On the other side, the eighth princess's bedroom is in the middle.

Empress an sat on Luohan's bed, took warm wine by the hand, and asked anxiously, "Jiujiu, what's the matter with Emperor Yan? Why did he enter your princess's house with great fanfare when he came to the capital of Western Chu, and today he talked to your father and emperor that he must marry you anyway? Didn't you forget all your previous things? Why did you suddenly like him..."

"I can't say a word or two about this clearly." Wen Jiu interrupted, blinked and said in a warm voice: "although I have forgotten a lot of things, I was full of joy when I saw this man. I was very happy when I heard him talk, and I was also very happy when he approached me. Empress mother... I don't know how to tell you this feeling..."

She said, bending her eyes and smiling, her eyes filled with warm light, "I can't remember things, so I write all the important things in an account book, and take it out every time I wake up."

Ann didn't interrupt, but looked at her daughter gently.

All the maids were outside the door. Only mother and daughter sat opposite each other in such a big bedroom.

It has been three years since Wenjiu returned to the capital of Western Chu, but they rarely spend time alone.

Wen Jiu said slowly, "yesterday I counted the things recorded in the account book. There were two at most. One was about gold and silver treasures, with 87 times. The other was Xie Heng and Xie Dongfeng. After removing the small half of the account book torn away, there are 99 times left."

She said, suddenly raising her eyes to say hello, "does the queen mother know what kind of person I used to be?"

After an was slightly stunned, he said softly, "the national teacher said that you used to love yellow and white things."

"The National Master said?" Wen Jiu smelled the speech, took back the hand held by empress an and said positively, "the national master was wrong. I don't love yellow and white things very much. Gold and silver are to me like blood and life."

Her eyes were like ink, and her words were clear: "since Xie Dongfeng is more important than my life, I naturally want to believe him."

After Ann saw such a sober highness eight for the first time, her eyes were slightly surprised. She was stunned for a long time before she asked, "is that why?"

Warm wine nodded, "that's enough."

"Jiu Jiu." empress an said emphatically, "you are the legitimate Princess of the Western Chu, and you want to succeed as the empress in the future, but now you embarrass your father for someone you have forgotten. Why bother? The Western Chu and Dayan have the same national strength now. If you really go to war and make the people of the two countries in dire straits, do you really have the heart?"

Wen Jiu thought for a moment, and his eyes turned like ink and asked, "how do we have to start a war? As long as my father raised his hand and let me go back to Dayan, Xie Heng will not send troops innocently, and there will be no war between the two countries worried by his mother."

She said to herself:

It was simple.

But these people like to think about complexity.

Empress an pursed her lips and said in a slightly changed tone: "are you so sure that Xie Heng will not send troops? Has Dayan ever stopped fighting against other countries in recent years? Maybe he came to Western Chu this time under the guise of marrying you and secretly arranged in Western Chu, hoping to dominate the world!"

Warm wine tilted her head and looked at Ann in front of her like a star. "Did the empress mother forget where you are?"

An Hou's eyes were slightly sluggish and speechless for a moment.

Wen Jiu continued: "then I remind my mother that you are the princess of Dayan married to the Western Chu Dynasty. You were born in Dayan and grew up in Dayan. At that time, you married your father to keep the peace of Dayan's border. Don't say Xie Heng won't send troops. If he really wants to dominate the world, my mother, as the princess of Dayan, why not do it?"

She got up slowly, and the golden sunshine through the small porch window fell on her, shrouded in a faint halo.

"You are the legitimate Princess of Western Chu!" Ann Hou looked up at her and said in a slightly heavy tone: "how can you say such words! You... Are so rebellious!"

Wen Jiu raised his hand, gently brushed away the folds between his sleeves, smiled and said, "the empress mother and the emperor never wanted to ask me what kind of life I had in the past and who I liked to stay with. Would you like to go back to Western Chu and be his eighth highness?"

Empress Ann was speechless for a moment.

She never thought that Wen would not go back to the Western Chu. How noble is the legitimate princess. Someone would not want to.

It's not hard to warm the wine. He said slowly, "I've been back to Western Chu for three years. Does my father know why my surname is Wen? When everyone said I was delirious and crazy, my mother visited me several times later?"

After an heard the speech, she quickly explained: "it's not like this. Jiujiu, the empress mother is in the harem and it's inconvenient to get in and out, so..."

"It used to be inconvenient to get in and out, but how can it be convenient today?" Wen Jiu walked slowly to the window, took out a peach blossom from the vase, gently played it in his hand, and said casually: "I'm the legitimate Princess of Western Chu. It's true that I have a noble status, but the throne can't fall on me, who is bleeding half of Yan's blood. The ministers of Western Chu won't be willing, and the father emperor won't be willing, so I've been in Changping County for 15 years. No one asked me, and no one wants me to appear again. Who knows what daorongsheng thinks? He wants to bring me back to Western Chu, the legitimate princess who shouldn't appear again, Tell the royal family that these people don't sleep well. "

These things are all unsolvable questions in her mind.

But she didn't remember many things. She had been in the capital of Western Chu for a long time. When she was free, she thought about these things over and over again, and could guess them all together.

I just don't want to think about it.

Empress Ann insisted on telling her the warm wine.

Empress Ann was a little worried and said, "Jiujiu, I can't tell what happened that year. My mother has been sending someone to find you all these years. I can't find your trace

"If it weren't for my crazy and stupid princess, I wouldn't live to this day?"

Wen Jiu suddenly interrupted her and asked.

Empress Ann opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything: "..."

Wen Jiu played with the petals of the branches and slowly said, "you said that Xie Heng then married me under the guise of secretly setting up a bureau to annex Xichu. That's wrong."

Ann hasn't come to talk yet.

Wen Jiu continued, "if you really want to talk about it, I'm actually setting up a game to deceive him. I knew it was him who had waited for me for three years, but I waited too long and forgot many things, so I want to see what he can do for me. I want to know if there is anyone in the world who will be desperate for me."

She said slowly, "now I know, he will, so I'm going home, back to my real home."

After he settled down, he suddenly felt that the man in front of him was very strange to himself.

It seems like the first time I've seen it.

This is warm wine.

Wen Caishen, who became famous when he was young.

Wen Jiu held the peach blossom branch in his hand, raised his eyes and looked at an. His eyes were calm and calm. He smiled and said, "empress mother, I told you long ago. I just can't remember the people and things in the past. It's not a fool or madman. Why don't you believe it?"

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