"How dare you?" Xie Heng answered her with low eyes, but the smile on his lips could not be suppressed. He said slowly: "Your Highness was very busy just now, and didn't give me a chance to explain."

Wen Jiu thought for a while. It seemed that he didn't have a chance to speak just now.

But this momentum has been installed. It can't be dispelled by his word.

So she glanced at the palace maids who came and went around with the rest of her eyes and said angrily, "don't be eloquent here. I'll deal with you when I go back to the house!"

Xie Heng raised his eyes slightly and replied with a smile: "OK, after returning to the house, I'll let your highness handle it."

When several maids came forward, they just heard such a sentence. Their faces were delicate and they wanted to put their hands over their ears.

"Don't talk," Wen Jiu said in a low voice, dragging Xie Heng out of the palace.

The latter is tall and has long legs. She still walks calmly and smiles.

On the contrary, a group of little maids have to trot to catch up, and they complain incessantly in their hearts.

After the group walked away, Murong Yu came out from the corner from a distance, looked at the back of the two people, and said with a smile: "Yan Huang doesn't know if his eyes are not very good. How to pick and choose, but he fell in love with Murong Jiu?"

Meng Chengyun then walked out and watched them gradually go away, and his eyes became more and more dim.

"My palace, you look at Murong Jiu's eyes. It seems that there is something unusual." Murong Yu said, suddenly turned to Meng Chengyun and said with great interest: "why, what have you had with her?"

Meng Chengyun took back his eyes and asked, "why did the princess say that?"

"Just feel... Very strange." Murong Yu couldn't say anything, smiled and said, "so I want to ask, did you recognize her before?"

Meng Chengyun's eyes were slightly cool, not tight or slow: "I don't know."

When he finished, he added with a cool smile, "she is the sweetheart of the Lord of great Yan. Will she know me?"

Murong Yu looked at him for a long time and tried to see something from Meng Chengyun's face. In the end, he said softly, "it's better not to know each other. Lord Meng stepped forward this time and took the initiative to join the princess's house to encircle the palace. The palace will remember your kindness and will repay you in the future."

Meng Chengyun nodded slightly and said, "the princess is serious."

Murong Yu is very satisfied with Meng Chengyun's gentle and polite appearance. Although he is not as good as Xie Heng or as affectionate and considerate as Xie Wanjin, he is better than his excellent temper and obedience.

She smiled and said, "it's not early. The palace will take you to see the empress mother and the imperial concubine first."

Meng Chengyun said in a warm voice, "thank you, princess."

They took a group of maids to the anhou palace. As soon as they broke through the corridor, they were stopped by the waiter who came in a hurry.

The internal attendant said, "the emperor has a decree to send the six princesses to meet."

Murong Yu gave a little pause and asked Meng Chengyun in a low voice, "why did you let this palace pass now when we just came out of the father's palace?"

Meng Chengyun pondered: "Xu is for the sake of Emperor Yan and his eighth highness. I think it should be that the emperor doesn't want to marry his eighth highness to Da Yan Heqin. Emperor Yan has a tough attitude and has to marry."

"That's reasonable. If Emperor Yan and Jiujiu become......" Murong Yu thought it would be very beneficial to him. He had to hurry to push the boat along the water and immediately said to Meng Chengyun: "then sit here and come to the palace."

Meng Chengyun whispered, "give it to the princess."

Murong Yu nodded slightly and hurried back with the palace people following the messenger, thinking about how to get the father emperor to agree to marry Jiujiu to Dayan.

It's a great thing for her to marry a princess in another country.


It is the capital of the Western Chu Dynasty and the eight lords' mansion.

After Wenjiu and Xie Heng returned to the house, after lunch, they asked the little maids to set up a beauty couch and bookcase in the back garden.

The weather is excellent and the spring is bright.

Peach, plum and apricot flowers vie to open, peony and peony welcome the spring breeze, colorful flowers bloom all over the garden, and graceful butterflies linger among the flowers. The beautiful young maids wear flowers with tea and cakes, and the flying sleeves are better than the flower appearance.

Warm wine leaned on the couch and gently shook the feather fan. Without paying attention to the beautiful scenery in front of him, he watched Xie Heng stand behind the book case and write a letter with great interest.

He wrote very quickly, and the words were flying. He put his pen in two or three lines, gently dried the ink on the paper, sealed it in an envelope, and then threw it away

In the blink of an eye, the green guards in the dark flew out. After receiving the envelope, they swept up the eaves like a gust of wind and left quickly.

Wen Jiu looked at Xie Heng suspiciously, "who did you write this letter to? Why did you ask the maid to buy writing ink for you here?"

She felt that Xie Heng might not know how to write afraid words at all.

This guy just put cruel words to the emperor in the Western Chu palace, returned to her Princess House, calmly ate, and began to write letters in the back garden.

No matter who it is for, can't you hide it a little?

Xie Heng understood most of it from her eyes. "It's written for my third childe. There's no need to hide it."

Wen Jiu smelled the speech and said with a shocked face, "are you so brazen as to send a message to Da Yan's first assistant?"

She said in her heart: I'm afraid others don't know you're going to fight with Xichu?

What if the letter says something about how to arrange troops and be intercepted by the people of the Western Chu on the way, wouldn't it be fatal?

Although Xie Heng's writing is flying, the people who receive the letter may not be able to understand what he wrote.


Xie Heng nodded, smiling in his eyes.

"Are you ok?" Wen Jiu suddenly felt that the first two were big. He couldn't help holding his forehead. After calming down for a while, he opened his mouth and asked him, "shouldn't there be anything written in your letter?"

She was still a little happy, "tell the palace that you just miss your brother and wrote a letter to greet your well-being."

Xie Heng walked out of the desk, went to the couch, sat down on the side of Wen wine body, and said in a low voice, "what I wrote is: if there is no news in ten days, I will send troops to level the Western Chu immediately."

"You..." Wen Jiu was so surprised that he couldn't speak for a moment and looked at the person in front of him.

When the warm wind blows slowly, falling flowers leave the branches and tap on the jade pillow, it is clearly a scene that can't be more tender and tender.

Xie Heng's tone was very gentle, but this words surprised people.

The flying butterfly stopped at the warm wine sideburns. She ignored it, took Xie Heng's sleeve and asked, "you're kidding me again, aren't you?"

"Ah Jiu, don't worry." Xie Heng looked at her gently. "As long as the emperor of Western Chu doesn't start, I will never take the lead in provoking war between the two countries. But if the emperor of Western Chu doesn't want to stop me..." now Da Yan has a strong army, how can he be afraid of him?

In the second half of the sentence, he was covered by warm wine before he could speak.

She shook her head. "Don't talk to the crow."

"Well, I won't say. It's the people who suffer in war, and it's best to be peaceful and safe." Xie Heng smiled and comforted with a warm voice: "it's just necessary to guard against people. It's always good to be prepared."

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