
Ann opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything.

Such an eight highness was too strange to her. She was just different from before.

Wen Jiu said, "I'm just an insignificant person to Xichu."

She put the peach blossom branch into the white jade bottle on her side and said calmly: "In Xichu, there are more people who want me to disappear than those who want me to live. After I leave, the situation in Xichu will become simpler. It is not a bad thing for my father and emperor to return to the way I was before I appeared. My mother has long been used to the days without my daughter. I think it is no different for you whether I am here or not. The only unhappy person is Rong Sheng , he took a lot of trouble to get me to Xichu. If I can't draw water with a bamboo basket, I'm afraid I'll be angry for several years. "

"Jiujiu." empress Ann called her softly and tried to interrupt.

Wen Jiu was not moved at all, and slowly said, "no one wants to see the war between the two countries. Only when the people live and work in peace and contentment can the country prosper. If the emperor wants to take the opportunity to attack Xie Heng and attack Da Yan, no one can predict what will happen after that. It's hard to say which will win or lose."

She is good at the land of Jiang'an. She has always had a soft and gentle tone, but now she has an unspeakable momentum.

List and compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides, whether it is feasible or not, whether it is necessary, clear, sober and wise.

"If my father had to use me as his head to start a dispute, I don't know what I would do." Wen Jiuxing's eyes narrowed slightly and his lips smiled coldly. "A Taoist once calculated my life and said that my six relatives were not close and my family was destined to be cold and thin. Unfortunately, I don't remember his name and what he looked like. Otherwise, I really have to find him and seal his crow's mouth."

"What nonsense did you say? Didn't you take medicine these days? Or did Xie Heng fill you with ecstasy? How can you say such a thing..."

Ann's face changed slightly. She got up to pull the hand of Wen wine, but she was avoided.

Halfway through, it stopped suddenly.

In such a big bedroom.

Only mother and daughter stand opposite each other two or three steps apart.

Outside the door, the wind blew the flowers and trees, and there were several yingyu and birdsong.

Wen Jiu's eyes were as black as ink, looking at empress an, "empress mother came here today. What's the matter?"

"This palace and this palace naturally came to see you." empress an said, "this palace is also afraid that you will be deceived by Emperor Yan. He is young and handsome. What kind of girl can't deceive you when talking about rhetoric. Jiujiu, your father, emperor and empress are your life's dependence, and we will never harm you."

Warm wine had a headache. After a moment, he raised his eyes and asked, "do you see?"


Ann didn't react for a moment.

Wen Jiu rubbed his eyebrows and said, "since you are looking at me, now you have seen it and finished what you should say. Should you go back to the palace?"

Ann's face was slightly stiff.

Just at this moment, the maid outside the door buckled the door and said, "madam, you have been out of the palace for a long time. If the emperor knows how inconvenient it is, you should go back."

"I see. Step back." empress Ann gently ordered the maid outside the door. Just turned around to talk to warm wine.

Wen Jiufu blessed his body, looked down at the tip of his shoes and said directly, "my son's minister, congratulations to my mother."

This sentence directly blocked all the words that Ann Hou said.

She looked at the wine for a long time. She didn't say any more. She left a sentence "you have to think clearly" and opened the door and left.

Warm wine stood in place. The maids outside the door bowed their heads and saluted. No one saw a cold look in Ann Hou's eyes at the moment she stepped out of the door.

After the party left, Wenjiu went outside the house.

The little maids kneeling to send them off got up one after another, gathered around her and asked in a low voice, "Your Highness, are you all right?"


The warm wine tone was faint, waving to the little ladies to disperse.

She stood alone in front of the door for a long time. The peach blossoms in front of the court were scattered by the wind and slowly fell on her side.

Wen Jiu took one and stared at it for a long time.

The eyes are slightly red.

I couldn't help thinking:

Which Taoist priest who killed thousands of knives cursed me with a naked crow's mouth?

The six relatives are not close, and the kinship is cold and thin.

How can it work like this?!

Not far away, a group of little maids looked at her as if she was unhappy. They gathered together to push and shout. They whispered, "go! Your highness likes you most on weekdays!"

Another whispered, "Your Highness always praises you for being the most talkative! Why don't you go!"

Finally, Huan Tian was pushed forward and shouted, "hall, your highness..."

Wen Jiu put his hand back to his sleeve, looked up at the sky, pretended to be nothing and said, "huh?"

"The sun is going west." Huan Tian thought for a long time before he said, "Your Highness, are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I'll let someone do it!"

Wen Jiu watched the sun fade away, and some suddenly said, "I've been talking for so long."

The little maids were so anxious that they couldn't answer.

After a while.

Warm wine slowed down, God came and asked, "where is he?"

Huan Tian turned back and asked for help from a group of little sisters: who is he?

Yuanyuan responded the fastest and hurriedly replied: "Emperor Yan and Marquis went to the National Teacher's house..."

"What? He went to Rong Sheng's?" before the little maid spoke, Wen Jiu interrupted her, and her eyes changed slightly: "when did you go? You didn't stop. Is this the place where the National Teacher's residence can go in and out?"

The little maids hurriedly said, "I've gone... I should have been there for a long time."

"How dare slaves and maidservants stop people like Emperor Yan and the Royal Marquis..."

There's nothing wrong with that.

It's just warm wine. It sounds a little angry.

"Rong Sheng hasn't appeared in the past two days. Maybe he's not in the National Teacher's residence. Let's go and have a look first."

Wen Jiu tried to comfort himself. If Rong Sheng wasn't there, it would be much easier.

She took a deep breath and hurried to the Guoshi mansion.


The capital city of Western Chu, the national division house.

Xie Heng and the fourth childe searched the imperial master's residence inside and outside, but all those in the way were beaten down by Xie Heng.

Xie Wanjin stood aside, shook his fan and said, "elder brother, we're looking for someone, not practicing. Haven't you been itching for too long?"

Xie Heng glanced at him faintly and said in a slightly heavy tone: "less nonsense, where is Xiao Wu?"

"I just said Xiao Wu should be in the National Teacher's residence, but I don't know where he is." Xie Wanjin said, took the folding fan and was ready to run.

Xie Heng kicked a purple maid stabbed by a sword, broke a branch and hit the bodyguard who fell down and cut with a knife, then picked up the fourth childe a few steps away, flew up, swept over the flower wall and went to the garden of the National Teachers' mansion

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