"How can you say it's not important?"

Xie Wanjin tried to see something from the gray boy's face. However, his face was too ordinary and calm to see anything.

The fourth childe became more and more anxious. The eldest brother just hugged him. He didn't even hug. He heard his brother say why he should stick to the past.

"Last time I came to Xichu, I almost made myself a national teacher's wife, but I didn't even see your face, and I risked it this time..." Xie Wanjin said. Suddenly, he glanced back and made sure Rong Sheng wasn't there. Then he continued: "at the risk of being unloaded by Rong Sheng, the four brothers wanted to take you home. Why don't you care about the past?"

The grey boy drooped his eyes and said nothing in silence.

"Even if you don't want to care, you don't have to care. Can't you understand?" night left just slowed down, so you couldn't help but dislike Xie Wanjin.

As she reached out and rubbed her neck to get the purple bruise, she said to the young man in gray: "what are you doing in such a hurry? This is the division house of the Western Chu state, my senior brother's territory. Xie Heng really dares to kill me? He's testing you, fool!"

The grey boy just smiled at her, but still didn't speak.

Ye Li's bad temper couldn't be angry with him. He turned to Xie Wanjin and said angrily: "It's all you! I'm full all day. I don't want to ask for trouble! He doesn't want to see you people. You have to come to find it. If one trip is not enough, you have to come three or four times! You're long and troublesome enough, and you have to bring one more troublesome! Is it because my senior brother can't kill you or beat you or what?"

The fourth childe, who had always relied on his eloquence, was sprayed a series by Yeli. He forgot to answer back. He just reached out and touched his chin. He turned around and whispered with Xie Heng: "why did I stop you from beating her just now?"

A girl with such a bad temper should be beaten a few more times before she becomes clever.

Xie Heng stared at the grey boy and said in a low voice, "Xiao Wu, go home with your eldest brother."

The grey boy's eyes moved slightly, and his eyes slowly turned red, but his face was still calm as usual. He said in a warm voice, "No."

As soon as these two words came out, there was instant silence around.

"What can't be called?" Xie Wanjin was a little anxious. He glanced at the night away from the side of the gray boy, and suddenly understood what was common. He came up to him and whispered, "is it that the night away fairy threatened you? It's okay. Don't be afraid of anything when there is an elder brother. Go with his brother!"

The fourth childe said and went to pull the gray boy's hand, but the latter suddenly stepped back, leaned against the purple flowers overlapping blue and purple, and said with low eyes: "No."

Xie Wanjin reached half his hand and paused slightly.

The next moment, he listened to the gray boy's tone and said calmly, "the world is very big. There are still many places. I want to go and have a look. One day, when I step all over the world and see the scenery of other countries, I will go home."

Xie Heng stood with a negative hand, "is that why you really don't want to go back to Dayan with me?"

"Don't worry, I'm not because of Miss Wen." the grey boy looked up, calmly and calmly looked up at Xie Heng's eyes, and said slowly: "I never deceive people, let alone you."

The fourth childe didn't know what to say.

It's better not to mention the matter of wine warming. It's embarrassing to say it in front of others.

But Xiao Wu said so frankly that he made them brothers feel ashamed.

Xie Heng's hand under his sleeve was folded into a fist. It took a long time to say in a dumb voice: "I'm sorry for you..."

"Why are you sorry?"

The young man in gray interrupted him with a warm voice, and his whole body was warm and moist Such as jade, the plain face is also a bit more, which makes people unable to move their eyes.

"Most things in the world have to say a word of fate. If a paper marriage letter is paired, they may not be able to work together. If they are lucky to know each other, they may not be able to stay together all their life." he smiled and said softly: "Miss Wen and I have only a piece of fate, which was broken as early as three years ago. It's also heaven's beauty for you to come together. You don't have to feel sorry for anyone. In this life, you just have to be worthy of your own heart."

"Xiao Wu..."

Xie Heng's dumb voice called softly, but he couldn't say anything for a moment

Even if Xie Heng can find out the most beautiful and considerate girl in the world and let her be Xiao Wu's wife, even if he can use the most precious and rare treasure in the world as compensation, he can't eliminate his shame after all.

He is the elder brother of Xiao Wu, but he has become the person who hurt Xiao Wu deeply.

"Don't you... Still don't believe it?" the grey boy noticed something in Xie Heng's eyes and asked in a low voice.

Xie Heng said nothing.

Xie Wanjin couldn't help interrupting: "it's not a matter of faith. You go back to Dayan with us first, and we'll talk about other things later, okay?"

The fourth childe holds the attitude of taking people home first and making everything easy to talk about.

"I'm afraid it won't work," said the young man in gray, suddenly holding Yeli's hand, gently moving people forward, and said in a slow voice: "Lili saved my life. I took good care of her for more than a year. I've fallen in love with her and want to stay with her in Xichu."

"Xiao Wu, you......" Xie Wanjin was surprised when he heard the speech. He continued for a while: "you can't see who is bad. How can you see the little witch from the night!"

Night left suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the gray boy in front of him in surprise.

After a while, she reacted and turned her head against the fourth childe, "what do you mean? Why can't he see me?"

"No... nothing else..."

Xie Wanjin was still in shock and couldn't slow down for a while.

Xie Heng looked at the hand held by the grey boy and Ye Li. His eyes were a little complicated and said, "if you really like her, I'll take her back to Xichu."

"No." the young man in gray refused immediately. Before he could speak, he was robbed by the fourth childe on one side.

"Little five." Xie Wanjin said in a tangled way: "you didn't want to embarrass your eldest brother and ah Jiu, so you took Yeli to make up a story to deceive us? Brother finally found you. You can't do this."

The young man in grey was slightly stunned, and then said in a warm voice, "it's true. As far as I'm concerned, Miss Wen is just young and ignorant for a while I can't tell the absurdity of love from love. Separation... "

He said, glancing at Yeli, "it's the one who takes my heart and soul and makes me want to spend my whole life with me. Please don't mention those young absurd things again."

"This......" Xie Wanjin looked up at Xie Heng with some hesitation.

Night left just about to speak, his hand was clenched by the gray boy. He couldn't help but be distracted to see him and forgot his words for a moment.

Xie Heng was silent for a long time. As soon as he was about to speak, he was distracted by a nearby "Your Highness, slow down".

When he looked back, he saw warm wine rushing through the corridor and running towards the flowers in the garden.

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