is also very strange. Why did the emperor who was so ruthless in the rumor get to the bottom of the eight halls?

Wen Jiu stood by the screen and looked at Xie Heng for a while. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that this guy was tossed by her last night. He leaned on the red tent in such a messy way that he had an unspeakable romantic and handsome look that caught people's heart and soul.

She thought to herself: how do I feel like a ungrateful girl who doesn't recognize people when I put on clothes?

Wen Jiu reached out and rubbed the center of his eyebrows, quickly dispelled the strange idea, said to him, "the palace is gone", and turned outside.

"Ah Jiu." Xie Heng suddenly called her.

Warm wine, eyebrows slightly jump, unconsciously look back.

Xie Heng got up slightly. He didn't sit back on the couch until he saw her turn back. His eyes were slightly disordered and turned into tenderness.

He whispered to her, "when will your highness come back? I'll pick you up."

Wen Jiu was stunned at his speech.

In such a big princess's house, everyone took good care of her, but no one would ask "when are you going home?".

No one will say, "I'll pick you up."

People in the maid palace will only bow down and fear, do what they should do, kneel and worship her because she is the legitimate Princess of Western Chu. It is a matter of loyalty to the king to serve her daily life.

These people are very close to her, but their hearts are far away.

But Xie Heng is different from those people.

She didn't know what response to make. She was stunned for a long time before she asked some awkward questions: "Why are you so sticky?"

"Sticky?" Xie Heng laughed, "yes, how can I become so sticky?"

"Go back when you're done." Wen Jiu said, and turned to go out, as if he couldn't walk at a glance.

Xie Heng smiled in his voice and said to Wen Jiu's back, "then I'll wait for you to come back for dinner."

The spring breeze outside the eaves is good, and the new swallow holds fragrant grass.

Wenjiu hurried out. Duke Liu didn't even have time to ask, so he ran up with a few insiders and said that the emperor ordered his highness to be in the imperial palace.

Wen Jiu didn't speak all the way. He tried his best to figure out how to tell his father, emperor and empress that Xie Heng is now beside her.

Half an hour later, Yunhua palace in Western Chu.

When empress an Jing gave birth to his highness eight years ago, she had difficulty giving birth and almost died. It was calculated that she was always in bad health. After Wenjiu came back, she was unlikely to see her.

After all, both mother and daughter are medicine cans. It's bad to listen to them alone.

When the warm wine arrived, the emperor was talking with empress an in a warm voice. The waiters of the left and right palace retreated to the outside. The supreme husband and wife looked like a constant love in middle age.

Warm wine stepped slightly behind the bead curtain. After listening to Ann's soft voice shouting "Jiu Jiu", she hardened her scalp and went forward to salute and say hello: "my son's ministers see my father and mother."

"Are you flustered to call you so early? Get up quickly." empress an sat on the arhat bed and was about to get up to help her when she was pressed by the emperor on her side.

Murong yuan just looked gentle. When he turned to warm wine, his eyes sank a little, "announced you last night, why didn't you come?"

Wen Jiu was a little confused and directly replied, "I'm asleep. I don't know my father's call."

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