A group of palace maids and maids who guarded the door chased Wen wine in and knelt on the ground one after another to plead guilty. "The emperor atoned for his sin. Her eighth highness must break in. The slaves can't stop it!"

Murong yuan heard the speech, and the smile on his face froze for a moment. Suddenly, he was speechless, "..."

Xie Heng turned and looked at the warm wine that suddenly broke in, and a smile flowed in his amber eyes.

Wenjiu quickly walked to him, patted the back of his hand without trace, and whispered, "come in for so long, you can't even sit. Can you laugh?"

The emperor of the Western Chu Dynasty looks gentle and elegant on his face. In fact, he is very arrogant. He has to have a constitution for his words and deeds. If anyone doesn't behave in front of him, he doesn't know how to die.

But Xie Heng is a very unruly person.

Xie Heng's sword eyebrow was slightly picked, and he didn't open his mouth to explain to her that he had just finished drinking tea and started talking hard with the emperor of Western Chu.

Warm wine as if he had acquiesced. He sighed in his heart: good-looking people have a bad temper. The ancients sincerely didn't deceive me.

After they looked at each other for a moment, the emperor of the Western Chu Dynasty had calmed down. He waved his hand to the palace servants who had knelt all over the ground to step back, stared at the warm wine, and asked in a deep voice, "how did you break in?"

When Wen Jiu came in, he had already made a small calculation in his mind and answered: "my son was ordered to go out of the city to do business yesterday. When he came back, he was drenched in the rain and fell asleep. When he woke up, it had been a night. Moreover, my son was the first time to lead the order. He was very rusty. He was afraid that if he didn't report back in time, the father and the emperor would blame him, so he hurried into..."

She had a gentle and harmless face, and her voice was very sincere. If Xie Heng hadn't been used to seeing ah Jiu carrying all the silver into her own pocket with an innocent face, I'm afraid she would believe it now.

The emperor of Western Chu looked at the explanation of his eighth Highness's grievance. For a time, his mood was very complicated.

Before Mingming, she was crazy and silly. She spoke word by word. She didn't say a long sentence for ten days and a half months. Since Xie Heng came to her, even the doctors had been trying to cure the problem for three years.

Murong yuan asked, "have you finished what I told you to do?"

"It's all right." Wen Jiu took out the phoenix order from his sleeve and offered it, "my son asked someone to send the third emperor sister to the place she should have gone. The phoenix order, my son and my father."

"What do you mean sending her where she should have gone?"

Murong yuan took the phoenix order and played with it in his hand.

He felt that he could not figure out the daughter who was confused all day, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

A few steps away, Xie Heng stood and looked at ah Jiu talking to the emperor of Western Chu.

Somehow, he was still very happy.

It's probably because I haven't seen a wine tongue blooming lotus fooling people for a long time. I really miss it.

Wenjiu retreated two steps, then stood at Xie Heng's side, raised his eyes and said, "my father ordered to exile sister Sanhuang for thousands of miles, and sent my son's ministers to get things done... My son's ministers caught several waves of people who wanted to kill sister Sanhuang on the way, and sent someone to escort her to continue her exile. It was in accordance with my father's will. My son thought it could not be done anymore!"

The emperor of Western Chu looked at the warm wine with "praise me" on his face. He almost couldn't help hitting her with his phoenix order.

After a long silence, it calmed down a little.

Wen Jiu turned and asked Xie Heng, "do you think so?"

Xie Heng looked at the person in front of him and held out his hand to clip the strands of hair scattered on her temples. Then he smiled and said, "it's OK, it's OK."

The emperor of the Western Chu Dynasty looked at the two people and sang in harmony. He couldn't help reaching out to help his forehead. In a flat tone, he said, "since you're unwell, don't run out. Go back to the house and have a rest."

Wenjiu, listen to this meaning, the emperor is going to sweep her out of the house.

Her heart was half happy and half uneasy.

The joy is that he managed to muddle through, and the anxiety is that Xie Heng doesn't seem to be happy with the emperor at all.

"Then I'll take ah Jiu back to the house first."

Xie Heng said with a smile. He naturally stretched out his hand to hold ah Jiu's hand and led people outside the hall.

"Wait a minute." Wen Jiu suddenly remembered that there was still something important to do. He stopped just after two steps. He whispered to Xie Heng, "if we leave the palace, what should we do?"

Xie Heng said with a smile, "I've just finished it. Just go back to the house and wait."

Wen Jiu smelled his words and couldn't help looking up at him.

At the moment, the door of the hall was wide open, and the bright sunshine poured in. Xie Heng stood in the light and shadow of pale gold. The bead curtain on his side was full of brilliance. His fiery red sleeves were slowly brushed by the breeze. With only a smile, the most expensive palace in the world became dark and colorless in an instant.

The hand under the warm wine sleeve closed closer involuntarily.

The next moment, Xie Heng took her out in the bright sunshine.

"You didn't have a seat just now..." Wen Jiu couldn't help asking, "how did you negotiate with the emperor?"

Xie Heng said with a smile, "I told him that if you don't agree, I'll call until you agree."


Warm wine can't react for a while.

Is it her tinnitus?

Or did Xie Heng start talking nonsense when he was treated coldly by the emperor?

Xie Heng slowed down, walked side by side with warm wine, and said slowly, "I also said that whether it's marriage or robbery, people are mine. You see what you do."

He finished and looked sideways at ah Jiu.

Warm wine and say nothing for a moment: "...."

After thinking for a while, she asked, "why don't you dare to sit down if you dare to say such cruel words?"

Xie Heng laughed, "I've already sat down and drank tea. When you broke in, I just made a deal. I got up and left my seat to go out to find you."

Only in ah Jiu's eyes, he is a simple Xie Heng, not the Lord of Da Yan of tens of millions of people.

She always forgets that in the Western Chu, everyone kneels down to worship the feared emperor. For him, at most, he only needs to be on an equal footing.

Xie Heng doesn't want to remind ah Jiu again and again. His identity is different now.

It is a great blessing in life to recover from the loss. Even if she doesn't remember much, her heart of maintaining him has never changed.

She forgot so much and would hold his hand with a smile and be willing to marry him as his wife

In this way, it is already very good.

Wen Jiu could not help pinching his hand when he heard the speech. "Then why didn't you say it earlier? I was just in front of my father..." he said so much in a mess.

No wonder the father wants to drive her back to the house.

Xie Heng said with a low smile, "Your Highness has a heart of love. Won't I take it?"

Wen Jiu couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard the speech. "Is it difficult... Are you still intentional?"

She suddenly has a little itching. What's the matter?

In those rumors, why didn't anyone say that Emperor Yan was careful and thought of thieves?

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