Warm wine eyes reflected an oncoming beam of silver light, she stood in place, cloud sleeves were blown by the strong wind and wanted to fly.

The man with the sword in black and masked saw her face at the moment, his eyes were slightly sluggish, his long sword was set three inches in front of her eyebrows, gnashing his teeth and said, "unexpectedly... It's really you!"

"You are..."

Wen Jiu looked into each other's eyes with a sense of deja vu, but he couldn't say who it was, but he should also recognize her.

It must be an old friend.

Before she could catch up with the assassin in black, the accomplices of the masked man in black had killed into the pavilion with a sword and shouted: "the master has ordered that all those who are in the way should be killed together. Why don't you do it?"

The masked man with a sword pointing to warm wine suddenly took his sword and carried it behind him. He clasped it on her shoulder and caught her.

During the candlelight shaking, the charming maidens fought with the assassins on a par. While shouting "Your Highness, be careful", they desperately gathered towards the warm wine.

"There are too few of you. If you kill me, you can't go." Wen Jiu didn't struggle, but said calmly with the masked men and assassins who kidnapped her: "how about this? I'll give you ten times more benefits from the people who sent you. Take away the sword and have a good talk."

She had a strange intuition that the "old man" in front of her would not hurt her life.

"You are really noble and generous now!" after hearing this, the masked man suddenly cold his eyes, pulled off her cloak and sent the sword edge to her neck.

"Your Highness!"

The waiters were startled.

Wen Jiu didn't understand how the man turned his face. He saw the sword edge coming to his neck with cold.

At this moment, it rained heavily outside the pavilion.

There was a red sword standing in the wind. The long sword had not yet come out of its scabbard. As soon as it turned over in his hand, he beat back the masked man with his sword for several steps and fell into the fight of the people.

Warm wine lost its support point in vain, and the whole man fell into the rain.

The man reached for it, held the warm wine in his arms and said in a low voice, "Your Highness said he would go back to the house for dinner today. It's late at night and there's no one. Can you teach me to wait?"

Wen Jiu suddenly looked up at the person in front of him, and his eyes were full of surprise and amazement.

But there was joy in my heart.

She was forcibly assigned by her father to work. When she went out, she met a sudden heavy rain and was inexplicably assassinated by these masked people. All these are bad luck.

But as soon as I saw Xie Heng, these inexplicable misfortunes were nothing. My heart was full of people in front of me. I didn't have time to take care of others.

Xie Heng lowered his eyes and looked at her. Suddenly, he raised his hand and raised his fiery red cloak to cage the whole person of warm wine in it, which blocked the wind and rain in front of the court for her and all her sight.

Wen dimple was in his warm arms and heard him say in a deep voice, "no one left."

She was stunned in Xie Heng's arms. The green guards brought by Xie Heng and the Phoenix guards retreating dozens of steps away had flown to her. The sound of knives and swords intersected frequently. She only heard the dull sound constantly, and there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

"Wait!" Wen Jiu suddenly remembered that the masked man had a stagnant look when he saw her face. He pulled off the cloak that blocked his sight and raised his head from Xie Heng's arms, "don't hurt him!"

These people were dressed in black and covered their faces. They looked the same in size. Both Qingyi guards and Fengwei didn't know who Wenjiu said "he" was. They couldn't help but pause.

Warm wine's eyes swept over a group of masked people. For a moment, I couldn't tell who didn't sleep. I couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Seeing this, Xie Heng couldn't help but change his mouth and said, "catch it alive."

After only a short time, the people in black were taken down, escorted by the green guards and knelt in a large row in front of the court.

Wen Jiu was anxious to find the man just now, but Xie Heng held her and didn't know what the problem was.

In front of so many people, she couldn't say anything about him, so she had to raise her hand covered in her cloak and gently poked at Xie Heng's waist, "let go, there's something important to do."

Xie Heng was poked by her little move and wanted to laugh. He couldn't help asking, "Your Highness means... You can hold it when there's nothing serious, right?"

When he finished, he didn't open his mouth, so he nodded and continued, "OK, I remember."

Warm wine suddenly speechless: "...."

She can only look at Xie Heng with an indescribable look, hoping that he can understand a little from this look.

However, Xie Heng obviously didn't want to understand. He raised his hand, took off his cloak and put it on warm wine. His slender fingers flew and overlapped, and in the twinkling of an eye, he tied the tie belt for her.

"Your Highness, let's get down to business first. We'll talk about the rest back to the house."

He lowered his voice. His low and deep voice sneaked into her ears with the wind and made her ears itch.

Wenjiu was dizzy and his head swelled with "um", raised his hand, touched his earlobe, and took two steps forward.

Before she could stand still, the man led by Fengwei knelt in the rain with a group of his subordinates, Qi Shushu, "I'm to blame for my subordinates' failure to protect your Highness's safety in time!"

Wen Jiu had a headache at the sight of such a person who always had to kneel down and talk. As soon as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a sarcastic low smile from someone among the masked assassins.

She looked sideways and saw that all the black masked people kneeling in the heavy rain were drooping their heads. Only the one on the far right was fastened by two green guards and looked at her with his neck.

He looked at each other with warm wine, with seven points of ridicule and three points of resentment in his eyes.

Maybe the rain was so heavy that his eyes became more and more red.

Wenjiu's mind was a little confused. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. He brushed his sleeve and said to the Phoenix guards, "this palace asked you to stay away. No wonder you all get up."

"Thank you, your highness!"

The Phoenix guards bowed their heads and got up.

Warm wine suddenly slipped into the rain curtain and walked quickly to the black masked man on the far right,

Fengwei thought she was going to do business, so he quickly reported: "at the moment, a total of more than 20 people have come, half of them are dead, and there are still 15 people left..."

When he finished, Wen Jiu suddenly interrupted in a dumb voice, "let him go."

The two green guards who caught the masked man were a little embarrassed. One of them whispered, "this boy has good skills. Just let go. I'm afraid he'll run away in the blink of an eye."

"I let you go!"

The volume of warm wine was much higher in vain.

The two green guards quickly let go and took a step back. The masked man seemed tired, leaned back and lay directly in the rain.

Warm wine trembled and took off the black mask on his face. At the moment when he saw the boy's eyebrows and eyes, apricot eyes filled with water.

The boy raised his hand and wiped the blood off his lips. A cold arc of ridicule was aroused at the corners of his lips. The words were clear: "you are so dignified now, sister."

"Xiao Wen, you are still alive..."

Warm wine was full of mixed thoughts. Crouching in the heavy rain and looking at the boy in black, his sight became a little blurred.

At the beginning, the golden iron cavalry attacked two cities, and Changping County was slaughtered. When she rushed back to Wen's house, the thatched house was burned to ashes, leaving only the bones of the people. It was difficult to distinguish, so she had to collect them and bury them together.

She thought Wen Wen had already died in the disaster, but unexpectedly, he was still alive.

For countless days, Wen Wen has been very different from the appearance in her memory. Her childish eyebrows and eyes have opened, and people have become a lot darker. She doesn't look as thin and weak as before. I think she hasn't suffered less in recent years.

Wenjiu reached out to touch the boy's face, but he dodged.

The rain in March was not cold, but the night wind hit her. She was overjoyed for a moment, and the whole person couldn't stop shaking slightly.

Wen Wen looked at her and suddenly smiled, "it's rare for a golden branch and jade leaf like your highness Ba to remember such a little person as me."


Wen Jiu was just about to speak to him.

Wen Wen's smile on his lips suddenly cooled down, "aren't you insane? Don't you remember anything? If you want to be a golden branch and jade leaf, you should be your Murong Jiu. Why are you entangled with Xie Heng?"

"Xiao Wen, what are you talking about?"

Wen Jiu's ecstasy at seeing his brother turned into a loss for a moment.

Yes, I don't know what to do.

She has no idea why Wen Wen said this.

"You are not confused at all. You have not forgotten that you are warm wine or Xie Heng. You know who I am..." Wen Wen's eyes are red and his words are a little confused.

He stared at her as if he wanted to see something in her face.

Finally, he just laughed at himself, "after Xie Qi disappeared, you sent people all over the world to look for his whereabouts. You tried your best to be the young lady of the Xie family and tried your best to protect Xie Heng and those surnamed Xie! Shopkeeper Wen, God of wealth Wen and his highness eight of Western Chu, you walked higher and higher step by step. What about me?"

Wen Wen stood up in the rain with one hand, leveled with her line of sight, and asked her word by word: "five years, five years, have you ever thought of my brother one day?"

Wen Jiu's face turned white when questioned by him. It was hard to say, and his body was unstable, as if a gust of wind could blow away.

Xie Heng, who had been staring at her a few steps away, took the high-quality mountain from the maid and flew over. He grabbed her and protected her under the umbrella. He looked down at Wen Wen with a slight frown. Before he opened his mouth, he was grabbed by Wen wine.

She pulled a little tight, completely forgot to control her strength, and said in a dumb voice, "don't... don't hurt him."

Wen Jiu's ears were full of wind and rain. Her head began to hum and her memory was confused, but she still remembered that Xie Heng was angry and had to see blood.

She felt guilty.

At that time, when the golden cavalry slaughtered the city, she failed to protect her father's mother and Wen Wen's brother.

So at the moment, even if he was extremely ill, he didn't forget to drag Xie Heng and tell him not to hurt Wenwen.

Xie Heng knew how much she valued her brother. When they first arrived in Dijing after the disaster of slaughtering the city, ah Jiu always had nightmares and shouted "Wen Wen run quickly". Obviously, he didn't believe in the god Buddha, but quietly ran to Wanhua temple to burn paper money for the Wen family.

I'm afraid her brother was poor before his death and lived so hard in the underworld after his death.

She is just used to hiding her thoughts in her heart and not talking to others. In this way, it seems that she always has a good and happy life.

Therefore, some people always say that Wen Caishen is cold and thin. If the Xie family were not full of dignitaries, would she do her best for the Xie family.

"I can give you whatever compensation you want." Xie Heng looked at Wen Wen sitting in the rain and said in a low voice, "don't talk to her like that."

"Mr. Xie, no, now it's time to call you Emperor Yan." Wen Wen slowly stood up and looked at Xie Heng, and the cold arc at the corners of his mouth couldn't hang, "I remember when I first saw you, you were still my brother-in-law's eldest brother. Now you hold your brother-in-law and wife so smoothly, and you really don't feel half guilty?"

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