"Elder brother! I'm afraid of heights! You let me down! Let me down!" Xie Wanjin threw away his fan and his hands tightly around Xie Heng's shoulder, closed his eyes and shouted loudly, "I didn't deceive you! I said to come in and find... What I want to find at the beginning!"

Xie Heng flicked his toes over the branches, walked through the flowers in the garden, and threw the shouting fourth childe into the Ziyang flowers.

"My face..." Xie Wanjin looked at him and turned over quickly. He landed on his back and rolled in the flowers. For a moment, he patted countless fallen flowers and leaves and startled butterflies.

Xie Heng brushed his sleeve to block the falling flowers and butterflies. As soon as he turned around, he saw the flower grower squatting in the corner to water the flowers.

The figure of the man was thin, dressed in coarse grey clothes, white and slender hands holding a wooden spoon, sprinkled water slowly along the corner, served the flowers like a beauty, and his movements were gentle and elegant.

There was no one else in the garden. He was alone in the purple sun flowers, as if he were outside the world. He ignored the external disturbances. Even the two people who broke in for no reason never looked more, but only focused on the flowers and leaves in front of him.

The golden sunshine fell on the man in gray clothes in the garden, and his whole person was warm and peaceful. It was incompatible with the famous Guoshi mansion.

Xie Heng flashed all kinds of possibilities in his heart. For a moment, he was stunned in situ. He looked at the gray man not far away and whispered, "Xiao Wu."

What he saw was only a back, so his thoughts surged.

But the flower grower in gray clothes didn't even look back, and continued to take care of his flowers as if he hadn't heard of it.

"Xiao Wu!" Xie Heng rushed forward with an arrow step, grabbed the boy's wrist with a wooden broom and pulled the man over.

The man in Gray was suddenly frightened, and the wooden spoon in his hand suddenly took off. In an instant, the water splashed all over the ground, reflecting the broken brilliance.

He looked up at Xie Heng. His face was flat and normal. His eyes were clear and clean. He only said in a warm voice, "childe, you recognize the wrong person."

Xie Heng smelled the speech, but didn't let go immediately. He just looked at him with a star like eye color and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "you haven't asked who I'm looking for. How can you know I'm wrong?"

The eyes of people in grey clothes moved slightly, and they were speechless for a moment.

"Elder brother, you......" Xie Wangang climbed out of the flowers and saw his elder brother holding the hand of a young man in gray clothes. He was surprised and hurried forward and said, "I know you want to find Xiao Wu, but you can't just hold the people in the Imperial College as Xiao Wu, can't you?"

This kind of grey boy with flowers has an ordinary face. When he is put into the sea, people immediately forget the kind they can't find again.

The handsome childe of the Xie family couldn't catch up with them at all.

The fourth childe tried to pull Xie Heng's hand off, but found that his hand strength could not be compared with his eldest brother.

No way.

Xie Wanjin could only advise, "elder brother, don't scare others."

The fourth childe said such words and gave Xie Heng a look of "don't let go".

The next moment.

He reached out to touch the face of the grey boy and looked for signs of change in his hair.

The fourth childe said he would change his face.

It was too late for the grey boy to escape, so he had to let him do it.

There was a sudden noise not far away. "They're going to the garden. Hurry up!"

There was a heavy sound of footsteps outside the wall, and the bodyguards and maids holding swords hurried to catch up, and immediately surrounded the whole garden on the inner and outer floors.

A girl in purple swept over the heavy eaves and stabbed Xie Wanjin, the whole team of young men in gray, with a sword.

"The night leaves!" the fourth childe was surprised. He stopped his hand and stepped back, shouting, "elder brother, help me!"

Xie Heng had to loosen the grey boy's hand, grabbed Xie Wanjin to avoid the sword edge left by night, and pushed away four or five steps in the blink of an eye.

He broke a branch from the peach tree, caught the opponent's sword move, then waved a branch and pushed Yeli back a few steps.

The guards and ladies who surrounded the whole garden did not dare to come forward for a moment.

"Xie Wanjin!" Yeli pointed to the fourth childe with a sword and said angrily, "I haven't figured out the previous account with you. You can send it to the door again. Don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Xie Wanjin stood on the side of his eldest brother. He looked confident and said with a smile: "little girl, don't be so bad tempered. If you go on like this, you won't get married."

"I want you to take care of me! My temper is good, but it's not up to you!" Yeli wanted to kill him with a sword. As soon as he wanted to fly forward with his toes, he was pulled by the gray boy on one side.

She couldn't help looking back and asked, "what are you pulling me for?"

The young man in grey said in a warm voice, "I haven't used my sword here. I've planted these purple flowers for a long time. It's rare that they bloom so well today."

Night left glanced at him and said unhappily, "you really only love flowers?"

The young man did not speak, and his eyes were still clear and gentle.

"I knew it!" the night left and suddenly raised his sleeve, and dozens of silver needles flew towards Xie Heng.

Xie Wanjin's face suddenly changed and hurriedly said, "elder brother, be careful!"

Xie Heng immediately threw out the peach blossom branch in his hand and knocked all the silver needles to the ground in mid air. The flower branch also fell apart, and the peach petals fell slowly and flew around.

He flashed through the falling flowers, slapped the long sword in Yeli's hand, grabbed her neck, and said in a low voice, "tell me how you turned Xiao Wu's face into this. I'll spare you."

Xie Heng shot so fast that the bodyguards and maids didn't have time to react, they saw that Yeli was clamped in his hand.

"Elder brother, elder brother... You should be gentle. This girl has a simple mind. She only knows to fight and kill. She is not malicious to you..." Xie Wanjin said half, suddenly paused, and then opened his voice for a long time. "She sees that people other than her senior brother are not good people. In general, this silly girl is not aimed at you."

The more the fourth childe explained, the more he felt that this didn't seem right.

Xie Heng looked at him and became a little subtle.

Although the fourth childe doesn't look very reliable on weekdays, his position has always been very clear.

Quarrel with others and start a conflict. It must be others' fault. My Xie family is right anyway.

I can't thank my family if others move me. You deserve me to kill you.

The fourth childe is such a person. At the moment, he should let him draw his sword to fight and kill the younger martial sister of the Western Chu national division. The night of killing is a little lighter.

Xie Wanjin felt a little subtle and couldn't help but explain, "you have to pity the beautiful little girl, don't you? Elder brother."

"Long winded! Who let you take care of my business!" Yeli was so angry that he wanted to break away and clap Xie Wanjin. He shut up from then on.

Xie Heng didn't want to pay attention to his two broken things at all, and suddenly increased the force to clamp the night away from his neck: "say!"

Yeli's face turned purple when he was pinched, but his temper didn't converge at all. He asked, "what do you want me to say? Xie Qi has long died in changpingjiang. There is no five childe of the Xie family in the world. He will never argue with you or rob you. What do you want him to do?"

When she said this, she suddenly smiled, "just because you have made such a scandal as robbing your brother's wife, are you afraid that others will criticize you for it? Do you have to find someone and kill them to be at ease?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" the fourth childe, who was always on the face, suddenly said positively: "elder brother, looking for Xiaowu is for our family reunion. It's not what you think. You've been around for too long. You always think that people in the world are very bad and biased. It's not good."

Yeli Leng snorted, "my elder martial brother didn't kill you, but you hurt him! He took Xie Heng to the National Teacher's residence while he was closed for healing. You're not a good man! What's the qualification to argue for Xie Heng?"

Xie Wanjin suddenly choked.

The girl has one track mind, but the person who speaks is blocked and difficult to answer.

"What are you doing with her?" Xie Hengdan's Feng eyes narrowed slightly and his voice sank suddenly. "I can't ask outsiders about my Xie family. You just need to say what I want to know, otherwise, I'll die!"

Although Ye Li was timid, he stuck his neck and forced Xie Heng's deep eyes, "do you think I will be afraid of death? Xie Heng, I don't kill fewer people than you, and I won't be afraid of you?"

Xie Heng was silent, clamped Yeli's neck, lifted it up, suddenly left the ground, and could kill her in an instant.

"Yan Huang!" all the guards and maids around pulled out their swords and clenched their teeth to remind, "this is the master's residence of the Western Chu state! If you hurt Miss Yeli today, we will fight with you even if we risk our lives!"

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows and smiled. He lifted his left hand and used his internal force in the palm between his sleeves. For a moment, his clothes were elegant and his ink hair was flying.

"Elder brother..."

Just as the fourth childe was about to speak, the young man in grey suddenly stepped forward a few steps away and grabbed Xie Heng's sleeve. "This is the master's residence of the state of Western Chu. If you hurt the younger martial sister of the state teacher, you will be in trouble in the future."

Xie Heng saw this and raised his eyes slightly. "According to the fifth childe, what should I do now?"

"Put..." as soon as the grey boy opened his mouth, he realized that it was wrong, but he looked at Yeli, his face was red and purple, and he was about to lose his breath.

After he paused, he continued in a warm voice, "let her go and live in peace."

"OK." Xie Heng let go of Yeli and pushed him under the flower tree. He looked at the grey boy with low eyes. He grabbed his sleeve by the hand and suddenly hugged the man.

He said in a dumb voice, "I haven't seen you for years. Xiao Wu doesn't seem to grow tall... He's still so thin."

He wanted to ask Xiao Wu: have you had a good time these years?

How did you make your face like this?

Why didn't you recognize your eldest brother just now?

There are too many words to say, but when they come to the mouth, they can't speak.

The young man in grey carefully hugged Xie Heng, but soon loosened it. Wen Sheng said, "I'm fine."

Xie Heng didn't ask, but he answered with a sharp heart.

"Is it really Xiaowu? Are you... Really my Xiaowu?"

Xie Wanjin was surprised to see it. At this moment, he hasn't been able to relax.

Unlike his elder brother, he seems to have a unique talent. He can recognize people who are very important to him at a glance no matter what he becomes.

That's true of ah Jiu, and so is Xiao Wu.

In this way, it seems that he is a fourth brother, and there is something missing.

It's really melancholy.

The young man in grey walked out of Xie Heng's arms without any trace, reached out his hand and helped the night leave leaning against the flower tree. His voice said faintly, "it doesn't matter whether it's or not. I'm not an ordinary Flower Planter now. Why do you stick to the past."

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