The wind and rain came in front of the court, and the sky became darker and darker.

Warm wine, close your eyes and take a nap. Your mind turns constantly. In fact, your rest is not stable.

The heart was also disturbed by this sudden heavy rain.

About an hour later, the Phoenix guards carried Murong Nian, who was soaked all over, into the pavilion, "tell your highness that Murong Nian has been brought to the pavilion."

"The ship escorting her was scuttled ten miles away from the ferry. When his subordinates arrived, all the officers and soldiers in charge of escorting had died in the hands of the assassins, and Murong Nian had suffered several injuries..." the leading Fengwei told them clearly at that time, and finally added a sentence, "My subordinates have asked the Phoenix guards to catch the scattered assassins. It won't be long before they can take them to your highness and find out who did it."

In fact, it is expected that such a thing will happen. It is not surprising to warm wine.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that the three princesses, who were always careless in the past, were clasped on her back by two phoenix guards. She only wore a coarse linen clothes, which was soaked by the rain and wet on her body. Her arms and legs were injured several times, and a large piece of blood was fainted and stained on her clothes. She looked embarrassed.

"Let her go." Wen Jiu's eyes swept Murong Nian away from top to bottom and ordered the people: "the man withdrew thirty steps outside the pavilion, Tuan Tuan Yuan took the wound medicine to help her bandage her wound, and happily took clean clothes to change for sister Sanhuang."

A group of maids and the Phoenix guards answered. They began to work hard. As soon as they caught the Phoenix guard with Murong Nian and stepped back outside the pavilion, she couldn't stand stably and collapsed to the ground.

Seeing the warm wine, he couldn't help getting up and stretched out his hand to pull Murong Nian.

The latter was ungrateful, resentful and said, "aren't you out of your mind? Why do you get better when I have an accident? Even the Fengwei around my father and emperor has to listen to your orders. You are so secretive, Murong Jiu! No wonder Murong Yu has always regarded you as a thorn in the eye. From beginning to end, only I believe you are a fool who doesn't fight or rob!"

Wen wine smelled the speech, closed his hand and returned to his sleeve. His eyes were as black as ink. He looked at Murong and said, "I just have a bad memory, which doesn't mean I'm stupid."

The rain and wind outside the pavilion are dark.

Her voice is warm and soft, like the spring breeze in March in Jiangnan, which is not annoying at all.

Wen Jiu said slowly, "I didn't want to argue with you. Now you are in such a situation because you are too ambitious, but your means are not smart enough. If not, I don't have to wait for you in the cold wind blowing here for several hours in the heavy rain."

Murong Nian stared at her.

This is clear and irrefutable.

If someone else said it, Murong would not be surprised.

But this man is a waste Murong Jiu.

Wen Jiu looked down at her and asked, "what are you going to do in the future?"

"What do you mean?" Murong Nian stood up with the stone stool in his puzzled face, looked warily at the maidens approaching him, and his voice changed slightly. "I should have known that the daughter of such a scheming woman in Anjing could be a pure and harmless generation?"

Murong Nian stared at warm wine, his hatred was hard to vent, his eyes were red, and said angrily: "you pretend you don't care about anything, so that you can benefit when I compete with Murong Yu clam? Now I have been sentenced to exile for thousands of miles, Murong Yu's wedding banquet has been destroyed, only you... Only you have everything!"

"I have a bad memory. Sister Sanhuang seems to be worse than me." Wen Jiu took a cup of tea from the maids, drank it slowly, and read with Murong: "you ruined sister Liuhuang's wedding banquet, and you set up a bureau to assassinate her father. Is it difficult because I often can't remember things, so you're going to count all these accounts on me?"

She said, staring at Murong for a while, and said, "this can't work."

Murong read angrily, and suddenly lifted all the cakes and tea lamps on the stone table to the ground.

She stood in the mess and shouted: "Why not? If my father had not gone to the Western Chu more than 20 years ago and been charmed by Anjing, how could he have preferred to kill his wife and marry the witch even if he had retreated hundreds of miles when the two countries had won the war! The Western Chu has always been a female monarch, but he killed his blood relatives for the witch! Regardless of the opposition of the courtiers, he made a foreign woman emperor! If not You, I am the only legitimate Princess of Western Chu! What is Murong Yu? She deserves to fight with me! "

"I don't care about the legitimate Princess of Xichu." Wen Jiu said in a very light tone, even the action of putting down the tea lamp was gentle, and didn't receive any influence. "If you are smart enough, you should calm down. When I die, or someone takes me home, you can toss about Xichu like this, which has nothing to do with me."

Murong Nian, who was full of resentment just now, was stunned when he heard this.

"But now, you've mixed me in, which makes me think I can't eat with people quietly." Wen Jiu said very seriously. He turned and looked outside the pavilion to see the heavy rain whirling, and the distant mountains and near water were hazy.

Her voice also faded a lot. She only asked, "do you want to continue exile for thousands of miles, or do you want to remain anonymous and become an ordinary people from now on?"

"You, you..."

Murong Nian couldn't speak for a moment. She really didn't understand what Murong Jiu wanted to do.

Anjing's gratitude and resentment with his mother can't be solved in this life. Murong Jiu doesn't worry about the future at all?

"You can think about it again. I won't urge you until the rain stops." Wen Jiu raised his hand and motioned the maids to come forward and dress up Murong, but his eyes were still looking at the distance. "But you'd better hurry. Someone is waiting for me. If I go back late, he's afraid he won't be happy."

He was unhappy and didn't know what he would do.

Wen Jiu was thinking like this. Suddenly, there was a crowd of footsteps outside the pavilion approaching here quickly.

Mixed in the wind, not obvious.

Her eyes jumped slightly, stretched out her hand and opened the veil. She saw a cold light coming straight to her face

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